What's your pokemon team?

Lucario @ Lucarionite

- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Poison Jab
- Shadow Claw

Delphox @ Expert Belt

- Psychic
- Flamethrower
- Will-O-Wisp
- Grass Knot

Aegislash @ Spooky Plate

- Shadow Sneak
- King's Shield
- Sacred Sword
- Iron Head

Pangoro @ Quick Claw

- Hammer Arm
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake (for tham Doubles)

Sylveon @ Leftovers

- Protect
- Moonblast
- Light Screen
- Toxic

Staraptor @ Sharp Beak

- U-turn
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat
- Return

scrubtastical in-game scrub team is scrubbish
@Storm; I'll rate yours l8r, not now

Edit: ...you 2 dirgey

Greninja Lvl. 83
-Hydro Pump
-Hydro Cannon
Eeeeeew all water moves. Keep any one of them (not Hydro Cannon tho), and add a dark-type move like Thief, Night Slash, or Dark Pulse (I assume it learns Dark Pulse). Some other cool moves it learns are Acrobatics and U-turn, off the top of my head. I suppose you could have one special water attack (still not Hydro Cannon) and one physical water attack, if you really want.

Charizard (Mega Charizard X) Lvl. 81
-Heat Wave
-Fire Blast
-Burn Blaster
Fly is fine, Heat Wave or Fire Blast is fine (only one), but again, Hyper Beam and its variant almost always suck. You should also add Dragon Claw or Outrage or something, you need another (sometimes) STAB that takes advantage of Tough Claws.

Gengar (Mega Gengar) Lvl. 89
-Dream Eater
-Shadow Ball
-Dazzling Gleam
I suppose it works. Dream Eater is nice since Megas can't hold Leftovers (or Black Sludge in this case). And Dazzling Gleam beats Dark types. Yay.
Doublade Lvl. 76
-Shadow Claw
-Night Slash
-Sacred Sword
Shadow Claw and Night Slash have too similar coverage, so scrap Night Slash since Shadow Claw gets STAB. You'll be using some combination of Kings Shield, Automatize (not sure how it learns it tho), Swords Dance, Iron Head, Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword, and Shadow Claw when it evolves, unless you wanna be some sort of hipster. A mixed Automatize set sounds neat, as not taking advantage of 150 base special attack seems like a waste.

Drifblim Lvl. 69
-Shadow Ball
-Phantom Force
I suppose it works. Dunno about having two ghost type moves, though, you should scrap one. Other options include things like Will o wisp.

Chandelure Lvl. 69
-Flame Burst
-Flame Charge
Flame Burst sucks compared to other fire moves, Flame Charge is fine for the speed boost, Hex sucks unless you're using Will o wisp or something....speaking of said move, use it over Inferno, since you'd only be using Inferno over Flamethrower or Fire Blast if you wanted to unreliably burn something, when Will o wisp reliably burns things.
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Greninja only has all water for now. When I no longer need surf or waterfall I'm going to balance him out more. Same goes for Charizard.

Edit: And my Chandelure has a pretty craptastic move set right now until I can get some time to fix it. His fire moves leaves me disappointed when they land.

Training up my Bannette right now so I can have a beast when I find that Bannetite in the Chamber of Emptiness.
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Well, time to jump on the bandwagon and post my in-game team. I know it's not the best, but hey.

-Wood Hammer
-Hammer Arm
-Leech Seed

-Dragon Tail
-Rapid Spin

-Shadow Claw
-Iron Head
-Sacred Sword
-Swords Dance

-Sleep Talk

-Grass Knot
-Baton Pass (Filler)
-Dazzling Gleam

-Slash (Filler)
-Mud Bomb (Filler, most likely to be replaced with Rock Slide)
-Sucker Punch (Filler)

I also tried my hand at Super Training. It was my first time EV training, so I went with Smogon's EV spread/moveset.
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Speed Boost
-Swords Dance
-Flare Blitz
-High Jump Kick
I also tried my hand at Super Training. It was my first time EV training, so I went with Smogon's EV spread/moveset.

You'll be happy to know traditional EV training via (horde) battles is literally ten times faster. Refer t' that for any future EV training.

And if you're wonderin' what the most optimal formula for EV trainin' is, just ask. That page doesn't ever state what the least time-consuming method is... and doesn't even mention Exp. Share.
Not sure why I bother posting teams here as in depth as I do to sit and watch them never get reviewed.

Outta all the teams I've posted over the years, no more than two have been reviewed.

... Not that I'm expectin' a review for the one I just posted. In-game trash is in-game.
Storm I'd review yours but you're more of a Poke'Expert than I. Kinda would be pointless.

@ Aerodactylite
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
- Stealth Rock
- Rock Slide
- Iron Head
- Acrobatics/ Crunch/ Earthquake

Not sure how I want Aerodactyl to function. Mega Evolution for the team means he can Stealth Rock and hit back hard. He was good last gen as a SR lead that would set up and hit hard to do moderate damage. With the boost from mega stone, he becomes viable as a potent SR lead and serious threat.

@ Flying Gem
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
- Acrobatics
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake

Archeops' main job is to break walls so Carracosta and others can sweep. Flying Gem acrobatics off a 140 base Atk is no joke, and will rip holes in teams.

@ Choice Specs
252 SpAtk, 252 Spd
- Crunch
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Fire Blast/ Flamethrower

A disgrace to Ttar? I think not. Making use of a usable base 95 SpAtk and nice bulk provided by sandstorm, this Ttar can foil most defensive threats that would attempt to check Tyranitar, and with a Specs boost and impeccable coverage he hits like a truck.

@ Choice Scarf
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
- Crunch/ Dragon Claw
- Thunder Fang
- Ice Fang
- Fire Fang

Tyrantrum brings an interesting mix to this game. Reasoning for not giving a STAB dragon move is because of Strong Jaw. Strong Jaw gives all bite-based attacks a 50% boost, meaning having STAB Dragon Claw is irrelevant as the elemental fangs will be (for lack of a better term) double STAB from his ability alone. This kind of coverage hitting so strong off his base 125 Atk and 75 base Spd makes him a perfect Scarf revenge killer or straight up wall breaker.

@ White Herb
Adamant/ Jolly
252 Atk, 252 Hp, 6 Spd
- Shell Smash
- Aqua Jet
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Same Carracosta set I used last gen, still feel it will be good this gen. Didn't invest in Spd simply because after a shell smash or two, speed will be irrelevant. Fix'd with STAB Aqua Jet.

@ Leftovers
252 Hp, 252 Atk, 6 Def
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Slack off/?

Not sure what set to go with for Hippowdon. Using him as a second weather inducer and Wall that can hit back.

Sandstorm is still viable. This is my team. Review and rate and moment plz.
Sandstorm is still viable.


Even back when permaweather was a thing, players never went monotype for their weather team. You do NOT want t' go monorock, you'll instalose if the opponent has a Mega Lucario/Mach Punch Conkeldurr/Scarf Keldeo/Technician (Mega) Scizor/plethora of things. 'Less you intend to use it as a billy team, you best get back to the drawing board.
Hippowdon isn't rock, and it destroys mega Lucario and Walls Mega Scizor. Archeops and Aerodactyl both have the tools to take down Conkeldurr as well. Look through it again, don't just glance over it.

Mega Lucario 2HKOs your entire team with CC at the very least. Hippowdon can't switch in at full health and expect t' tank with Slack Off. With SR up, Mega Aerodactyl isn't threatening to it at all. All you can do against it is have Carracosta attempt to revenge kill via Sturdy and Aqua Jet... somethin' I'd probably fall for admittedly, I always forget 'bout Sturdy. Archeops and Mega Aero are both frail, weak to SR, and take neutral damage from Mach Punch. If a player prioritizes keepin' their Conkeldurr alive, wearing down the rest'a your team, GG.

Monotype =/= viable

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