What's your pokemon team?

I didn't talk no one into nothin', I merely suggested Sharpedo. I still think it's an awful 'mon prior to 5th Gen, but it's better than an offensive Walrein. ... Well, maybe.

Those Sharpedo 'n Heracross sets work fine, Esp. I'd say you're good to go and give it a shot. Also, lol @ all dat EQ.

How is Sharpedo worse than Magikarp?

What are ya, brain dead? In every way. :lol:
Oh hey this thread!!

I'll post my current PO team here. It's a lot of fun and it does pretty well. This is a slightly revised version... the Umbreon came in to replace a Slowbro that wasn't really doing anything for the team. Now everyone has something to do, and things are going well! I do have a few weaknesses, though, so take a look and tell me what you think ;)

At a glance:



Roserade: Lead
Calm, Leftovers, Natural Cure
252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SpDef
Leech Seed
Giga Drain
Hidden Power Ice

She's a mixed defensive Roserade with an emphasis on special defense. She can generally take a hit defensively, but only one. :p A combination of Leech Seed, Leftovers, and STAB Giga Drain (which actually packs quite a punch) means that she won't go down easily. Hidden Power Ice deals with lead dragons, and Spikes is my team's entry hazard. I typically open with Leech Seed because Espeon is a common switch-in, and as a grass type, she won't get seeded from the Magic Bounce. Then I can switch in to Umbreon and start the battle with an advantage. :D If they don't switch in, then I go offensive with Giga Drain, switch out, or start spiking up the battlefield, depending on sort of lead I'm dealing with.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that she also takes care of Toxic Spikes! ;D


Umbreon: Tank/Phazer
Impish, Leftovers, Synchronize
252 HP / 52 Def / 204 SpDef

Umbreon takes a hit like no other. With outstanding HP and special defense, as well as very good defense, it takes QUITE a bit to take him down. After a few curses, Payback becomes immensely powerful, and nothing can significantly hurt him. In the downtime, Yawn forces switches and Moonlight restores HP. Once, he put a Scizor to sleep and got two curses off, which allowed his Payback to do more damage than his Bug Bite, and ultimately win the battle. After setting up, this monster can sweep entire teams -- I've seen it happen all too often.


Skarmory: Troll
Adamant, Leftovers, Weak Armor
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Swords Dance
Drill Peck
Rock Slide
Steel Wing

Here's what happens: I switch this guy into a physical attack, which he absorbs with his naturally high defense. This activates Weak Armor, raising his speed by 1 stage and lowering his defense by 1 stage. Then he uses Swords Dance, and proceed to wreak havoc. NOBODY sees it coming and nobody knows how to deal with it. He, too, often sweeps entire teams. And it's totally hilarious.


Salamence: Mixed Sweeper
Rash, Life Orb, Intimidate
64 Atk / 192 SpAtk / 252 Spd
Dragon Claw
Draco Meteor

Typical stuff. He has maintained a spot on this team because he has nice synergy with Mamoswine. I can't really explain why, but hey. They form a nice offensive core that can hit hard without any boosts.


Mamoswine: Physical Sweeper
Adamant, Leftovers, Thick Fat
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Ice Shard
Icicle Crash
Stone Edge



Conkeldurr: Most Valuable Player
Brave, Leftovers, Guts
120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SpDef
Bulk Up
Drain Punch
Mach Punch

This guy. Simply RIPS through teams. He has decent bulk to begin with, but Bulk Up helps get that higher. Sometimes, though, he just uses Drain Punch to regain pretty much all of his health. He can do that because he's a baller. Payback covers psychic types (which, thanks to his specially defensive build, he can do with ease) and ghosts. Mach Punch deals with frail sweepers that could otherwise kill him. He does NOT go down easily.


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I am guessing this is an OU team
Salamance should either have Roost or Outrage in place of Dragon Claw. Roost to keep him alive. Outrage to deal massive damage. Your Salamance is not built bulky so I suggest Outrage

I don't know if Salamance's DW ability is available. If it is, Moxie would benefit him more since he is a sweeper. That teamed up with a STAB Outrage and a Life Orb is a pretty good combo.

Edit: Nice organization
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Hmm I like those ideas. Salamence is very rough-drafty, but Outrage seems like a good idea, especially with his Life Orb. The inability to switch because of an Outrage scares me because my opponent could easily switch into an ice type and destroy me, but the sheer power of the attack is enticing. Thanks for the advice; I'll try it out!

As for Moxie, you're right -- it would be much better than Intimidate. Salamence has two really good abilities, hahaha. I'm not sure if it's available, but I'll look into it!
@ wmbq:
Salamence as you have him seems more a hit and run menace to me.... If you keep dragon claw, then keep intimidate. Why? Because you can switch in and cripple a physical sweeper, which if skarm goes down your team might fear, and keep your ability to switch. If you go with moxie, then might as well use outrage and throw a choice band on the sucker for good measure. Personally I would opt with the earlier choice, but that's just because I like to keep my options open. Plus, outside of conkuldurr, u don't really have much to deal with opposing steel types like ferrothron and skarmory, which will eat outrage all day.
Any suggestions about Heracross' ability? Guts or Swarm? I'm thinking Guts, but what do I know.
you have one bug move and four physical attacks
if this is for battle frontier, Swarm might save you once in a while but gut's would be more effective
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Sorry WMBQ, I tend to do that... Storm would agree with me. .____.

Oh hey this thread!!

I'll post my current PO team here. It's a lot of fun and it does pretty well. This is a slightly revised version... the Umbreon came in to replace a Slowbro that wasn't really doing anything for the team. Now everyone has something to do, and things are going well! I do have a few weaknesses, though, so take a look and tell me what you think ;)

At a glance:
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Roserade: Lead
View attachment 10154
Calm, Leftovers, Natural Cure
252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SpDef
Leech Seed
Giga Drain
Hidden Power Ice

She's a mixed defensive Roserade with an emphasis on special defense. She can generally take a hit defensively, but only one. :p A combination of Leech Seed, Leftovers, and STAB Giga Drain (which actually packs quite a punch) means that she won't go down easily. Hidden Power Ice deals with lead dragons, and Spikes is my team's entry hazard. I typically open with Leech Seed because Espeon is a common switch-in, and as a grass type, she won't get seeded from the Magic Bounce. Then I can switch in to Umbreon and start the battle with an advantage. :D If they don't switch in, then I go offensive with Giga Drain, switch out, or start spiking up the battlefield, depending on sort of lead I'm dealing with.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that she also takes care of Toxic Spikes! ;D

A classic dedicated lead, specially defensive Roserade; minus the Sleep Powder. Never found room for one on my own team, but only because I've never cared for Grass types at all (and likewise, Fire-Grass-Water cores).

There is a slight issue I dislike for this set, however: it's the HP Ice. Uninvested, Roserade is just damn slow. How many Dragons have ya actually hard-countered with said HP Ice? Very rarely are Dragons slow unless they're D-nite, and said bulky example happily avoids your Spikes to keep Multiscale workin' and makin' that uninvested HP Ice do laughable damage. One Roost later, and HP Ice does even less. I think Sleep Powder is a much better move to use. A sleep move certainly differentiates Roserade from the premier spiker Ferrothorn, and will shut down said bulky D-nite with ease.

Of course, then enemy Grass types would utterly wall it once they discover you lack Sludge Bomb, so this bulky moveset would have a problem type to deal with either way. If Roserade's HP Ice hasn't been too helpful, do consider replacing it with Sleep Powder.


Umbreon: Tank/Phazer
View attachment 10158
Impish, Leftovers, Synchronize
252 HP / 52 Def / 204 SpDef

Umbreon takes a hit like no other. With outstanding HP and special defense, as well as very good defense, it takes QUITE a bit to take him down. After a few curses, Payback becomes immensely powerful, and nothing can significantly hurt him. In the downtime, Yawn forces switches and Moonlight restores HP. Once, he put a Scizor to sleep and got two curses off, which allowed his Payback to do more damage than his Bug Bite, and ultimately win the battle. After setting up, this monster can sweep entire teams -- I've seen it happen all too often.

Poor Umbreon was hit hard this generation. Moonlight is impaired even more often with both Sandstorm and Rain teams in abundance, as well as the fact that there's a fighting type (or two, even) on every bloody team. If it's doing it's job more often than not, I won't argue against it of course.

Also, if weather is seriously hampering Umbreon's day, never forget about Wish. Wish might take more prediction, but it allows Umbreon to be both a sweeper and a team player on top of being weather-proof. With Salamence being weak to SR and Mamoswine being anythin' but bulky, Wish could really help them stay around to fight another day. Since your Umbreon has maximum investments in HP, it's Wish would be especially useful to give to it's team mates.


Skarmory: Troll
View attachment 10155
Adamant, Leftovers, Weak Armor
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Swords Dance
Drill Peck
Rock Slide
Steel Wing

Here's what happens: I switch this guy into a physical attack, which he absorbs with his naturally high defense. This activates Weak Armor, raising his speed by 1 stage and lowering his defense by 1 stage. Then he uses Swords Dance, and proceed to wreak havoc. NOBODY sees it coming and nobody knows how to deal with it. He, too, often sweeps entire teams. And it's totally hilarious.

90% accuracy moves eeecckkkk

An enemy Steel type is obviously it's worst enemy. A bulky Electric type will also end this thing like nothin' else (OHAI MAGNEZONE). I don't like the set at all and would never use it, but the surprise value really isn't all the set has goin' for it, so I at least don't disapprove of it. What I do disapprove of however, is that your only Steel type can't really switch into anything. Better keep that Mamoswine alive, if ya catch my drift.


Salamence: Mixed Sweeper
View attachment 10156
Rash, Life Orb, Intimidate
64 Atk / 192 SpAtk / 252 Spd
Dragon Claw
Draco Meteor

Typical stuff. He has maintained a spot on this team because he has nice synergy with Mamoswine. I can't really explain why, but hey. They form a nice offensive core that can hit hard without any boosts.

Dragon Claw off of neutral nature and 64 Atk EVs is laughable at best, you want Outrage, no exceptions. Draco Meteor to an Outrage breaks any wall that dares stand in your way after all, thanks to both moves' superior base power. Fire Blast is also really important too IMO, the higher base power is necessary when you're not running Specs/maximum SpA investment.


Mamoswine: Physical Sweeper
View attachment 10157
Adamant, Leftovers, Thick Fat
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Ice Shard
Icicle Crash
Stone Edge


super common mamoswine? a-ok


Conkeldurr: Most Valuable Player
View attachment 10159
Brave, Leftovers, Guts
120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SpDef
Bulk Up
Drain Punch
Mach Punch

This guy. Simply RIPS through teams. He has decent bulk to begin with, but Bulk Up helps get that higher. Sometimes, though, he just uses Drain Punch to regain pretty much all of his health. He can do that because he's a baller. Payback covers psychic types (which, thanks to his specially defensive build, he can do with ease) and ghosts. Mach Punch deals with frail sweepers that could otherwise kill him. He does NOT go down easily.

super common conkeldurr? a-ok

Use this guy myself on occasion, including this very set. >______>




lolno i keed

There are a few issues that need to be discussed however, not that there ever isn't in any team. :lol: Firstly, your Ice weakness. Water types often pack Ice as a coverage move, so Rain teams will seriously hamper you. Keeping Roserade alive and rockin' that STAB Giga Drain will give you some semblance of a counter measure, but it's only a matter of time before it falls to the super-effective moves. Particularly if they're boosted by an item/the opposition with said Ice move is a sweeper. Once Roserade is gone, Umbreon (since Moonlight is a waste of time in the rain) will quickly weather down, and your team will instantly fall apart and be taken down by the oncoming tidal wave of watery/frozen death. Hail teams will also **** your **** up with STAB Blizzards, but it's not like they're at all common. Enemy Mamoswine will also be a problem since Umbreon ain't gonna switch in and Curse on those uber-powerful EQs.

Next, as ya mentioned, you ain't at all equipped to handle powerful Fire moves bein' thrown about. Sun teams' Fire types will knock you around pretty hard once Salamence goes down, and boy does an offensive Salamence with a Life Orb go down fast.

Sandstorm teams also hamper Umbreon's effectiveness. While Conkeldurr fears no Rock moves, it's not about to switch into a Terrakion or a Rhyperior. Two Ground immunities and one Rock resist means you'll be at a disadvantage up against stereotypical Sandstorm teams' heavy hitters, and one wrong move won't lose you the game, but might begin a full on collapse of the team if you lose an important Poke.

So yeah, this team has at least a few problems with EVERY type of weather based team. That ain't good. :lol: If you've figured ways around it that I don't see, good on ya (... do tell me your secrets if so >_>). If you've been noticeably struggling with weather as I'm predicting, you'll need to fix this issue ASAP to keep your win/lose ratio up high.

Next, this team is very physically inclined. Roserade is a special attacker, sure, but it's uninvested. Salamence is also mixed, which means it's not hitting like a complete monster. It's also more physically defensive inclined with two +Atk +Def sweepers. It's kinda pointless to have two sweepers doing the same duty unless they're designed to help the other Poke sweep by weakening counters, and I don't think Umbreon and Conkeldurr share to many (correct my if I'm wrong, 'course).

Speaking of Conkeldurr, it's not specially bulky. +SpD nature and 252 EVs later, it still isn't bulky. You can't rely on it to tank special attackers, even if they're unboosted. Those EVs let it survive assaults and smash back with a Drain Punch to heal itself and KO unless it's say, a Reuniclus. I can see why you therefore have Umbreon and Roserade on your team, but the latter isn't supremely bulky, while the former can't tank enough under weather conditions.

Point being, this physical inclination is also a slight problem. Definitely not as major as the team's weakness to weather, but if ya want to optimize the team to be as best as it can be, a problem that you may want to tackle. My suggestion is a very loose one: replace Umbreon with a Pokemon that's just as good or even better at sponging special assaults, that also functions in the weather. What Poke does that, ya ask?

... good question lawl

A sweeper with Calm Mind may benefit the team. Latias for example, (whom is not particularly the most useful for your team since your Ice and Dragon weakness would go up) would give your team even better Special bulk, another special attacker, and it'd still be a sweeper like your Umbreon. So yes, my one recommendation for tackling these problems is trying to find a Poke that has REALLY good synergy with the team, as Umbreon isn't particularly synergistic as far as I can tell.

One final bit I want to mention, is the slight abundance of less-than-perfect accuracy moves. Yes, I know I ****in' suggested like three said low-accuracy moves to replace moves that had perfect accuracy. ¬_¬ But it's just somethin' to always keep in mind when designing/playing a team. Missed moves add up to lost momentum or a full-on disadvantage very quickly, especially when playing against an offensive/hyper offensive team. "Minimizing the chances of bad luck increases your chances of good luck; or better yet, not needing luck at all". I'm not tellin' you to **** with your entire team because you have some imperfect accuracy, I just wanna mention it simply because. It's an important tip every competitive battler needs to know. I'll end up tellin' it to everyone in a review at some point, even if said trainer doesn't have a ton of inaccurate moves lol.

Regardless of all these points, I still think the team is definitely good. You have weaknesses, but they aren't "OMG I ENCOUNTER THIS, THIS, OR THIS THREAT AND I LOSE", said problems are both conquerable with skilled plays as well as fixable with some team tweakin'. Pretty good team, but it ain't fantastic. That's my rating of it as it is now.

By the way, we need to battle on PO ASAP. :D ... Hopefully I don't lose, since havin' a sneak preview of your team gives me a disgusting advantage. I'd be shamed beyond what I'd think possible. :lol:

As for Moxie, you're right -- it would be much better than Intimidate. Salamence has two really good abilities, hahaha. I'm not sure if it's available, but I'll look into it!

Moxie is great no doubt, but so is Intimidate. Moxie isn't as epictacular as people claim it to be on sets with full-on Speed investment however, i.e. Dragon Dance or Scarf sets. Intimidate has better utility overall and also helps keep the oh-so frail 'Mence alive longer. An important aspect when you're firing off Draco Meteors/Outrages and need to switch out and back in constantly (especially so if the opponent threw up them nasty ol' Rocks).

I call Heracross the Jesus Beatle because of the incredibly stupid lawsuits filed against Nintendo regarding Heracross' horn being shaped like a cross.

Any suggestions about Heracross' ability? Guts or Swarm? I'm thinking Guts, but what do I know.

loooooool. Hardcore Christians and their habits of suing Pogeymanz make me laugh.

Most definitely guts. Heracross ain't exactly fast, so taking advantage of paralysis/especially poison to give it a huge boost in attack makes it much more scary overall than a Swarm-boosted Megahorn. It also gives it an amazing immunity to Burn's attack drop. Swarm < Guts in pretty much every situation in competitive battling, minus a Reversal set (any status will either make it too slow to sweep, or kill it with residual damage before it can fire off said Reversal at full power). Not to mention Guts also works wonder with a SleepTalk set, making it scarier AFTER it absorbs some sleep for ya. Ain't too many other Pokes that can do that, yeah?

... It's good to be makin' huge posts again. :D
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Oi! Does anyone know which type of PokeBlocks I can use to find a Heracross with a good nature or where I can find that information?

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