What's your pokemon team?


dontchu advertise mafia in mah thread, mr
Don't use that pic against me CK
My team in my most recent XD playthrough, almost done with the game.

Flareon (Farynhite) (Male)
-Quick Attack
-Shadow Ball
-Body Slam

Sharpedo (Hullsinker) (Male)
-Water Pulse
-Double Edge

Ariados (Spihorn) (Female)
-Signal Beam
-Night Shade

Roselia (Deceva) (Female)
-Magical Leaf
-Leech Seed
-Sweet Kiss

Sableye (Nightgleam) (Male)
-Shadow Ball
-Helping Hand
-Confuse Ray
-Faint Attack

Altaria (Cloudshy) (Female)
-Dragon Dance
-Aerial Ace

All of them are exactly level 40. Most of the movesets are complete.
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I was complainin' more that ya didn't post here, rather than it bein' in the wrong thread. :p Ain't much reason to rate a team from Colosseum/XD since options are quite fixed 'n limited.
Well, if ya want me to, why not. :lol:

My team in my most recent XD playthrough, almost done with the game.

Flareon (Farynhite) (Male)
-Quick Attack
-Shadow Ball
-Body Slam

Poor Flareon, useless even to this day... Even moreso in previous generations. Nothin' you can do to alleviate the fact that the poor fire fox (lolpun) is rather useless. S'pose it can muscle things a tad with it's high attack, even without STAB, but I'd imagine it hasn't been very potent the entire game.

Sharpedo (Hullsinker) (Male)
-Water Pulse
-Double Edge

Sharpedo feels Flareon's pain, but at least it has a good Sp.A. I can't imagine it takin' too many hits in a double battle though, so while I'm sure it hits hard, it gets hit hard back as well. Glass cannons ain't very useful in game since ya ain't got life orbs, EVs or nothin'. It's probably the second most useful Poke on the team though, since it's got usable attack stats and a not-entirely-**** movepool, so there ain't too much to complain 'bout. :lol:

It has good synergy with Altaria since it can spam EQ, and with Dragonbreath Altaria can hurt what EQ can't.

Ariados (Spihorn) (Female)
-Signal Beam
-Night Shade

Ariados... Such a weak bug. Weak movepool too. Probably the second weakest link on the team. Poor coverage, poor stats.

Roselia (Deceva) (Female)
-Magical Leaf
-Leech Seed
-Sweet Kiss

Poor, unevolved Roselia... 'Least it ain't no Sableye though. Won't hit very hard, but a lucky hit with Grasswhistle must come in handy every once in awhile. 'Specially when it comes to snaggin'. It might not be the strongest out there, but a chance of sleepin' somethin' at least makes it carry it's weight at times.

Sableye (Nightgleam) (Male)
-Shadow Ball
-Helping Hand
-Confuse Ray
-Faint Attack

Speakin' of Sableye... blehhhhhhhhh. 'Least helping hand lets a Poke like Sharpedo smash things to pieces since it isn't much for attackin'. 'Least it has two STABs for when it does want to attack.

Altaria (Cloudshy) (Female)
-Dragon Dance
-Aerial Ace

From what I can tell, probably the best Poke on the team. Avoids Earthquake, takes little from a Surf, and plenty of resistances aside. Dragon is excellent typing, it's moveset has double STAB, and that random ass Solarbeam might come in handy to destroy somethin' Dragon/Flying can't. Dragon Dance to boost AA is kinda rubbish though, so if ya have any useful TMs for it, might as well slap somethin' on over DD. Also, can ya find Dragon Claw in XD or is that a bought TM only? Altaria would love DC over Dragonbreath so DD is actually useful.

All of them are exactly level 40. Most of the movesets are complete.

Your weaknesses and resistances are mostly covered for at least neutral, but both Rock and Flying will have a ball with the team. Swellow can shred ya somethin' good prior to takin' it out. Pokes that spam Rock Slide are also your worst nightmare. With a single ground immunity, trainers that specialize in ground or rock types have a clear-cut advantage once Sharpedo is taken out; which is pretty easy to do. :lol:

The Pokes themselves are mostly quite lacking statwise, with Flareon the exception in that it instead is lackin' movesetwise. All in all, this team is below average, even for in-game standards. ... Not that there're many good choices in XD anyways.

by thuh wey sableye sux
@ CK: ..... I never thought I would see the day that you would say Altaria is a good poke, much less the BEST poke on a said team... Lmfao sorry man, I know I bust ur chops a lot, but come on... You just gave the powderpuff street cred, remember ( CK.... -.-)? Lmao

@ Nick: though I don't know what pokes are in XD anymore, I remember one of the final battles you have to do the guy specializes in ground and rock, namely his Rhydon, it will tear this team up, make sure you have a second answer to it in case sharpedo takes a dive [/fail pun]
remember ( CK.... -.-)? Lmao

FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-- That's the second rage-inducing thing you've reminded me of in the week. ;____;

Never implied Altaria is good, I said it's the best he's usin'. That's how bad his team is, really. The terrible Altaria is his best Poke since Sharpedo is severely lackluster in Gen 3.
The team actually isn't doing bad. I'm hesitant to admit it, but Sableye is the weakest Pokemon on the team, due to the lack of Prankster and status moves.

Contrary to what you think, Flareon has been very useful. It's funny that you say that it has a low Special Attack, because it has the same Sp. Attack as Sharpedo, being 95. It can hit fairly hard with Body Slam and Shadow Ball despite the lack of Stab, it's OHKO'd many things with them.

Sharpedo is probably the MVP of the team. Sure, it has a -Speed nature (Why? ;_; ), but it still outruns pretty much the entire game. It can take some hits, surprisingly, likely due to the level advantage and the poor movesets of most opposing Pokemon.

Araidos is okay. It has a +Speed nature, so it does manage to outrun some stuff. Granted, Signal Beam is pretty crucial for it, as it can't attack well with any other move. I gave it Leftovers, so it can at least restore health during battle.

Roselia's main problem is that Magical Leaf has pretty blah coverage, and that's the only attacking move it has, thanks to a poor movepool. Grasswhistle has low accuracy, which is an issue. Leech Seed can let it live longer and give the equivalent of a poison status. Speaking of poison, it's poisoned things a bit with Poison Point hax, which is nice.

Sableye is the least valuable player in this team, sadly. It doesn't get Prankster, Will o wisp, anything really great. It has no weaknesses, which is nice. I still think Sableye is certainly a boss in generation V, though.

Altaria isn't the MVP, that's for sure. That honor goes to Sharpedo, Flareon being second. It's probably the third best Pokemon. It doesn't hit hard with any of its attacks, so despite what you think, Dragon Dance is useful for it. I do wish I could give it better physical moves to replace Solarbeam, but there's not many options. Iron Tail is the best available thing, so I may teach it that. Hyper Beam may be an option, despite the fact that it's Hyper Beam. I don't think Hyper Beam/Giga Impact are as useless as people say in game. At least in generation III. Shame Dragon Claw isn't available yet.

All in all, I couldn't care less about you giving this team a poor rating. It's served me better then any other XD team I've had (this is the third playthrough), so for in game standards, I think you're underestimating it. Besides, I chose the Pokemon I did because I wanted to use them, not because I think they're really strong.

Also, take a look at this article, which contains my options list.


@Storm; Roselia can OHKO that *****.
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Oh, I never said the team would do poorly. Anythin' works in-game. I'm just sayin' it could'a been far better.

It's funny that you say that it has a low Special Attack, because it has the same Sp. Attack as Sharpedo, being 95.

You 'n your bloody low-tier BST knowledge. :lol: Got me there son.
What he meant to say, Nick, is that he hates Altaria and shitty erratic EXP growth with all his Karpy heart. :)
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Absolutely true. Thanks for understandin' my endless abyss of hatred for the hat-bird, bro. :thumbsup:

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