What's your pokemon team?

What about Cradily's nature? Should I go with Relaxed (-spd +def) or Brave (-spd +atk)?
As for the nature of my other Pokemon:
Metagross: Adamant (-sp. atk +atk)
Heracross: Jolly (-sp. atk +spd)
Blazekin: Hasty (-def +spd)
Sharpedo: Hasty (-def +spd)
Any problems there? I've never raised a team specifically for the Battle Frontier before, so I'm not confident in my ability to make decisions for myself.
I actually like Houndoom a lot. As for Feebas, well, it's good and all, but it's no Magikarp...
I will probably go with Brave, then. It seems like offense is pretty important in the Battle Frontier. But then again, Cradily is pretty slow...
I don't have a Pokemon team, but if I did, you can bet your ass I'd be packin' a mother f****in' Dragonite!

^ i lol'd

What about Cradily's nature? Should I go with Relaxed (-spd +def) or Brave (-spd +atk)?
As for the nature of my other Pokemon:
Metagross: Adamant (-sp. atk +atk)
Heracross: Jolly (-sp. atk +spd)
Blazekin: Hasty (-def +spd)
Sharpedo: Hasty (-def +spd)
Any problems there? I've never raised a team specifically for the Battle Frontier before, so I'm not confident in my ability to make decisions for myself.

I'd say those natures are fine. Not entirely sure what ya should give Cradily either since I ain't too knowledgeable 'bout what it can hard counter 'n such. Maybe -Spe +Sp.D (hell if I remember the -Spe natures lol), since ya don't have a sponge on this team. Metagross is already a physical tank after all.

As for Feebas, well, it's good and all, but it's no Magikarp...

Excellent. Mother****in' excellent.
dont care bout no double posts son

Finally decided to choose what my BW2 team will be. Pignite will be my starter since I've yet to use it in BW1. I don't at all care for the Fighting type redundancy, I'mma catch a Riolu without a doubt. Sandshrew actually has a level up movepool now for god's sake (how the **** does a 'mon that survives by digging holes NOT learn dig by level up?!), so I'll catch one as well. Lastly, I'll catch a Marill since Azumarill is boss; and also works as an HM slave. As always, two slots for other HM slaves.

Been considerin' an Espeon as well (damnit ice rock, y u no early in thuh game?), so maybe I'll end up usin' that gift Eevee in Castelia. S'pose it wouldn't hurt to use a five Poke team for the first time since RBY. The only TM that I'd have to switch the roster 'round for is Dive, which is bearable.

EDIT: Actually no, Swanna learns Surf, Fly, and Dive. Handiest HM slave ever.
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You should use Imposter Ditto like me, it would be so fun to use. Too bad it's found in Giant Chasm. :/
Why the **** would I wanna bore myself to death like that? :lol:
Give magikarp a dream world ability that makes it trade all stats with the opposing Pokemon that it switches into....
I've started the Emerald run... My God CK, you weren't kidding when you said that a Torchic solo run is easy. I've already gotten past the fourth gym. Since I won't be able to get any more of my team members until after the 5th gym, I've filled up my team with Zigzagoons, which have been racking up the items for me. I evolved one of them into Linoone so that I could use strength. After I beat the 4th gym, I'll teach a Zigzagoon Surf, go over and catch Tropius, and then fire two of the Zigzagoons to make way for Tentacool and Tropius, which combined can cover every HM in the game. The remaining Zigzags will slowly be replaced as I acquire my team members. Since two of them don't come until after the Elite 4, I get to keep my HM slaves around full-time.

Just thought you might be interested in that...

Pokemon Emerald_01.png
Good god this thing took forever to reset for... and I can't even use it yet.

Another Edit: That was probably the easiest Norman fight I've ever seen... Everything died in one Double Kick! (My Blazekin is lv.47)

Another Edit: 2nd team member acquired!
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What I ended up doing was using a Hasty Abra with Synchronize I had the luck to catch earliar to get one male and one female Carvanha with a hasty nature. I gave the female an everstone and bred the two to get 10 eggs. After hatching, 5 of the eggs had a hasty nature (as I expected.) I sorted these five into a different box and chose the best of the litter. Here's the stats:
Pokemon Emerald_03.png

Another Edit: 3rd and 4th team members acquired!
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the Heracross took FOREVER to find in the Safari Zone. 5% appearance rate, combined with having to find one with a specific nature and ability. The Lileep I bred. I used the same trick I used with Carvanha (who is now a lv. 50 Sharpedo) and I got about 7 Sassy Lileeps out of it. Again, I chose what I thought was the best of the litter, but apparently its Attack IVs are very low, because it keeps getting a +1 attack boost, even after I maxed it out with Proteins. So I'm practically having a period over that, because on my set Attack is much more important than Special Attack, even though Special Attack keeps getting a higher bonus.

Another Edit:
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And as soon as it evolves, its attack stat suddenly soars above its special attack stat. Well, I'm not complaining. That's what I wanted to happen, anyway. Now to go destroy Juan...

Another Edit: That was the easiest E4 run ever. Sharpedo and Heracross alone were able to sweep the first four members. As for Wallace, Cradily sponged Wailord's Blizzard like a boss, and Heracross killed Milotic with two Megahorns. Whiscash with its Amnesia was a bit of a problem, but eventually Cradily trucked through it with Giga Drain. Sharpedo got rid of Tentacruel with 3 Slashes, but it left Sharpedo poisoned and with little HP left, so I won't be able to use it anymore. Heracross got rid of Ludicolo in one Megahorn. By far the biggest problem was Gyarados, and after it sweeped my whole team, Tropius came in so I could use a Max Revive on Cradily. The idiot used Hyper Beam and on the re-charge turn Cradily finished it off with Acientpower. We are victorious!
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