What's your pokemon team?

New team. Plz help with comments/ suggestions/ advice

Drapion @ Adamant @ Salac Berry @ Battle Armor
~ Toxic Spikes
~ Taunt
~ Crunch
~ Earthquake

Swampert @ Jolly @ Salac Berry @ Torrent
~ Waterfall
~ Earthquake
~ Substitute
~ Endeavor

Cradily @ Careful @ Leftovers @ Suction Cups
~ Toxic
~ Protect
~ Rock Slide
~ Recover

Starmie @ Modest @ Leftovers @ Natural Cure
~ Recover
~ Surf
~ Thunderbolt
~ Rapid Spin

Flygon @ Jolly @ Life Orb @ Levitate
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw
~ Stone Edge
~ Roost

Empoleon @ Modest @ Leftovers @ Torrent
~ Surf
~ Grass Knot
~ Ice Beam
~ Yawn
I was thinking the same and thinking of replacing him for Stealth Rock Skarmory. I chose Drapion though because he provides good immunities and resistances to this team that it needs, alkong with Toxic Spikes working well with my pokes. the team has decent synergy.
yeah well Drapion is UU, doesn't have a very good movepool and has lackluster stats. he needs to be replaced

(pretty much exactly what i was told when i first posted a team with him in it)
Lolz. I know that. Im gonna wait to see what CK an the others say though. Im still thinkin Stealth Rock Skarmory would work pretty good.
yeah well Drapion is UU, doesn't have a very good movepool and has lackluster stats. he needs to be replaced

(pretty much exactly what i was told when i first posted a team with him in it)

Oh geez, you've gone and done it now.
[start rant]

So far, I've used Sableye and it's kicked complete and utter (poke)butt.
I've used Articuno, and hilariously stalled plenty of OU teams.
I've had Regirock sweep teams easily with paraflinch and +2/4/6 attack boosts. Once I had a +4/+1 attack/speed Regirock sweep.
My Uxie has walled in even top tier OU threats easily, and I've had it change the game (When I used a Memento set with it).
Hairiyama is by far one of my favorite tanks, has huge HP to take hits and can easily disrupt the opponents team (Knock Off, Paralyze with Force Palm, phaze with Whirlwind, or if I'm using an offensive approach, Facade/Bullet Punch/Fake Out + Guts = amazing).

Most recently, I'm having complete fun using SpecsMoltres which goes right through teams, Quagsire which is extremely annoying to take down, and Venasaur which can soak up a ridiculous amount of (special) hits, and a fair amount of physical hits because of it's resistances.

I've had plenty of successes with UU, and that's absolutely no excuse to exclude any Pokemon because of it's tier.

Also, as far Drapions stats go, it's actually got fairly good stats for what it can do.

Going from a defensive approach, 70/110/75 - HP/Defenses is really impressive, mainly it's defense and average sp. defense makes it so it can take quite a lot of physical hits, and manage most unboosted special hits.
His movepool support wise has Taunt, which when you have something running off 95 base speed is a pretty fast taunt for a tank, Knock Off, Whirlwind (Important for phazing out anything that's thinking about Swords Dancing), TSpikes, Screech, and others. And when you have something that can soak up Toxic Spikes, that's a great plus.

Offensively, 90/95 isn't that good, but it is workable to use. And it would like to differ with a very good movepool, anything that can use EQ & an Ice attack I would reckon is pretty good. When you have two STABs (Night Slash + Cross Poison) with high critical hit ratios, and an Sniper as an ability, throw some Scope Lens and let lady luck work it's magic, because a critical hit doesn't need to be supereffective to hurt bad, especially when it's hitting 3x as hard.

[/end rant]

Just needed to get that through. Skarmory actually is a pretty good substitute, in UU Drapion is definitely good, but since you're in OU, Skarmory does a better job. Sets up Stealth Rock (Which is honestly more important than Toxic Spikes in my opinion), phazes, and can work well with your team. It's fire/electric weaknesses get covered in one way or another by the rest of the team (Barring Empoleon). But I'll leave that decision up to you whether you want to sub or not.
Thanks. Ive talked to CK, and so far ive revised my team like this.

Bronzong @ (no sure for item or nature) Levitate or Heatproof, not sure which to use.
~ Gyro Ball
~ Stealth Rock
~ Hypnosis
~ Earthquake

Swampert @ Adamant @ Choice Band @ Torrent
~ Waterfall
~ EQ
~ Stone Edge
~ Avalanche

Starmie @ Modest @ Leftovers @ Natural Cure
~ Recover
~ Surf
~ Thunderbolt
~ Rapid Spin

Flygon @ Jolly @ Life Orb @ Levitate
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw
~ Stone Edge
~ Roost

Empoleon @ Modest @ Leftovers @ Torrent
~ Surf
~ Grass Knot
~ Ice Beam
~ Yawn

I need to change Empoleon moveset methinks, or change the poke completely. I also need a special wall, but im not sure what to use.
Starmie out for Ttar. This team wants Sandstorm support (especially Empoleon, who can opperate as both a decent special wall, and special attacker. I'll just need to find you a spread for it)
'Zong always wants Levitate. It's better to have a immunity than a resistance. Especially when that immunity is to EQ. And Bronzong also can opperate as a special wall.

Flygon also isnt necissary. Swampert does the job you've set him for better. Instead you can use Heatran or Dugtrio. Heatran for this team's lack of s.atk and fire, (also he can absorb fire attacks directed at Bronzong) Dugtrio for epic revenge kills.
Scizor is usable but you'll double up on your fire weakness.
You need something for that fighting weakness though...
I know. Use Hippowdon instead of Tyranitar. You'll double up on the Surf weakness, but you've got Empoleon for that.
6th man

I suggest Heatran and Scizor fill the last two spots.
Hmm... I see... I dont like using legends though, so Im ruling Heatran out right away. Flygon would serve good as 6th man with his immunity to Earthqauke along with another immunity to lightning. And it can help this team deal with stronger threats to Zong and Scizor if I use him.

Question here, what purpose would Dugtrio serve? I have no experience using him, thats why I ask.
Dugtrio's meant to trap Pokemon with it's ability (Arena Trap), and kill them off before they cause more havoc to the team. That and it makes an excellent revenge killer with 120 base speed, a usable priority move, and a STAB EQ. Although it sounds good, it's hitting off a measly base 80 attack, which means unless it's Magnezone you're going to have to dent most Pokemon before it grabs a KO. And even then, it has pretty bad defensive stats and will get KO'd after your revenge kill.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend it at all for your team. It'll be fun to have around just to get random Pokes, but I have a hard time seeing it be useful as a whole.
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Hmmm... I see. So, what about a Gliscor and Cradily being added as the last two? Gliscor benefits from Sandstorm support, and Cradily can fullfill its role as a Toxic stall wall. Or Maybe Kabutops/ Aerodactyl?
Flygon is terrible.
If you've got 'Zong, you don't need Cradily at all.
Gliscore is a wall. You've already got Hippowdon.
You need someone who isnt just an attacker, and since (for some reason) you're not using Heatran, I highly recoment something on the special side. Preferably something with fire. And I don't have anything in mind.
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As everyone is saying, you really need to get the idea of never using legends out of your head... Scarf Heatran does a job no other poke can mimic. It's adding very useful revenge kill potential to your team, as well as being a potent, reliable special attacking force. Not to mention it goes wonderfully well with 'Zong and especially Scizor, considering it can absorb fire attacks to power up it's own. A weakened team/a team without a fire resist (or lost their fire resists) can be swept by a +1 Speed and Sp. atk Heatran. The synergy with a Heatran on this team is amazingly good, if you ask me. It's absolutely dieing to be the 6th poke.

Also, I don't mean to sound like a douche when I say this, but I don't believe anyone who looks down on all legends (even once that aren't even OU, i.e. normal Rotom) will ever succeed in competitive battling. Legends that are in the same tier are no different than other pokes of the same tier, both in stats, moveset, and typing, they've been tested rigorously for a reason. ... Ahh, why am I ranting... I'll just stop there, I honestly don't think I can change your opinion either way.
I guess you can still use sand support and use an Arcanine or something, you just won't get the S.DEF boost and he'll take damage (not to mention I just pulled Arc off the top of my head)

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