Wii Troubleshooting

lofz said:
lets sum it up in one here

the nintendo wii is a piece of f**king Shite.
i bought mine 2 weeks ago (over half a year from launch date) - ive downloaded plenty of VC games and the internet browser and its been working absolutely perfectly since- THIS MORNING.
except when the wiimotes unsync but that fixes with an easy power unplug.

i recently downloaded zelda 64 ocarina of time started playing everythin was fine was playing it last night for hours lol and i fell asleep with the wii left on - but ive done this before on the wii and on other consoles n no probs at all....

woke up in the morning, wii still on zelda screen still up try to turn it off with remote - dont work, tried holding down power button - dont work.. so i ave to unplug and im thinking, ok then.

try to load up zelda again and it crashes just before i press Start button so now im like, ok ill try again.
held down power button, turned off and on again and now the f**king think doesnt boot up just a black screen.
Unplugged the power for 10 minutes plugged back in and it was working so i was like Few............

played wii bowling for 2 mintues and it CRASHED AGAIN.
so now im thinking - WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!

repeated this unplug process over and over again to see if it stops crashing, the longest ive played any game now without it crashing is 2 minutes and sometimes it doesnt even boot up, i feel like throwing this shitf**k of a console out the window

Downloaded too much stuff and also treated your Wii improperly, call Nintendo and see if they'll even help an idiot like you out, Next!!!
how can you download too much stuff? and im an idiot???? Right

i have 8 VC games and thats too much right.

if i cannot turn the power off with the remote OR the button how else am i gonna ****ing do it u stupid asswipe, have some respect u ignorant little fag

try and see whats happening from my point of view - im looking for help not retards like u.. now piss off
lofz said:
how can you download too much stuff? and im an idiot???? Right

i have 8 VC games and thats too much right.

if i cannot turn the power off with the remote OR the button how else am i gonna ****ing do it u stupid asswipe, have some respect u ignorant little fag

try and see whats happening from my point of view - im looking for help not retards like u.. now piss off

:lol: :lol:

Just call Nintendo! Get some help from them, but I believe leaving it on all night more than once is not a wise idea my friend as I stated earlier on that other thread it probably froze.

Sorry for being a "fag", "retard", and "asswipe". Normally people would just try and piss you off more, but I'm just too tired. ADVICE: Respect the machine and don't call it **** just because you did something that isn't good for machines. Calling it **** brings the faboys blood to a boil.
nah my bad.
it just pisses me off when im in desperate need for help and you get someone replying who couldnt give 2 shits,

another thing that tops it off is that Today is my day off of work and i was hoping for a couple hours play on Zelda! - Great stuff
except now its a couple hours on the phone
lofz said:
nah my bad.
it just pisses me off when im in desperate need for help and you get someone replying who couldnt give 2 shits,

another thing that tops it off is that Today is my day off of work and i was hoping for a couple hours play on Zelda! - Great stuff
except now its a couple hours on the phone

Ya thats a bummer... :sick:
Sorry for letting my fanboy instincts out! :lol:

I say the system may have froze.
it seemed frozen when i woke up..

i just sat on hold for 35 minutes.. went to toilet came back heard bloke speaking on the phone and as soon as i got to the phone he hungup.. ROFL!

lesson learnt
lofz said:
it seemed frozen when i woke up..

i just sat on hold for 35 minutes.. went to toilet came back heard bloke speaking on the phone and as soon as i got to the phone he hungup.. ROFL!

lesson learnt

Yup. :yesnod: It'll be alright though. If you got a warranty. I'm sure Ninty'll be good to ya if you haven't called them yet.
Wii overheating

I think my wii is overheating. It turns itself off after about 3-4 hours at first, the only way to turn it on is to unplug the AC adapter and put it back in. The left side of the wii (if you are facing the front) gets very hot, hotter than i'd expect for a console being played for a few hours. The right side is pretty much fine.

WiiConnect 24 is not enabled, nor dose it have anything to do with it. I've had it enabled before and it never got so much as warm, much less the heat it's generating after just a few hours of play.

The wii is in the vertical position with the stand on top of wood. I've heard 3rd party stuff can screw with it, I have a 3rd party gamecube controller and memory card, though my wii DID overheat with nothing attatched but the vitals.

Is there anything to do to fix this? Maybe stick an external fan next to it or something? It's a big problem in games with sparse save points =/. I fought ganon 3 times in TP because of this.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Disc issues

My son and I were playing the wii just fine. I hooked it up last night, we played for an hour or so and we played again today for about three hours. After that it just stopped reading discs. It won't read sports, sonic or any gamecube games. I tried all of them. I also had an issue with the remote last night. After about 20 minutes of playing the remote stopped working and would just flash the LED's at me. What is up with this system. Should I just get my money back? I guess it could be worse. It could be christmas morning with my son all upset. What is wrong with this thing?
excuse me but for some reason my minus/home/plus button on one of my controllers don't work should i get a new one with warranty or do one of you guys have a solution if you do please reply thanks
broken WII

It seems that alot of things with this system do not work. When I called them today I asked why they are selling systems without fixing the known issues. The reply I got was "they are not ALL broken". Okay, only most of them. He tried to tell me that they would replace my system with a remanufactured one. I am sorry but I lost it. I spend all that money two days ago. It is broken within 4 hours of use and they won't send a new one. Needless to say they are sending a new one and at their expense. They tried to get me to pay shipping and I said no. This whole thing is ridiculous.
Wii Friends Messaging

I've just got a Wii and added a registered a friend using his console number. He has also registered me but neither of us can send a message to the other! We each show as in the others address book but the send message option is greyed out. We are both connected via valid broadband connections.

Can anyone suggest what might be going wrong or what we might have missed?

this remote thing happens to me sometimes, the four LED lights just blink for about 5 seconds then stop...

i find turning unplugging the console power for 2-3 minutes and removing the batteries from the wiimote for the same amount of time then turnin everythin back on again works...

if you read the Wii manual, which is so much simpler than signing up here and posting questions, you'll find the answers about wiimotes :)

theres 3 or 4 things it could be jus check da manual. c00l
hello i only hav two problems first sometimes when i go to my wii games it sometimes takes me back 2 the wii menu second my one wii remote keeps spazing out like crazy even though my one works plz help i beg for some1 who has an idea how to fix my problem:worship: :worship: :worship: :idea: :worship: :worship: :worship:

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