Wii Troubleshooting

CD problem

ok i know this sounds weird but my wii is standing like a tower like any other wii (not everyone) and every time i take out my wii sports cd it gets more scratched does the same thing happen if you dont have it there as a tower
i use my wii for internet
can u copy and past on the wii internet i know why dont i just use a computer
i dont have one i get connection from my nieghbor so if someone could plz tell me the answere just leave me a comment in my profile plz ty
i work in a gamecrazy in CA and my friend has a wii and it seems like every store we've been to the back of the games are in spanish and the he bought zelda,paper mario and mario party 8 and there all in spanish
Ok I have had the Wii for two days now and I am struggling. Please help. I can not seem to understand how to use multiple controlers. Is there a way that my husband and I can each have profiles on seperate controlers? He has been trying to make a Mii with the #2 controler and it just isn't happening. Please help me, help my husband. :sick:
jmnoone said:
Ok I have had the Wii for two days now and I am struggling. Please help. I can not seem to understand how to use multiple controlers. Is there a way that my husband and I can each have profiles on seperate controlers? He has been trying to make a Mii with the #2 controler and it just isn't happening. Please help me, help my husband. :sick:

what do you mean having each profiles on separate controllers?...you mean saving it in the remote?...you can save it by the use of "transfer your mii" (or save, cant remember the word used :lol: ) in the mii plaza.

Only the player 1 remote has an access in creating a mii...the 2nd player can use that mii as his player when its time to choose a mii (example: for the tennis, choosing to play with two players)
Some Common Solutions to some Wii problems

To All Earlier Posts in this thread
Sensor Bar Problems--In the Wii SETTINGS, you can set the Sensor Bar ABOVE or BELOW the T.V. ; trust me it makes a difference. If you play wii sports or a standing game set it ABOVE and for any Games with the remote sideways or sitting game set it BELOW.(when you set it to the settings make sure you physically MOVE the sensor bar above or below the t.v. to the option you chose) Also you can adjust the sensitivity of the cursor movement. The sensitivity also gives you a good idea of how accurate the remote is with two white dots that respond to movement and rotation of the remote. Distance is also a key factor; anything over 8ft would be pushing it. (rumor has it that two votive candles placed 1ft apart emmits the same IR as the sensor bar..haven't tried this one yet)

Overheating Problems-- Some overheating and stalling can be reduced if the Wii is vertical. I know it can be sideways, but they give you the stand in the box for a reason. Also have it in an open space and don't tuck it way back in an entertainment unit. Due to some games with intense action scenes, it might stall when there is graphically a lot to process; lets hope a future update can finally crack the true power of the ATI Chip

Wireless Online Problems--Ok, first if you are using a wireless router that is locked and has a password, good luck. Yea it's a good idea to keep your neighbors from hacking your internet through Wi-Fi, but the Wii will have 2x as much trouble trying to establish a connection.(disable the password or reset the router for a password you didn't forget..explained below). So, as Far as connecting Wirelessly there are a couple options

1. Have a Wireless router--Make sure the lan cable goes from the modem to the wireless router first then VoIP if you have it, then to the computer and a good rule of thumb for not screwing up connections...From the Modem is WAN before LAN...WAN in LAN out

1a.--Reset the Router-If you are using a Wireless router already connected to everything chances are it is set up for computers only and the router has to be reset.
1b.--Hard reset the little black reset button on back of most wireless routers that has to be pressed and HELD usually with the end of a paper clip when the router is ON. The router will flash all it's green or whatever color LED's and reconnect to the modem. Settings in the computer-(private message because only know WindowsXP settings and not vista) Can indicate if this was done correctly by the router being renamed. Ex--Jone's Family Router gets renamed to Linksis or Belkin54g or whatever the default name for the router is based on brand.

1c.--Soft ResetIf the Hard reset doesn't work there is another more difficult way to go about it, but it works regardless. First, lets just hope you saved all your wireless router manuals..you didn't? Well, google your router information because you should at least know your brand and model to get the .PDF file for the manual. For the time being connect your wireless router with a LAN cable (usually blue) via option 1 under this subject heading. (without the VoIP)
-Now; your wireless router has a specific IP adress that usually looks something like this( --->not an exact IP adress). You will have to type this IP into your web browser adress window...you know insead of www.*****.com you have to put in (> not an exact IP adress) without the www.} --It will usually prompt you with a name and a password and the most common name AND password is USER. (not in all caps, just type the password the same as you see the name or some variation) This will bring you to the wonderfull world of your wireless router options. In your router options there should be something about resetting the router so just follow steps and be carefull...THAT MEANS DON'T MESS WITH ANY OTHER ROUTER SETTONGS- only stick to options that have to do with resetting the router. Once all that is done , exit out of the browser and go to your internet/router settings in your opereating system( hope to God it's XP) and you should look for signs as posted in 1b. of this section.

2.Have a Lan adaptor for the wii (sorry, can't help you at this point)

That's about it for this edition. Hope any to all of this information helps with common Wii problems. It might be frustrating at first, but for ALL of us with faith in the Wii-We just have to keep on gaming

I've had my wii since launch....haven't played it a heck of alot aside from zelda at launch and more recently virtual console stuff. I'm using a 3rd party component cable.

The other day I started to notice that I'm getting glitch lines on some screens. For the most part, they occur on the menu in the form of very light evenly spaced vertical lines that flicker. Also, I'm seeing them on NES and N64 titles

I unfortunately cannot find my composite cable to see if the problem lies in the cable itself. Any ideas?
when i start up my system and a game is in,or if i put a game in while the Wii is on,it makes a noise after a second,kinda like a click,but the game works fine,am i the only one that gets that or is it sumtin i shud be worried about,i just got it july 3rd for my b-day,wud suck if it is broke...and also when i got my wii i took it out the box set it up,put in wii sports,but there was an error and i cudnt play it...and i still cant play it but my other 2 games THE BIGS and teenage mutant ninja turtles work....wudafxup?
I'm currently having a problem that invloves both of my wiimotes:

They won't sync.

Yes, the batteries are charged, yes I have pressed down on both red buttons for an obscene amount of time.
help me :(

I don't own a Wii, my friend does and he is incapable of using his own computer to find help :mad5:
When playing games they often freeze and a prolonged buzzing sound occurs.
The only fix is by turning the Wii off at the plug.
What could be the problem here?
He's only had it since the 10th
The problem started while playing Mario Party 8 and now all games will freeze at random times.
Any help?
i0n said:
Please keep post any Wii problems you may be experiencing in this thread, whether it be hardware issues or software configurations.

my wii is showing a red bar

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