What's your pokemon team?

sweet. i'll do that. and infernape was really only phys because i'm always hearing how mixed sets don't work much
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Well, Infernape's stats are equal for Sp. atk and Attack, so he runs mixed sets very well; especially since he gets strong STAB on both sides of the spectrum. Mixed sets usually don't work, yes, but that's only because few pokemon pull them off well. Infernape is one of those pokes who excels at mixed sweeping, though.
Yes, Mixape is one of the superior mixed pokes in OU.
On Ttar: If you're using him as a CB lead, Pursuit is an absolute must. Even not as a lead.
Anything weak to it (barring focus sashers) is dead when it tries to run, most notably: Azelf. (Just make sure you have enough HP to survive his U-Turn, as it sticks ttar hard.)
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  • #769
I'm not sure Pursuit is very useful in non-competitive enviorments, especially not if the player doesn't have a competitive mindset Fox, lol.

Although I can't deny how good Pursuit is on CB TTar, I use it on all my CB TTars. If you want to use Pursuit, drop EQ since Aqua Tail already covers most of what it can do; Earthquake is the least necesarry move on his movesets nowdays.
(Dammit, why is everyone wanting non-competative teams rated?)
Who cares. I'll still give my opinions.
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  • #772
(Dammit, why is everyone wanting non-competative teams rated?)

Not everyone's satisfied with having the common crappy team every non-competitive battler has, but at the same time, not all of those people are spurred to become a competitive battler.

Yes, I know I'm stating the obvious. :p

But hey, casual gamers are gamers too, right?
i don't have Wi-fi on my DS and the nearest competitive poke place is Vegas however i'm nowhere near good enough. so i try powerful competitive minded teams but don't bother trying to actually get into a competitive scene. thats my story anyways
Honestly, the best things you can do are:
1) Watch some of the YouTube battlers recorded battles like MTGxerxes and melevolant1seraphim (spell?)
2)Check out Smogon.com

That's how I got good.
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  • #777
Honestly, the best things you can do are:
1) Watch some of the YouTube battlers recorded battles like MTGxerxes and melevolant1seraphim (spell?)
2)Check out Smogon.com

That's how I got good.

The secrets of the century. :p That's basically all I did to get "good" as well, with some raw experimentation here and there.
Well here's a team for you guys to rate - Just to keep your heads still fresh - ish. Still working on it though... the basic gist of it is it's a bunch off UU/NU (?) 's. I use it in Standard OU though, because it's more fun. But still usable in UU.

At a glance:



Quagsire @ Leftovers
Relaxed - Damp
252 HP / 116 Def. / 28 Sp. Attack / 112 Sp. Def


I'll be honest, I was going through Smogon looking for juicy new sets, and I stumbled upon this. This isn't one of it's standard sets, and the EVs are still in the work. Surf WAS supposed to be Hydro Pump... but it doesn't get Hydro Pump... Yawn WAS supposed to be Stealth Rock... but it doesn't get it neither. Alas, the 28. Sp. Attack was meant to 2HKO Hippo w/ Hydro Pump, but is replaced with Surf. So while I wait for an updated version, here's how it goes. Azelf apparently can't 2HKO this thing, which is absolutely awesome. Neither can it explode (See ability), so pretty much any explosion lead can't get away from ol' Quagsire. So while they Stealth Rock, I'm happy to Encore them to good justice. Yawn them on the switch, and overall scout the team out very easily. In the event that I get attacked, this thing is ridiculously bulky (For those doubting this, try 394 HP, awesome defensive typing on for size), so unless their using a lead Roserade/Venasaur with Leaf Storm or something of the like, I'm safe to at least Encore at proceed with the next best option. Apparently EQ does nails some 2HKO/3HKO's on Jirachi/Metagross (respectively), so there. Pretty much copy and pasta'd the description posted, but still, it's pretty awesome.


Uxie @ Leftovers
Bold - Levitate
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def

-Stealth Rock

With Quagsire causing switches already, I definitely need a Stealth Rocker. Uxie brings that with outstanding defenses. I just realized I have two yawners, so I may consider ditching Yawn for Light Screen, or maybe Reflect (More lenient on Light Screen). Anyways, the set is pretty self explanatory. Any dark/ghost type attacks thrown at this can be absorbed by Houndoom/Primeape/Registeel. If it's any of the former two, than I can proceed offensively, otherwise Registeel keeps the defensive pressure ongoing. Fortunately, although Quagsire is sturdy, a very powerful physical attack will put a dent in Quagsire for good, so Uxie is a reliable switch for that.


Venasaur @ Leftovers
Bold - Overgrow
252 Sp. Attack / 252 Sp. Defense / 4 Speed

-Leech Seed
-Sleep Powder
-Sludge Bomb
-Energy Ball

A third coincidental sleeper, which is why I'm more open to changing up Uxie's Yawn for Light Screen. Venasaur provides lovely support against Quagsire being nailed with any grass attack (Except Sleep Powder obviously) in general. Not to mention most usable grass type attacks are special oriented, so Venasaur easily handles this. Provides Leech Seed support to continue causing more switch ins, and hits pretty hard with such a hefty investment in Sp. Attack. I don't know why I have it Bold, it had that in the analysis. I don't know if the defense increase is that significant to it's durability, so I might switch to Calm.


Houndoom @ Choice Specs
Timid - Flash Fire
40 HP / 248 Sp. Attack / 220 Speed

-Hidden Power [Fighting]
-Dark Pulse

Houndoom really lacks a wide movepool to use, however this is good enough. Two STAB's to put either a huge dent into the team (Overheat), or if it's approaching late-game, Flamethrower for a safer and reliable option. Hidden Power is a must to take on Tyranitar so I don't have to rely too heavily on Primeape. But aside from it's attacks, this allows me to be a safe switch for Uxie's Ghost/Dark weakness, as well as Venasaur's Fire/Ice/Psychic weakness. It's a perfect switch in and shifts the momentum easily in my favor. 220 Speed because it has HP Fighting, so I moved some Sp. Attack EVs over since 40 HP lets me take 3 Stoss'.


Primeape @ Choice Band
Jolly - Vital Spirit
30 HP / 252 Attack / 224 Speed

-Close Combat
-Stone Edge

My physical powerhouse and sleep absorber/resistor. The team lacked any physical raw power, and Primape sort of fits the roll. Admittedly I would much rather take Hitmonlee/Hairiyama instead of Primeape, however I'm seeing how this works out. Chances are I'll give Hitmonlee a go since it gives priority, and even a stronger punch (kick) to the team, although I'm not really enjoying the base speed of Lee which is the only reason why I'm sticking to Primape. Anyways, it is what it is with Primeape, pretty straightforward.


Registeel @ Leftovers
Careful - Clear Body
252 HP / 252 Attack / 6 Sp. Def

-Iron Head
-Thunder Wave
-Ice Punch

This is a pretty awful set to be honest. I just had it lying around, so it's mostly for filler (I'll need to change the EVs to be more 'bulk'-related). I have pulled off a Paraflinch with this thing before (With a Curse boost to add), and it's pretty funny. Anyways, I need to change the EVs/Moveset most definitely, but aside from that, it fits this team somewhat good. I have a flying weakness, and that's something you can't afford in UU with Swellow easily setting up for kill after kill. This stops it cold in it's tracks. Not only that, Venasaurs Ice/Flying/Psychic weakness, Quagsires Grass weakness, Uxies Dark/Ghost weakness, Primeapes Flying/Psychic weakness all get covered easily by Registeel if need be. And Registeel usually fairs decent against Surfs thrown at Houndoom. I've had a lot of contemplation between using this and Bastoidon/Steelix, however the lack of being weak to water easily took it.

So that's it. Considerations of switching things up are as followed:
Venasaur - Bold for Calm?
Uxie - Yawn for Light Screen or Reflect?
Primeape - Switch for Hitmonlee? Or any other physical attacker mentionable?
Registeel - Moveset/EV spread change ~ any suggestions aren't minded at all.
Nazisteel needs a moveset change, like you said.
It'd be nice to keep Ice Punch for the dangerous Altaria and Claydol. Thunder Wave for anything fast (twaveing Swellow on a switch in then Ice Punching it is just too win) Iron Head would be usefull for Solrock I guess but Registeel walls him already so, meh. Too bad Registeel can't set up his own screens.
I always see Steel type as a physicaly defensive type, but your resistances needed him for are mostly special. Having Light Screen on Uxie is a good idea.
If you choose to use Hitmonlee as your CBer, giving him Sleep Talk might be a nifty fix for your sleep-prevention thing you had going for Primape and his Vital Spirit. Being immune to Twave is great for him too since, as you said, Hitmonlee's speed isnt great. Scyther could be a fun CBer to try out.
I really don't have an opinion on Venasaur's nature, sorry. Either way?
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Tried using Scyther, teams scared to death by anything with Flamethrower/Fire Punch. Not saying Shaymin pops up in UU (As said, I use this in OU), HP Fire Shaymin forced me to have perfect prediction. So next alternative I'll try is Swellow and move on from there.

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