Wii Troubleshooting

Awesome, i just got my wii like 3 days ago, and an error has occured already lol. This is what it said on the screen "Error occured. Press the eject button and remove the disc. Turn the power off and follow the instructions in the operations manual".

I honestly have no idea what this means, my wii seems to be in a nice spot, i have a AC cooler in the back of my room and my wii is right next to my t.v and cd's in my entertainment system. This is the second problem i have had, the other was the jittery remote thing...which is still annoying me. I'm pretty frustrated. I just hope it's not serious...Should i let it cool down for a while, and hope it's okay? I need some help here, cuz it took me forever to get one lol.
My WiiMotes won't even work.

At the opening "Press A to Continue" screen, neither of my two controllers are able to press A.

If I wait long enough, the screen will do it itself and go straight to the Home menu, in which I won't be able to do anything there either, because (Of course) my controllers don't seem to be responding.

Help please?
Beaker said:
Are you sure that you have linked up your Wiimotes to your Wii properly?

Yep. They've been linked since we got it in November. They just stopped working today
the only problem i had was when i tried connecting to the internet and it wouldnt load so i disconneted it tried again and it worked. only problem i had and hopefully its the only problem i had YAY.
Can someone tell me if this is a common problem with the wii?

Lets see, my wii every once in a while when i play will load for a very long time, like today when i was playing RE4, the screen went blank for like 30 seconds then it finally went to the next sequence. Well, after i play for about 20 minutes more, it just can't handle all of the loading, and it goes to a screen that says, "An error has occured, press eject to take out your game, and turn the power off".

Is this normal?
lol, sorry to say this but..... I think my wii is normal. after looking at these complaints i appreciate my wii more....at the cost of others having theirs screwed up....:wink:
bigwilliiy said:
lol, sorry to say this but..... I think my wii is normal. after looking at these complaints i appreciate my wii more....at the cost of others having theirs screwed up....:wink:

Lol, can you say jinx?
Picture problems

New owner and picture OK on UK PAL TV but when I play on PC via Yellow, white and red connectors using Giga Pocket TV the picture is scrambled.

Any ideas to fix please,


i am using my brother's wii, and i dont know much about it, but iw anted to play mario cart so i attached the classic remote but now niether of the remotes work, they arent showing up on teh screena nd the normal remote i use whenever i press a button all teh lights at the bottom start flashing what do i do?
Hi I have my Wii for a while now and I am very pleased with it until now no problem what so ever. I have seen all the problems here and I would like a suggest and a tech support site that I had a good experience with with my Xbox 360.
I searched and I found they have a thread for Nintendo Wii:

Just ask your question and one of the expert will answer.

Hope it helps

Nintendo wii wiikeymodchip problem

ok this isnt really a problem but how do you update the wii key i already tryed updating it with the update with dvd rw wich was TOTTALY SCRACHED TOO :sick: so it didnt work how do you start the update 1.2 if you could help me it would be great thanks

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