Wii Troubleshooting

Well, I have a stable Wireless Router I have been using for my X360 and Laptop for over a year now, but I cannot get the Wii to connect. I have gotten 2 or 3 different errors as of noon when I picked the console up, 51330 and 52030 or something like that. I have updated firmware, unplugged and replugged, gone from WEP to WPA-TKIP and changed the Mac filter settings, and now I am lost. Any help? I can supply any info if you need it.
sorry I cant help mine didnt work the first time I got that error also but I tried again and it worked fine
Had to do a manual setup, but it is doing the update right now. Thanks for the quick response Wiiboy, even though you couldn't help :lol:
the blue light. i read about it here and on a bunch of other sites so i know its not suppose to be on 247. but now im slightly concerned cause i thought i remember seeing it blink a few times when i first powered it on. now when i power on the console it blinks once and thats it. is this normal? i would have expected it to be on a lot longer than about a second if this is normal.
Problems connecting to the internet

Hey everyone, I could really use some help. I tried doing the manual set up for the Wii internet connection, but it still does not connect. I have a Linksys Wireless G Cable Gateway router, model no. WCG200-CC. Nintendo suggested updating firmware, but I went to the Linksys website and they didn't have any firmware available for the router.

The Wii can detect my SSID and everything, it just fails to connect on the test connection. Is there anything I can do to get this to work?

I don't know how to get to my router's settings on my computer, so if I need to do something there I would need help locating the router settings as well.

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Hi there - I'll see if I can help you out.

You need to find the default IP address / gateway of your router.

I run a Belkin and to get into it's settings/configuration I open a browser and put into the navigation bar.

I think the default IP address / gateway for all the later Linksys routers is: Open Internet Explorer / Firefox / Opera whatever you use to browse the web, and type this into the navigation bar. Does this access your router?
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Out of the box the routers don't have any username / password requirement - if you haven't set them you can just click past that initial screen.............
nikeguy911 said:
Hey everyone, I could really use some help. I tried doing the manual set up for the Wii internet connection, but it still does not connect. I have a Linksys Wireless G Cable Gateway router, model no. WCG200-CC. Nintendo suggested updating firmware, but I went to the Linksys website and they didn't have any firmware available for the router.

The Wii can detect my SSID and everything, it just fails to connect on the test connection. Is there anything I can do to get this to work?

I don't know how to get to my router's settings on my computer, so if I need to do something there I would need help locating the router settings as well.

Thanks for any help you can provide!
I would suggest doing a manual setup. You'll need to know your SSID and any password settings you have for WEP/WPA. You should be able to find these out by logging into your router's setup website. To do this do the following on a Windows computer that is connected to the internet via the router:
1) Go to Start->Run
2) Type 'cmd' (w/o quotes)
3) Type 'ipconfig' (w/o quotes)
4) Write down the IP Address next to "Default Gateway" (should be something like 192.168.XXX.XXX [ex:])
5) Open your web browser and go to the URL http://192.168.XXX.XXX
6) If it asks for a login, try username "admin" and password "admin" (w/o quotes)

Let me know if you get this far and I or someone else can help you look to see what your settings are.
does the wii not work with wireless B routers?

i have had my 360 working since luanch day and all the comps in the house but not hte wii any help would be great it does not even find it wheni tell it to look for the signal and there about 3 inchs apart!

help me i need to play super mario 3
I can't get my second WiiRemote to work in MonkeyBall. I can get it to work in WiiSports, but not in Monkey Ball it won't be recognized at all. I haven't done any firmware update because I didn't get the startup disc and I haven't connected to the internet yet. Will that fix the problem?
I found my router's default IP address/Gateway, but now it's prompting me for a password. I'll probably have to call Comcast today to see what default password they had for me.

Assuming I find that, what would be the next step in configuring my router? It's an 802.11b/g, so I'm assuming it should be compatible.
If you've never set a username or password you should be able to just leave them blank and still get in............... I've an old Belkin F5D7630 and never bothered setting admin security.....

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