What's your pokemon team?

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  • #737
That's because I'm wasting away my life on classic games, Storm. :p

But such a conversation is off topic. Back on topic, yeah?
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  • #740
Magikarp is OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!!! times better than Gyarados, Shadow. You should know that by now, eh?

Well, discounting Bastiondon, you have a 2x fire weakness and 2x fighting weakness with Torterra & Lucario, and Lucario & Lickilicky. As Shadow mentioned, Gyarados would be exceedingly great for this team. Torterra is immune to it's electric weakness, and Lucario/Torterra resist it's rock weakness. Gyarados has a ground immunity for Lucario's ground weakness, resists Fire and Fighting, and also resists bug for Torterra's weakness. Gyarados is also useful since it learns water moves used for getting throughout the games, obviously. Just make sure you teach Gyarados Waterfall as soon as you can, it hits a lot harder than Surf. I'd be happy to teach your Gyarados Waterfall for you, if you wanted.

You may also want another ground/water type; with grass their only weakness, they don't add a large weakness to your team. They can also learn Surf instead of Gyarados, since Gyarados doesn't hit hard with Surf. I would highly recommend Swampert; it's superior to Gastrodon in almost all ways (Gastrodon gets recover, but that's the only thing Gastrodon does that Swampert can't; Swampert has better stats). Even though you already have a water and ground type, Swampert still only has one weakness, Grass, which none of your other pokes is weak to. I could definatly get you a Mudkip egg (I herd you liek tham? ;) )

As for the last slot, I won't say any more; I don't want to decide your entire team unless you're desperate. :lol:
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  • #742
Strong is Magikarp with the force. Limitless, his power is. You still do not grasp the force, young Skywalker.

In other words, Magikarp pwns you, Shadow. :D
uummm SSBfreakCK where you being sarcastic when u said i like mudkip..... well anyways i woudnt be able to evolve mudkip since its not in the sinnoh dex for Platinum
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  • #744
Actually, you can own and evolve any pokemon, in the Plat Sinnoh dex or not. The number just won't show up. What made you think that?

No, I was not being sarcastic. :p
I'd recomend a Ghost type. Gengar maybe.
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  • #747
I'd agree on the ghost type suggestion. Doesn't double up any of your weaknesses (if you have a standard ghost type like Gengar or Mismagius), and ghosts are very handy either way. Not to mention most ghosts (like Gengar) learn hypnosis, which is helpful for catching wild pokes.
Well if you're talking about resestances, Gengar does Gyaras job better.
Levitate negates EQ like Gyaras flying type. But unlike Gyara, he'll take no damege at all from fighting moves (or normal moves).
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  • #749
Ofcourse, but that doesn't mean Gyara isn't useful. He's replacable for Gengar if Pancho chooses Swampert, but I'd say Gyara still deserves a spot, at the least for being an HM slave/having some synergy.

Yes you're right.
(Not taking 25% SR damage is nice)

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