What's your pokemon team?

It's a bullshit tactic moreso than a trollin' one, don't use it. Bloody annoyin'.
Yeah it would probably make the opponent really mad. Wouldn't be fun to just sit there and have almost no chance of countering (other than priority moves yourself), but because you have to use Roar once you could actually counter it by hail/sandstorm and you have a few turns while the entry hazards get set up. It still wouldn't be worth the effort and I won't do it because it involves a lot of breeding and it would be boring, because it doesn't take thinking at all
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[QUOTE... Is that a joke? ._.;[/QUOTE]no y would it be?
Aerial Ace? ._.; What use does AA have 'sides killin' Heracross? Also, we're all primarily Singles players, so always state what format your Pokes are for.

... I would be a Doubles player if other people were, but I gave it up 'cause... well, no one plays Doubles. >=/
[STRIKE]Actual tourney-players aren't people.[/STRIKE]

Official tourneys are few and far between in comparison t' unofficial ones held via Wi-Fi/simulator. Singles is the moar popular format as a result.
Aerial Ace? ._.; What use does AA have 'sides killin' Heracross? Also, we're all primarily Singles players, so always state what format your Pokes are for

.... I would be a Doubles player if other people were, but I gave it up 'cause... well, no one plays Doubles.

I play pro, so it will always be double, single doesn't have as many startagies.

Splash_King: said:
Actual tourney players aren't people.

What's that meant to mean?
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Lies and deceit. Singles has less complex strategies, as well as more of an emphasis on long-term decision making than Doubles. Doubles is a lot like Singles Ubers in that one mistake can easily cost ya the match, 'specially in VGC since ya only have a team of four. That, and the fact stall is 99% non-viable.

And on that note, team complexity in Singles is more varied than in Doubles: as such, viable tactics in Doubles are outnumbered by those in Singles. Doubles is almost entirely aggro, offensive play. Singles has everythin' from that to stall. To imply that Singles players aren't pro 'cause Singles is garbage is a palpably incorrect statement; and a moronic one at that. Most top tier Singles players could easily break int' Doubles if they wanted, but everyone has preferences (as you've shown yourself).

What's that meant to mean?

... T'was sarcasm, hence the text-strike. :lol: I used t' attend tourneys of all sorts myself. Namely TCG guff, occasionally Melee here 'n there. Not that I did anythin' but get bodied.
You can use single stratagies in double, but they'll have to be modified slightly. So I think Doubles has more stratagies and the fact that you have to think and predict more. But like you said, most of it's prefrence.
This is true, Doubles requires a lot more thinkin' as situations with twice the Pokes make for more than twice the predictions and possibilities... but I wouldn't say that makes it better than Singles, as Doubles certainly has it's short-comings. I definitely wouldn't say one is better than the other.
And that's why y'all should list every 'mon's ability. :p Held item as well while we're on that subject.
This is true, Doubles requires a lot more thinkin' as situations with twice the Pokes make for more than twice the predictions and possibilities... but I wouldn't say that makes it better than Singles, as Doubles certainly has it's short-comings. I definitely wouldn't say one is better than the other.
Probably not, but mostly prefrences =D
Thank you for the advice, I greatly appreciate it. Sorry for the late response.

For Typhlosion, if I'm going to teach it Fire Blast+Sunny Day+Solar Beam, am I better off replacing him with my Charizard with those 3 moves + Roost, since both have identical stats?

So far my SoulSilver team right now:

Typhlosion (Could be potentially replaced with Charizard)
-Fire Blast
-Solar Beam
-Shadow Claw (To be replaced with Sunny Day)
-Rollout (To be replaced with Eruption)

-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot
-Morning Sun

-Ice Beam

-Close Combat
-Night Slash
-Earthquake (To be replaced with Stone Edge)

-Fire Blast
-Fly (To be replaced with Dragon Dance)
-Thunderpunch (To be replaced with Earthquake)
-Dragon Claw (To be replaced with Outrage)
I may or may not teach it Roost instead of Dragon Dance.

One of two possible combinations:
-Body Slam
-Sleep Talk
-Body Slam
-Slack Off
I think typing is more important than the move of choice. Charizard over Typhlosion gives ya an extra Electric weak Poke, but another immunity to Ground and a additional Fighting resist. A beneficial trade indeed. Although, Charizard ain't the bulkiest Poke and your entire team doesn't really benefit from Sunny Day, so tryin' to keep 'em alive isn't necessarily the biggest priority. Air Slash would be useful so that Charizard can switch in and decimate opposin' Fighting types... so long as they don't have a Rock-type attack.

On that note, Dragonite is bulkier and has better typin', so it would prefer t' have Roost. Better yet, givin' it Roost over Fire Blast (all Fire Blast does that Earthquake doesn't is hit Skarmory and Bronzong anyways) lets Dragonite Dragon Dance up on a Pokemon that can't do too much damage to it, Roost off that damage, then either pummel it into the ground with it's bolstered attack or keep on dancing 'til it's an unstoppable force. So that means D-nite can either immediately do high damage with Outrage, or DD up for a finishing sweep. This moveset will let it hit for high damage instantly, hit even harder after DDing a few times, and even heal itself and sponge attacks like a champ the entire game. Versatile yet powerful. What a shame it doesn't have Multiscale that gen.

snorlax dont learn slack off lol. T'is what I was complainin' about.

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