What's your pokemon team?

Oh hey, Magikarp's back! :D
Espeon isn't very bulky anyway, so it's probably better off with something it can use to attack if we're not using the Lati twins. I guess we'll give Salamence Roost instead of Draco Meteor so we can get rid of Umbreon with a Sp. Attacker of some sort. We were considering Volcarona, so maybe Volcarona.
Roost prevents 'Mence from dodging EQ for a turn. Furthermore, Recovery moves ain't useful in Doubles. You'll lose 50%+ from one opposing Poke's attack, none the less two. Not only that, but 'Mence is better off just throwin' out attacks anyways. Just like Espeon.

In our school's battling club, I'm pretty sure Latias and Latios are banned, but thanks for the suggestion. I completely forgot that EQ's power dropped when it hit multiple opponents. Maybe he could use Hammer Arm instead? Which would ruin the point of using Eelecktross, but at least we could replace it for a Gastro Acid user that's actually useful.

They need t' get with the times and ban Soul Dew rather than Lati@s. I'm sure they've banned under-powered legendaries like the dog trio as well? ¬_¬ Y'all should forget what I said 'bout them cheap ol' Aron-sandstorm and Riolu-roar strategies and show 'em what's really worth banning. Throw in some Sandstorm abuse with Garchomp and Excadrill while you're at it. :lol:

Hammer Arm slows Slaking down and lacks perfect accuracy, so EQ spam is still the better option. I'd recommend ya find a more interestin' team combo revolving around STAB EQ spam. A fine example is the good ol' standard Discharge + EQ spam combination. Spamming both moves t' hit opposing Pokes racks up spread damage really quickly. Furthermore, Flying-types lookin' to avoid EQ eat a super-effective Discharge. The strategy works so well since a Ground-type is immune to Electric, so Discharge will only hit the opponent. There's a small variety of Electric-types that also avoid Ground-type moves, Eelektross bein' one of 'em. The Electric/Flying legendaries are a lot better 'course, and should be used if they ain't banned. Zapdos is the most useful in this combo since it gets Heat Wave, although Thundurus-T does hit ridiculously hard. Even with Discharge.

If they are indeed banned, your options are either your current Electric-type or Rotom in one'a it's appliance forms (don't consider usin' Emolga lol). This is one'a the only places where Freeze Rotom is useful, since if the foe resists Electric it can opt t' use STAB Blizzard instead. If Eelektross' Flamethrower is one'a it's highlights, one can use Heat Rotom for Overheat. Wash Rotom is the best of it's forms overall since Water/Electric is fantastic typing, but if ya don't want two Water-types it's Freeze, Heat, or Mow forms are perfectly usable dependin' on what you're lookin' for in the Poke.

As for the Ground-type, just pick somethin' that hits really hard (but ffs don't pick Rhyperior since it lacks Trick Room support). Eelektross/Rotom-Appliance do hit somewhat hard, but Discharge's BP is average, especially when hittin' multiple targets. You'll need a particularly powerful Ground-type to pick up the KOs their extra damage output will allow. For example, I'd say that you wouldn't want your EQ spammer to be any weaker than a Krookodile. Mind you, Base 117 Attack wouldn't be enough t' tackle bulky opponents anyways. Somethin' like an Excadrill or Golurk has enough Attack to abuse STAB EQ properly, not that I'm recommending either of 'em in particular. Just examples.
Actually no, most trio Pokemon aren't banned, so we can use Zapdos if we wanted to, Thundurus is banned though.
I guess we'll go with an Excadril/Zapdos combination instead of a Slaking/Eelektross combination then.
I'm presuming they would know these moves:

Espmaster's Excadril
-Shadow Claw
-Stone Edge
-I would put Swords Dance here, but like you said, Pokemon die quickly in doubles.

Redreavus's Zapdos
-Heat Wave
Even outside of Sandstorm Excadrill is a fantastic Poke. However, he's weak to Heat Wave, Surf and Earthquake. His defense stats are low so despite it's high HP, he's not all-that bulky. As such, Protect is very much worth considerin' on 'em, 'specially over Shadow Claw since 140 BP when super effective isn't very impressive. Only real use it would have is hittin' Levitating Psychic-types, which are frail and won't be able t' take a Stone Edge and Discharge anyways (unless it's Bronzong, which laughs at Shadow Claw regardless). Even if you want t' keep Shadow Claw (... don't), put Protect in the last slot.

An interesting option is t' run two Ground STABs: Earthquake and Bulldoze. The Speed drop from Bulldoze will let ya bulldoze faster opponents. Any opposing team runnin' speed demons will sorely regret usin' fast, frail Pokes between Discharge's chance of paralysis and Bulldoze's guaranteed speed drop. Obviously the move should be used with care if you want that option, as you'll never KO a bulky Poke with Bulldoze + Discharge unless either move is super-effective.

If ya put Protect in the last slot, consider Iron Head over Shadow Claw. Your only reliable (and powerful) move is EQ, and when that can't hit what ya want it to you might have t' take a chance on Stone Edge. Iron Head gives you a decently powerful move t' use on most Pokes that would avoid EQ (curse those Bronzong...). Remember, super-effective coverage isn't half as important in Doubles as it is in Singles. You've a second Poke to help fill out that there coverage, or just-plain double up on attacks to take down a specific threat.

Despite my derps 'bout coverage not bein' important, HP Ice is always a godsend for Electric-types. If you can get your hands on a high BP HP Ice, do so. If ya can't/aren't willing to waste a shitton of time on it, Zapdos still has a few other good options. Tailwind gives your team a brief Speed boost; just don't use it with Bulldoze. Zapdos, Excadrill and Salamence are all moderately speedy but not quite enough. Tailwind kicks their speed up enough t' surpass the quickest of threats, so it's definitely useful. Also makes Espeon 'n Starmie nigh-impossible to outspeed. Volt Switch gets Zapdos out of a jam while still dealin' good damage. Considerin' wasting a turn in Doubles is REALLY bad, it might be worth a moveslot. At the same time, as I mentioned earlier switching is still a low priority anyways since you've got a second Poke t' help get you outta jams, so it's not necessarily the best option. It'l come in handy on occasion, but definitely not all-that often.

Eelektross had T-wave, but since Zapdos can use Tailwind/Discharge and Excadrill can run Bulldoze, you don't really want Zapdos t' use it. It can learn Light Screen to free up a moveslot on Espeon, but Espeon doesn't have the greatest moveset anyways... SwaggerBerry for teh lulz is a classic strategy. If an opponent lacks a Levitater/Flying-type out on turn one, and won't wallop Excadrill into oblivion instantly, one can Swagger it if it's holdin' a Persim berry to give it +2 Atk. That's a Swords Dance, then an EQ in the same turn. Real simple, real old, but real effective. Excadrill can hold a Lum berry instead to ward off another status effect if ya don't want to Swagger. In the case Excadrill can neutrally hit at least one foe and Zapdos can't, Swaggerin' Excadrill up keeps ya from havin' to switch out. And let me tell ya, EQ from a +2 Excadrill is a lot scarier than from a +0 Slaking.

Protect is always an option since Zapdos is weak t' Rock Slide and more importantly Blizzard, but Zapdos ain't slow or frail so it's not at all a necessary option.
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In that case:

-Bulldoze (Iron Head)
-Stone Edge

-Tailwind (HP Ice)
lol @ nicknames

Definitely Iron Head over Bulldoze. Even if ya used HP Ice over Tailwind, Excadrill's gotta have a reliable move for when EQ won't hit.
I'm pretty much handing the team off to Redreavus, but do you think that Garchomp would be better than Excadrill for this set? It'd create a Blizzard weakness, but it'd open up the possibility of Zapdos using Heat Wave without it's ally having to use Protect.
Heat Wave only hits the opponents.

Regardless, Garchomp and Zapdos are actually the traditional ChargeQuake abusers. The duo makes an appearance in past VGCs regularly on goodstuff teams.
Oh yeah, VGC is this weekend. I always thought it'd be cool to participate. Maybe I should next chance. Who knows.

I might stick with Excadrill, unless Garchomp has some sort of amazing merit that Excadrill doesn't that makes it suck automatically in doubles.
Via superior typing and BST, Garchomp is wholly superior t' Excadrill outside of a Sandstorm.

... But I really wouldn't recommend goin' that route. Anyone can copy generic goodstuff teams and strategies made by the world's best and get great results, so long as they continue t' play people at a similar skill level. Y'all should focus on makin' your own strategies and get to thinkin' hard. Only reason I mentioned ChargeQuake was to point ya's in the right direction: to show a perfect example of takin' advantage of a Poke's typing/Levitate, spread damage and synergy. Your original idea with Slaking was already on the right track, but there's always improvements to a strategy t' be made. Namely efficiency and synergy.

With that said, here's another protip: once you've decided on a moveset to use, review other Pokes that can do a similar or the exact same strategy, and whether or not they can do it better or simply work better with your current team than the Poke ya decided on. Compare stats, typing (both standalone and in tandem with team mates), moveset options, and obviously synergy with the rest'a your team. For example, Zapdos is recommended over Thundurus since it learns Heat Wave and Tailwind; Thundurus doesn't have a coverage move as good as Heat Wave, nor a Fire-type move at all. It can't support it's team mates with a move like Tailwind either. Thundurus is the better Poke as a whole, but when it comes t' Doubles, Zapdos has more moves tooled better for synergy. The only thing Thundurus is good for over Zapdos is abusing priority T-wave, a much stronger Thunder for Rain teams, and using Sludge Wave with a Steel-type partner. But Tailwind is better than T-wave in Doubles, and outside of heavy rain Fire is a better offensive type than Poison (and Sludge Wave hits your ally). These differences are minor, but such a small amount'a difference in synergy can mean the difference between a win and loss.

In other words, even when ya think your team is complete, keep thinkin' on it. Keep comparing, researching, second-guessing. Eventually you'll stumble upon somethin' that could upgrade your team's synergy or efficiency notably.
I was actually reading this thread, and remember guys, Excadrill gets Mold Breaker. Levitate means nothing to it. Use said ability unless you're using Tyranitar or Hippowdon. Although bear in mind Rotom and Eelektross will now get hit unless they use Protect.

[/ultra late]
That argument isn't one-sided. Excadrill instantly becomes it's worst enemy if it gives up Sand Rush, as opposing Excadrill on Sandstorm teams will wreck it... 'course, in a more casual environment, Sandstorm abuse in Singles or Doubles ain't anywhere as prevalent, so I s'pose Mold Breaker would be worth it. Makes ChargeQuake abuse that much more effective.

... Though Gliscor is still your worst enemy. Not that anyone of sound mind would often use one in Doubles.
I'm planning on raising a 4th gen. singles team. Here's what I'm planning:

Empoleon (Lead)
156 HP / 252 SpA / 100 Spe
Focus Sash
Stealth Rock
Ice Beam
Aqua Jet

4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Flame Orb
Swords Dance
Close Combat

Thick Fat
4 Def / 252 Atk / 252 SpD
Body Slam

252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe
Mean Look
Baton Pass

252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Life Orb
Dragon Dance
Fire Blast

252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Life Orb
Focus Blast
Nasty Plot
Grass Knot
Fire Blast
Ability: Filter
@ Aggronite
Nature: Careful
EVs: 6 Hp, 252 Atk, 252 Def
Aggron Base Stats: 70/110/180/60/60/50
Mega Aggron Base Stats: 70/140/230/60/80/50
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
- Dragon Tail
- Iron Head/ Heavy Slam

Aggron is one of the Pokémon that define crippling overspecialization, with its high defense, good attack, and low everything else. Aggron's poor special defense means it can't take special attacks, and his poor typing gives him a x4 weakness to the ever common ground and fighting moves, making its physical defense a moot point. It has a niche in the form of recoilless Head Smashes and the ability to try to sweep by setting up using Rock Polish, but this wasn't enough to make it have use in OU. However, Aggron is one of the Pokémon to get a mega evolution, and it's a great one. It loses its rock-typing, gets increased special defense, gains the ability filter, and its defense goes through the roof. Not only that, but its attack goes up to a great base 140. All of this combined makes Mega Aggron is a defensive behemoth, tanking physical hits like they're nothing and hitting back hard.
With max investment, Aggron gets the most terrifying physical defense, allowing it to tank almost any physical hit with ease. The last two slots depend on what you want Aggron to do for you and your team, with your choices of either more coverage or more support.

Ability: Cute Charm
@ Leftovers
EVs: 128 SpAtk, 252 SpDef, 128 Spd
- Dazzling Gleam/ Moonblast
- Wish
- Toxic
- Psyshock

The next eon has awakened, and the fall of the Dragons begins. Just the mere existence of the Fairy-type has left a huge mark on the game. Sylveon was the first fairy to be released, and it lives up to its hype. With 110 Special Attack and tons of bulk on the special side Sylveon makes a great special tank. Psyshock is used to hit Poison Types where it hurts: Super effective against their typically lower defense stat. All magic comes at a cost, however, and Sylveon sees that in the form of its low Defense and a moveset that leaves much to be desired. Still, Sylveon will make its statement in the metagame, one Dragon at a time.

Ability: Sand Stream
@ Choice Scarf
EVs: 252 Atk, 128 Spd, 128 Hp
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Dark Pulse

Ability: Sand Veil
@ Choice Band
EVs: 6 Hp, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Crunch
- Stone Edge

Ability: Stance Change
@ Leftovers
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 6 SpDef
- Kings Shield
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
- Swords Dance/ Iron Head

Stance Change is Aegislash's signature ability, and with thoughtful play it essentially allows Aegislash to change between being a Deoxys-A and a Deoxys-D at will. When Aegislash makes a move, before it completes its move it will change form depending on the type of move used. If it is a damage dealing move, Aegislash will change into its Blade Forme, an extremely powerful but frail mixed attacker. If it uses King's Shield, then it will revert back into Shield Forme, an extremely bulky mixed wall. Other non-damaging moves do not cause a form change. Note that Aegislash is by default in Shield Forme, and will be in Shield Forme when switched in.
A notable move to explain is Aegislash's signature move King's Shield. King's Shield in essence works as protect, blocking a single enemy attack. This allows Aegislash to safely revert back to its Shield Forme the turn after it attacks, ready to take another hit. However, in addition to acting like protect, if the opposing pokemon would make contact with Aegislash when King's Shield is active, its Attack stat harshly drops. This move forces your opponent to think carefully when facing Aegislash with a physical attacker. However, it seems as though King's Shield does not protect against status moves. I have reports that King's Shield failed to protect against Will-o-wisp and pain split.

Ability: Blaze
@ Assault Vest
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd
- Psychic
- Fire Blast
- Grass Knot
- Overheat
Greninja Lvl. 83
-Hydro Pump
-Hydro Cannon

Charizard (Mega Charizard X) Lvl. 81
-Heat Wave
-Fire Blast
-Burn Blaster

Gengar (Mega Gengar) Lvl. 89
-Dream Eater
-Shadow Ball
-Dazzling Gleam

Doublade Lvl. 76
-Shadow Claw
-Night Slash
-Sacred Sword

Drifblim Lvl. 69
-Shadow Ball
-Phantom Force

Chandelure Lvl. 69
-Flame Burst
-Flame Charge

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