What's your pokemon team?

Yea well.... U make valid points...

Back to the drawing board, expect a non-monotyped non-weather team by the end of the night.
Weather is certainly viable (ohai mega ttar), just don't ever monotype your teams lol.
I honestly don't think MegaTtar will see much play. Assault Vest, CB, CS and LO Ttar are compatibly outclass or tie with it, and it uses up a mega slot that could be used for something more viable
TTar @ Assault Vest certainly is retarded, but then it can't DD or SR. I'm sure there's a certain role Mega TTar would fill on certain teams.
Not sure why I bother posting teams here as in depth as I do to sit and watch them never get reviewed.
I'm lazy. That and you mostly post OU stuff (...right?), and I've never been a big OU player. That's not really an excuse, as not playing OU doesn't make my entire opinion regarding OU matters invalid.
There's a local unofficial X/Y tournament happening here sometime over Thanksgiving Break, and I prepared a team for it. I don't have a lot of time to prepare and all of the Pokémon except Houndoom I've already obtained, but I would appreciate any advice on move sets and EV spreads. No egg moves for now.

Lucario@Life Orb
252 Atk,252 Spe,4 HP,Hasty
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Shadow Claw
-Stone Edge

Gyarados@Life Orb
252 Atk,40 HP,4 Def,208 Spe,Jolly
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Fang

Ferrothorn@Rocky Helmet
Iron Barbs (Duh)
252 HP,172 SpD,84 Def,Sassy
-Leech Seed
-Stealth Rock
-Power Whip
-Thunder Wave

Galvantula@Choice Specs
Compoundeyes (Obviously...)
252 SpA,252 Spe,4 HP,Timid
-Bug Buzz
-Energy Ball
-Volt Switch

Flash Fire
252 SpA,252 Spe,4 HP,Modest
-Dark Pulse
-Fire Blast
-Sludge Bomb
-Nasty Plot

Flower Veil
252 Def,252 HP,4 SpA,Modest
-Calm Mind

I realize that Rocky Helmet is an inferior item, but considering the short notice of the tournament I don't have time to get multiple Leftovers/Life Orbs. I also realize that some of the natures aren't ideal, but I think these will work in the short term. So basically, EV Spreads and Movesets (especially movesets) are what I want suggestions on.
I also realize that three of my Pokémon are boost-sweepers. I'm not sure if that's a problem or not.
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Basically. I don't know exactly what the ban list for the tournament will be, but I assume that most legendaries banned by Flat Rules will be banned and that we're playing Singles. I'm also not sure how many people are going and how competent they are with the metagame and such.
So it's basically Flat Rules without the items clause. Any abilities or items banned (Brightpowder, Moody, etc.)?

Regardless, I'm mighty tired at the moment. But I'll be sure t' give the team a full review tomorrow, ya have my word.
So it's basically Flat Rules without the items clause. Any abilities or items banned (Brightpowder, Moody, etc.)?
I have no idea about items or abilities, to be honest. I've been trying to get details on the tournament but I've been having little luck.
As far as I know, I don't think any of the items are banned at the tournament. Once I finish planning a team together, I'll be sure to post it as well. So far all I've planned out is:

Mold Breaker
252 Spd/252 Atk/4HP (Jolly)
Leftovers? Life Orb? Balloon?
-Rock Slide
-Swords Dance
-Shadow Claw

I'm still trying to decide between Ferrothorn, Blissey or Forretress as my defensive wall. (Although I think there's a good chance I'll run Esp's Ferrothorn with Protect instead of Stealth Rock)
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There's a local unofficial X/Y tournament happening here sometime over Thanksgiving Break, and I prepared a team for it. I don't have a lot of time to prepare and all of the Pokémon except Houndoom I've already obtained, but I would appreciate any advice on move sets and EV spreads. No egg moves for now.

First and foremost, I'm gonna mention that there's a method for acquiring BP pretty fast: the battle institute. If ya have a perfect run and beat all five trainers really efficiently, you get an instant 15 BP. It's more likely you'll get 12 or 13 BP per run, but it's quick. 'Specially since the first two (or was it three?) trainers use unevolved Pokes. Once ya have three Pokes for your team finalized, bred and EV'd (protip: decide which three would work best for a 3-Poke 1v1 team), you can rack up that BP but quickly. Doin' short runs in the Battle Maison is more lucrative than ya might think too. Mainly 'cause the Maison's keepers give a hearty amount'a BP after beatin' 'em. Not sure which method is more efficient though, look int' it.

Anyways, 'fore I talk 'bout sets, I'm gonna review the team as a whole just based on the 'mons. What's immediately apparent is that three of your 'mons are weak to SR... and you lack a spinner. And your Galvantula lacks Sticky Web just so it can equip Specs. I have a problem with this. A Poke weak to SR, which has Specs and Volt Switch (both which mean it'l be switching in 'n out a lot), but no spinner. This would be unacceptable back in Gen 4, and even moreso now that Sticky Web is a threat to Pokes like Lucario, who need t' outspeed a few threats in order to have a chance at sweeping. Completely change your team to alleviate this huge hazard weakness, or better yet, get yourself a spinner with bulk. Florges can even help it stay alive as long as it's needed via Wish.

You've also stacked your weaknesses to Fighting and Fire. Fire's never been an immeasurable problem in OU (bar Blaziken, 'fore it was banned both last Gen and this one), but the other type is. Speakin' of, I really hope Blaziken is banned at this tourney, otherwise it'l destroy ya if it gets around Gyarados; and it ain't hard gettin' around SR-weak Pokes when they've no spinner to fall back on. Anywho, the Fighting-type weakness is a terribad thing. Mach Punch will ruin your sweepers' day time and again... and no, Gyarados won't be sponging any of Conkeldurr's Stone Edges once it takes SR damage. Ya might want to consider some team changes to fix said Fighting-type problem. Speakin' of Rock-type moves, 'sides SR, your team obviously hates Rock-type attacks as well. Gyarados is your sole go-to for spongin' EQs, and yet it's also weak to Rock-type moves most Pokes would carry alongside EQ. Big problem that needs solvin' right there.

As for the issue of stat-up sweepers that you brought up yourself, it's indeed a huge issue. Even Florges, which sure as **** is too slow t' be a sweeper and has a plain ol' support moveset, has a stat-up move. That needs t' change. Specialize your team around one sweeper, with possibly a second stat-up Poke meant to punch holes in specific Pokes that wall/check your main sweeper. The key to a good team is specialization and focus, not a bunch'a sweepers you can't support properly.

Speakin' of support, some of your Pokes have none. As an example (which I'll criticize in more detail later on), Houndoom has none. No spinner, no Sunny Day, and no counters to the types that plague it most... 'cept Water, which it can handle via +2 Solar Power-boosted Solarbeam anyways. Get that team focus bro. Synergy is and always will be key.

Lucario@Life Orb
252 Atk,252 Spe,4 HP,Hasty
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Shadow Claw
-Stone Edge

Super effective Shadow Claw does piddly damage to anythin' that's a wall, and is bleh coverage anyways. This thing needs E-Speed, ESPECIALLY since it's not gonna Mega Evolve and get that oh-so wonderful increase to it's speed. That, and Sticky Web utterly ruins E-speed lacking Lucario. Stone Edge is sub-optimal, but I s'pose a lot of Pokes are forced t' use sub-optimal things 'til Pokemon Bank is up and running... you could run Crunch over Stone Edge if ya want (and yes, E-Speed goes over Shadow Claw, not Crunch). But only if ya scrap Houndoom... which I may or may not recommend doing further down the review.

This thing obviously wants either an Adamant or Jolly nature too. And, naturally, Inner Focus/Justified > Steadfast. But I guess that'd be the number one thing to cut for the sake'a time since Hasty over Jolly won't necessarily decide a match. Most assuredly could, but it may not happen. Still don't recommend cuttin' corners though, 'specially if you're not breedin' 31 IVs across the board.

Gyarados@Life Orb
252 Atk,40 HP,4 Def,208 Spe,Jolly
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Fang

Ehhhhh ice fang. It's only purpose is killing Dragon/Flying types, and Mamoswine exists for that. Better off with Stone Edge since it smacks the ubiquitous Rotom-W for acceptable damage. Also, don't forget 'bout a bulkier DDGyara. DD/Sub or Taunt/Waterfall/Return (Water/Normal has fantastic neutral coverage) is an old Gen 4 classic I occasionally used myself. Substitute would also help alleviate Florges wantin' to run Aromatherapy if ya build your team around helpin' BulkyGyara sweep. On top of negating (non-Sableye) status, Taunt can also prevent really slow Pokes (like opposing Ferrothorn) from settin' up hazards too, not that you'd want t' stay in on somethin' like a Tyranitar with STAB Rock moves.

Also, what's the EV spread for? Somethin' familiar 'bout it...

Ferrothorn@Rocky Helmet
Iron Barbs (Duh)
252 HP,172 SpD,84 Def,Sassy
-Leech Seed
-Stealth Rock
-Power Whip
-Thunder Wave

Sticky Web > T-wave. Give this mother 'Karper Gyro Ball so it can destroy Fairy-types and actually be semi-useful offensively. That, or Spikes so it can double-hazard... though I wouldn't recommend that as much as Gyro Ball, since ya lack a spinblocker. Not recommendin' a blocker, just sayin'.

And FFS get another Leftovers. Nothin' needs a BP-bought item like Ferrothorn does. Lefties is just too important for it, 'specially since Leech Seed + Lefties allows to stick around a LONG time and repeatedly set up Rocks if need be. And threaten Fairy-types.

Galvantula@Choice Specs
Compoundeyes (Obviously...)
252 SpA,252 Spe,4 HP,Timid
-Bug Buzz
-Energy Ball
-Volt Switch

Remove Specs, give it Sticky Web over Volt Switch. No, don't even try t' argue.

Flash Fire
252 SpA,252 Spe,4 HP,Modest
-Dark Pulse
-Fire Blast
-Sludge Bomb
-Nasty Plot

I ain't too confident of Houndoom's viability in OU. Mega Houndoom's power is staggering in sunny conditions, but permaweather is long gone. And usin' one means a lack of Mega Charizard. It's SR weak (ohai your team's biggest weakness), takes up your Mega evolution slot, and poses the issue of bein' underwhelming if ya can't intensify sunlight prior to a sweep, which calls for either Sunny Day on one'a your Pokes, or a Ninetales. Neither option is very appealin'. Since your team lacks both, and would probably need a complete overhaul to add either without makin' certain weaknesses worse, you should consider dropping Houndoom for another Mega evolution. Speakin' of, ya could use Mega Lucario with Mach/Bullet Punch over E-speed, and give Galvantula the Life Orb it previously held. Both time saving and a more effective use of your Mega evolution.

Flower Veil
252 Def,252 HP,4 SpA,Modest
-Calm Mind

Those Def EVs are goin' to waste. Invest it all in Sp.D, as both Florges' HP and Def are relatively low. It ain't gonna take any Physical hits t' say the least. Usin' stat-increasing/lowering moves that lack priority is also spellin' for disaster, so drop Calm Mind for somethin' useful... perhaps Protect so Florges can heal itself properly. Pretty staple on most Wish Pokes, naturally. It should really have a Calm nature too, as without investment that Modest nature probably won't make much of a difference in how hard it hits. I say probably since I don't know where t' find OU-relevant damage calcs for a Florges.

... On that note, ask yourself: if 252 HP/Sp.D Florges @ Wish an inferior WishBliss? Not that I'm recommendin' another Fighting-weak Poke for your team lol.

So yeah. As a quick summary, fix your hazard weakness (and your weakness to Rock and Fighting t' boot) and scrap Houndoom.
Yes, my team isn't well thought out, the only reason I did that is because of the fact that this tournament is unofficial and I'm not sure if everyone there will be playing on a competitive level, to the point where I'm not sure many will be using SR even. I could be wrong, though.
So I'll save that Modest Flash Fire Houndour I spent all day breeding for a dedicated sun team or something later, and stick a spinner on my team in it's place. Since it should resist Fighting and Fire, maybe Tentacruel? Or perhaps Starmie would be a better choice?
And obviously Lucario will probably be getting the Mega Evo. slot now, and I'll use it as the "hole-puncher" you suggested.
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248 Atk,88 HP,4 Def,168 Spe
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge/Return/Earthquake

Ya never answered my question 'bout the EV spread... but I just remembered it's the standard spread for Smogon's BW OU Bulky DD set. Keep it mind that, in this new metagame, those EVs are no longer valid ('cept against the still omnipresent Rotom-W... which you should run Return precisely for, 'lest you lose your sweeper to 80% accuracy). New threats are everywhere, particularly Mega evolutions; for example, Mega Gyarados and it's removed Flying-type always beats normal Gyarados... 'less normal Gyara acquires a few DDs first, obviously. Other new 'n dangerous threats like Mega Mawile and Aegislash care little 'bout that small investment in HP. So yeah, Stone Edge is a big no IMO. I'd say the choice is between Return and EQ. Return offers the best possible neutral coverage since Bounce isn't available, but EQ is specifically for threats like the two listed above... but leaves you even more vulnerable t' Rotom-W. Do some damage calcs for Florges vs. Rotom-W, as even in an uncompetitive environment, you're gonna find a Rotom-W or two. Some players are most defiitely gonna "netdeck" themselves an OU team with a Rotom-W on it.

As for Starmie or Tentacruel, the former ain't gonna sponge any Close Combats, the latter won't enjoy EQs, and both don't help with the Rotom-W issue. But Rapid Spin ain't exactly the most distributed of moves, so... ... ... as for which one t' use, Tentacruel can lay down T-Spikes. Gyarados has less coverage than an offensive set, and Mega Lucario's +2 Bullet Punch is strong but not unstoppable, so those T-Spikes might poison one or two key threats and just barely allow one'a your sweepers to get the job done on somethin' that would've normally stopped your sweep. But Starmie is great too since it naturally hits harder 'n gets Recover, allowin' it to last much longer than Tentacruel. Also means you can focus your Florges' usage of Wish on the rest'a your team, which lets MLucario fire of CCs carelessly 'fore it tries to sweep later on, or for Gyarados to check things with Intimidate in the early-mid game. Or better yet, find the time t' use Aromatherapy if needed.

Any particular reason why Starmie is runnin' T-bolt over other coverage options?

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