What's your pokemon team?

Sorry I never answered your question, I thought that you realized it was the standard for BW Gyarados and you were being rhetorical.
I probably put T-bolt on there for stuff exactly like Rotom-W. I'm leaning towards Starmie for my team since I already have a special wall in Florges and Tentacruel shines especially in the rain, while Starmie works in any weather. Plus it'd involve less effort in breeding and can provide a bit more offensive presense, and the reasons you mentioned. And also, I still don't have a spin-blocker, which may hinder the usefulness of Toxic Spikes very slightly.
T-bolt won't do **** t' Rotom-W with that EV spread. Starmie can't really do anythin' to said Poke. An Orb/Specs Starmie could whittle down a Rotom-W invested in Def rather than Sp.D, but otherwise Rotom-W will force Starmie out every time, takin' minimal damage from a neutral T-bolt... and either way, it'l gain momentum for it's team via Volt Switch multiple times.

... I mean, ya could get creative with Reflect Type to beat certain (or perhaps all) Rotom-W via Recover, but on a bulky Rapid Spinner ya don't have a free moveslot meant for dealin' with a single Poke. If you're usin' Starmie because ya think it can handle Rotom-W, that ain't all-that true. Ain't a 1v1 it can win (without Reflect Type).

'Less Specs Psychic 2HKOs 252/0 Rotom, anyways.
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Finally finished putting together my team for the tournament.

Excadrill @Leftovers
Mold Breaker
176 HP / 60 Atk / 252 SpD / 20 Spe OR 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
-Swords Dance
-Rock Slide
-Rapid Spin

Ferrothorn @Rocky Helmet
Iron Barbs
252 HP / 48 Def / 208 SpD
-Leech Seed
-Thunder Wave
-Power Whip

Rotom-W @Sitrus Berry
248 HP / 28 SpA / 232 SpD
- Pain Split
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Swtich
- Will-O-Wisp

Alakazam @Life Orb
Magic Guard
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Dazzling Gleam
- Energy Ball

Gengar @Gengarite
Levitate/Shadow Tag
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Hypnosis
- Focus Blast

Heracross @Flame Orb
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Rock Slide
- Swords Dance
I see a lot of OU goodstuff, but I ain't seein' the synergy at a glance. Details, bro.
On my team, I actually am unable to participate in the tournament, so we can take a bit more time to make some more major renovations if you see fit.
I've tested it on PS and decided to replace Galvantula with Espeon and might replace Starmie with Tentacruel. Having a spinner that could actually take hits would be a good idea. The other Pokémon on my team, namely Lucario, Gyarados, Florges and Ferrothorn, are doing remarkably well.
Also, I see your point about Starmie vs. Rotom-W. When fighting Redreavus here, Starmie's Thunderbolt only did about 17% damage against his Rotom-W.
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Rotom-W is going to be my opening act. It can use Volt Switch to flee if it needs to, and it can dent Ground types with Hydro Pump. Mega Gengar can trap Fighting and Normal types and use Hypnosis on them, and its other moves are used for sweeping. Alakazam is the backup special sweeper, while Excadrill and Heracross can switch in to Pokemon like Ferrothorn and set up with Swords Dance, Excadrill especially can switch into utility users and use Rapid Spin/Earthquake to finish them off.
Synergy, my good sir. Not your game plan... which I will ask 'bout in more detail later.

On my team, I actually am unable to participate in the tournament, so we can take a bit more time to make some more major renovations if you see fit.
I've tested it on PS and decided to replace Galvantula with Espeon and might replace Starmie with Tentacruel. Having a spinner that could actually take hits would be a good idea. The other Pokémon on my team, namely Lucario, Gyarados, Florges and Ferrothorn, are doing remarkably well.
Also, I see your point about Starmie vs. Rotom-W. When fighting Redreavus here, Starmie's Thunderbolt only did about 17% damage against his Rotom-W.

Tentacruel takes physical attacks as poorly as Starmie does... and also lacks a reliable recovery move. Neither'a them are gonna take boosted attacks anyways.

Why Espeon ('sides playin' favorites)? If ya have a Rapid Spinner, Magic Bounce ain't all-that important to have... not that it's a bad idea. You can threaten the Magic Bounce and never have to risk bringin' Espeon in on somethin' like Mamoswine. If they out-predict ya, you've a spinner t' fall back on anyways. I just don't see what else it adds to the team.

Oh, and I forgot t' mention. E-speed on Mega Lucario can be used if only to give the finger to Talonflame. If ya ever feel like Talonflame is a huge threat to your team (lack of 'Rocks, and lack of Flying-type resistances says yesz, it is), it's worth considering. Bullet Punch is optimal otherwise, in particular for slappin' Ghost-types/Aerodactyl (... is Mega Aerodactyl any good?) with priority.
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Espeon went on my team because I was having some serious issues with field hazards and status effects.
Even if Tentacruel isn't physically inclined, it can still probably take hits a bit better than Starmie, which I'm finding dies so quickly there's no real chance to use Recover. Coming in on a status move and switching was nice, but with Espeon that'll be slightly less important.
I haven't really had any problems with Talonflame. Usually Gyarados is able to take care of it pretty well.
Starmie's base Def is 20 higher than Tentacruel's, whereas it's base HP is 20 lower. The difference in their physical defenses is completely negligible. That, and Starmie gets Recover. So no, Starmie sponges physical attacks better solely thanks to Recover.
Ferrothorn and Rotom-W I think form a great defensive pair, while Rotom-W can hit hard and be immune to Earthquake, covering for Ferrothorn. Ferrothorn is the ultimate staller, to prevent offensive Pokemon rampage by forcing switchouts. Excadrill can switch in to Stealth Rock users and use Rapid Spin, and decimate Ghost-type levitators (Hello there Gengar) with Mold Breaker and Earthquake that step in its way, clearing the path for other Pokemon.The others I made offensively inclined after Excadrill and Rotom finish off the utilities so they can maul the rest of the team. I know that this isn't the best explanation, explaining isn't my strong suit.
I believe that with a Ferrothorn/Rotom-W core, the only problem you may have is with fighting types, but's there's Will-o-wisp/Mega Gengar for that.
Starmie's base Def is 20 higher than Tentacruel's, whereas it's base HP is 20 lower. The difference in their physical defenses is completely negligible. That, and Starmie gets Recover. So no, Starmie sponges physical attacks better solely thanks to Recover.
Ah, good point. Perhaps I should just consider a more defensive EV spread for Starmie? Right now it's 248 HP/32 Def/4 SpA/244 Spe/Timid. It looks good to me, but Starmie's still having some problems staying alive despite knowing recover.
Also, I might still consider Tentacruel because of the type redundancy of Espeon and Starmie. It may not look any better than Gyarados and Starmie, but at least then they served different purposes. I'll come back on this is I find that it is a problem...
Edit: Also, Tentacruel can learn Haze, and I have had some serious trouble with Baton Pass chains lately.
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I know! Magickarp = Splash + Blaziken = Mirror Move. Now tell me how will you beat a fire type using Splash? =D
Hey guys! I'm interested in getting into competitive 'mons, and I was looking through some Pokemon I'd wanna use. Do Sandstorm teams still work? I saw where mega Lucario has a lot of potential, so I was hoping to use him in it.
Hey guys! I'm interested in getting into competitive 'mons, and I was looking through some Pokemon I'd wanna use. Do Sandstorm teams still work? I saw where mega Lucario has a lot of potential, so I was hoping to use him in it.
Didn't see this turn of events coming.

Not as much as before (no perma sandstorm from Sand Stream), but I don't see why they wouldn't still have a good amount of potential. Lucario doesn't benefit a lot from sandstorm, but the extra damage given to the opponent can help a bit at times.
Entry hazards for passive damage >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sandstorm for passive damage

I know! Magickarp = Splash + Blaziken = Mirror Move. Now tell me how will you beat a fire type using Splash? =D

... Uh, I don't catch your meanin'. I'm also assumin' you're talkin' to me since it has somethin' to does with 'Karp.

Hey guys! I'm interested in getting into competitive 'mons

not sure if srs, or cruel joke

I was looking through some Pokemon I'd wanna use. Do Sandstorm teams still work?


Permaweather is no longer permanent; weather abilities only bring in five turns of their weather. Obviously you can theme a bit around it (if you're usin' a TTar bring along an Excadrill, if you're usin' a Mega Charizard pack a Chlorophyll Poke, etc.), but it's more important to consider the weather as somethin' you can use to increase synergy rather than it being a team's main focal point. You can create a weather core of a few Pokes, but a team wholly dependent on weather would probably be a bit niche/gimmicky.

... Not that I'm anyone t' say as much, since I've yet to delve into competitive Gen 6. My opinion is guesstimated theorymon, nothin' solid.

I saw where mega Lucario has a lot of potential, so I was hoping to use him in it.

As Nick said, MLucario doesn't really care 'bout Sandstorm. But it does have fantastic potential as a sweeper, that's for sure. Remove Pokes that have a Fighting-type resistance/immunity and spam Close Combat ftw. Priority users be damned if they try t' switch in without said resistance/immunity.

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