Wii Troubleshooting

anyone know how to get out of the "country" menu that my son has got me locked into? I can't seem to make a good connection and I can't get the machine out of this menu. I've tried resetting, unplugging, totally removed power, and nothing seems to work...I'm stuck on the menu where it's asking the country I live in.
I've been using the wii since wii launch (December 8th here in the uk - and no I didn't have to queue up either: lolz at all those who waited in the cold when they could've pre-ordered from argos!) and I still haven't gotten used to the pointer sensitivity.

It seems my screen (a flat 65") might almost be too big for the sensor bar. I have the bar positioned directly above the screen and the settings set up to match, but it seems that I can only turn the wii-mote slightly and it moves the curser all the way to the edge of the screen. It's bearable when using the menus and i can just about do it for the wii play shooting game and for wario ware, but for something like red steel, where quick reactions are needed I end up spinning around in circles.

Also when my little sister (4ft high) tries playing I have to physically lift her up to play some of the games.

Oh, and I have problems with moving the 'mote forwards and backwards too (in that it doesn't pick it up very well, not that I'm having physical problems). You should see us trying to play a game of billiards in wii play, it takes hours.

Can anyone recommend some changes I can make or do I have to start a petition to get Nintendo to stop pissing around and actually give us decent calibration controls? You know, just a system where you point to the 4 edges of the screen would be good enough for me.

Cheers for any help you can give.

For almost a week now the Wii has been overheating and shutting down after not more than 45 minutes, and will not go back to standby until it is completely COLD. We've cleared the vents, laid it on its side, opened all slots to try and cool it off, but nothing has worked, even resetting the AC adapter or letting the Wii cool for a few hours. It's as if the Wii needs additional vents in its sides, as that is where it gets hottest. I don't know anyone else who has this problem, help??
Guitarsmasher108 said:
ok thanks anyways ^^
Did you ever get your problem fixed. I also have a DLink and mine is working. I don't know if I have the solution off the top of my head, but, I can toss some ideas at you. PM me and let me know if you're good-to-go.
Wow, your Wii gets hot? Mine doesn't even get warm after playing for hours. I wonder if it's a malfunction going on in your box.....
ProjectX said:
I've been using the wii since wii launch (December 8th here in the uk - and no I didn't have to queue up either: lolz at all those who waited in the cold when they could've pre-ordered from argos!) and I still haven't gotten used to the pointer sensitivity.

It seems my screen (a flat 65") might almost be too big for the sensor bar. I have the bar positioned directly above the screen and the settings set up to match, but it seems that I can only turn the wii-mote slightly and it moves the curser all the way to the edge of the screen. It's bearable when using the menus and i can just about do it for the wii play shooting game and for wario ware, but for something like red steel, where quick reactions are needed I end up spinning around in circles.

Also when my little sister (4ft high) tries playing I have to physically lift her up to play some of the games.

Oh, and I have problems with moving the 'mote forwards and backwards too (in that it doesn't pick it up very well, not that I'm having physical problems). You should see us trying to play a game of billiards in wii play, it takes hours.

Can anyone recommend some changes I can make or do I have to start a petition to get Nintendo to stop pissing around and actually give us decent calibration controls? You know, just a system where you point to the 4 edges of the screen would be good enough for me.

Cheers for any help you can give.

I'm having a few problems with that same-type issue. I plan on (tonight) trying to move the sensor bar to the very edge of the stand my tv sits on (my bar is under my 32" LCD).

Because I'm 6'2", I wondered if the sporatic movements are because the frame of the TV obstructs it somehow. Likewise, if the bar is set up high a shorter person (unless they stand farther back) would be challenged to get a good response from the bar.

So what I'm saying is:
1. Make sure that the shorter person stands farther back than you
2. Make sure that the bar has zero obstructions
3. Check the sensitivity level of the bar to make sure it's sufficient
4. Lastly, maybe BOTH players should move further back and increase the sensitivity of the bar

These are just some things to try that also came to my mind. I don't have a clue if they are the solution; just trying to help.

Best of luck.
eketelon said:
I'm having a few problems with that same-type issue. I plan on (tonight) trying to move the sensor bar to the very edge of the stand my tv sits on (my bar is under my 32" LCD).

Because I'm 6'2", I wondered if the sporatic movements are because the frame of the TV obstructs it somehow. Likewise, if the bar is set up high a shorter person (unless they stand farther back) would be challenged to get a good response from the bar.

So what I'm saying is:
1. Make sure that the shorter person stands farther back than you
2. Make sure that the bar has zero obstructions
3. Check the sensitivity level of the bar to make sure it's sufficient
4. Lastly, maybe BOTH players should move further back and increase the sensitivity of the bar

These are just some things to try that also came to my mind. I don't have a clue if they are the solution; just trying to help.

Best of luck.

thanks for the help!

I've moved my sensor bar to the very edge of the TV, any farther now and it falls off, there are no obstructions at all.

What is sufficient for a sensor bar sensitivity? How do you test this? I set up the sensitivity at the beginning, but I find if I step back farther than 3.5 feet away from the screen the wii has problems with the forwards/backwards motion sensing, which is incredibly in-practial considering the sofa is 8 ft away and the screen is just a little too large to be 3 ft away from it.

I don't have problems with most games because most games don't require point-and-click functionality, or at least not precise, quick-reaction funtionality. The only times it frustrates me are when I play warioware or red steel, especially after having read reviews saying that the wii breathes life into console FPS games and I seem to be back to square one with hard to master motion and aiming controls. Maybe I should just avoid FPS games.

I stand by my original statement that Nintendo needs to pull its finger out and code us a quick and simple callibration system where we point the wiimote and at the 4 edges of the TV screen and also a quick "push the wiimote forwards and press A, now pull the wiimote backwards and press A, now keep the wiimote at the position in which you will play and press A" test.

Even if I had to do it before every game it's not like it would take too long, and nobody would complain if they made it optional.
Wii Update Hang

Okay. I got my Wii to update... and it hung around 50%. For about half an hour. I didn'tknow what to do and accidentely cut the power. I turned it back on, and it seemed to lag a bit when it came back on. I went ahead and tested some of the features, and it seems like everything's A-OK.

Made the stupid mistake of trying the update again. It's stuck around 10% now. What do I do to stop the update or finish it?! >.<
Freezing System

I had a problem close to yours. First thing I did was go through the configurations a couple of times with nintendo surport. Then they asked me the IP of my Wii Console they then did something to it because it reset and started to redownload the bios again after that I have had no more problems with the freeze.

patrickj said:
well for me the system seems to be freezing alot everytime i try to venture off into new areas. i've updated (which took forever by the way ) and i try to connect online, or try to go into the virtual console and it freezes, i actually had to unplug it while it was on. i wonder why?
Is there direct light on your Sensor bar. I found out it you have those new light blubs that give you the So called White light that will also affect your bar. Sun light will also keep it from working correctly as well.

When you hit the synch button on the Wiimote I suggest hitting the on on the will behind the SD memory door as well.
i dont no much about computers or anything but is it required to have a router to run wii online i dont really no what the problem is but when i tryed to install wi-fi it just stops downloading and says please insert wifi into ubs port

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