What's your pokemon team?

Yea. Never got reviewed though

... I could'a swore I reviewed it, but everyone knows that trustin' my memory is always a terribad idea. Time for me t' Right A Down x2 'n check some old posts.

also where da fuq u been son

EDIT: 'Karp damnit, I did forget... ._. Nick didn't though.
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... Not working. >_>; Rather, I've been playin' Project: M. As you should be as well.

I'll get that review done in the coming few days. This time I ain't gonna forget.
Okay, so
-Flare Blitz
-Close Combat
-Grass Knot

-Brave Bird
-Close Combat

-Nasty Plot
-Grass Knot

-Dragon Claw
-Stealth Rock

-Flash Cannon
-Magnet Rise
-Signal Beam

-Stone Edge

-Bug Buzz
-Energy Ball
-Thunder Wave

-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot
-Calm Mind (to be replaced with Morning Sun)

-Sacred Sword
-Rock Slide

-Dragon Claw
-Fire Blast

-Ice Beam

-Power Whip
-Iron Head

Obviously, the first team is for Platinum and the second is for Black. These are teams I use to beat up my friends at school. The Platinum team hasn't been finished yet. Use the next 4 months I'm not on WiiChat to debate this. (No EVs. Raised in game)
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ohai thar esp

Got some minor recommendations for ya. Terrakion and Dragonite would appreciate higher-BP STAB moves since they're the strongest attackers you've got (Espeon hits mighty hard too, but Psychic is the best STAB it gets...). Close Combat over Return would be wise, as Return is pretty useless on Terrakion since Sacred Sword hits harder on everything but Poison, Flying and Bug-types. The latter two bein' easily dispatched by Rock Slide anyways. As for Psychic-types, Terrakion can learn X-Scissor. As for D-nite, give Outrage over Dragon Claw a shot. Confusion does suck, but t'is what a Lum Berry/switching is for.

Oh, and I'd really recommend not puttin' Morning Sun over Calm Mind. Espeon ain't bulky so recovery is kind'a pointless. CM lets it actually be bulky against opposing special attackers as well as hit harder t' boot. I can imagine ya don't use CM much as is in casual battles, but let me tell ya, you'll likely use Mornin' Sun even less.

... Well, unless your goal is t' keep Espeon alive at all costs lol.
ohai thar esp

Got some minor recommendations for ya. Terrakion and Dragonite would appreciate higher-BP STAB moves since they're the strongest attackers you've got (Espeon hits mighty hard too, but Psychic is the best STAB it gets...). Close Combat over Return would be wise, as Return is pretty useless on Terrakion since Sacred Sword hits harder on everything but Poison, Flying and Bug-types. The latter two bein' easily dispatched by Rock Slide anyways. As for Psychic-types, Terrakion can learn X-Scissor. As for D-nite, give Outrage over Dragon Claw a shot. Confusion does suck, but t'is what a Lum Berry/switching is for.

Oh, and I'd really recommend not puttin' Morning Sun over Calm Mind. Espeon ain't bulky so recovery is kind'a pointless. CM lets it actually be bulky against opposing special attackers as well as hit harder t' boot. I can imagine ya don't use CM much as is in casual battles, but let me tell ya, you'll likely use Mornin' Sun even less.

... Well, unless your goal is t' keep Espeon alive at all costs lol.
Sure, I'll teach Terrekion X-Scissor. That's actually a really good idea, thanks for suggesting that. Return was just basicly filler because I couldn't think of anything else.
I hate Outrage, but I'll give it a shot anyway because you said so.
My goal basicly IS to keep Espeon alive at all costs, but I'll consider keeping Calm Mind.
Careful with what Psychic-types ya stay in on. Since Terrakion lacks max Atk EVs, and opposing Psychic-types will have a random amount'a HP and Def EVs, he won't be KOing anythin' but things frail as Alakazam is... speakin' of, Psychic-types that frail are typically notably faster than Terrakion.

Shame ya can't get Wish via move tutor. Wish > every other recovery move.
How did you get that cool trainer card :eek:
Anyways here is my team. It's not trained for competitive play yet and these won't be the final movesets either. I could use some help to find good movesets. It's 4th gen.

Current team (lvl 70 to 80):

Lucario with a jolly nature and Steadfast(wasn't sure if I should play it Special Attack or Attack)
-Flash Canon
-Aura Sphere
-Dragon Pulse

Torterra with a brave nature and Overgrow
-Frenzy Plant (Woodhammer)

Milotic with a mild nature and Marvel Scale
-Ice Beam
-Hydro Pump

Crobat with a impish nature and Inner Focus
-Cross Poison
-Steel Wing
-Shadow Ball (why???)

Ampharos with a hardy nature and Static
-Signal Beam

Garchomp with a hardy nature and Sand Veil
-Fire Fang
-Shadow Claw
-Dragon Rush

I still have a few halfway trained Pokemon (about lvl40) like: Raichu, Lugia, Charizard, Zapdos, Feraligatr, Metang, Dragonair, and Blaziken

My team still has its story move set, so some attacks are useless
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Torterra's moveset is fine, although healing moves generally aren't advisable on casual movesets. Ain't like Torterra has many better options; Rock Slide or Stone Edge are available, but I s'pose Synthesis isn't exactly useless and therefore doesn't entirely warrant a change.

IMO, Lucario in casual battling is best utilized as a mixed attacker, pickin' at whatever the foe's lower defensive stat is in the case it can't score a super-effective hit. Flash Cannon and Dragon Pulse are very redundant moves. Lucario can learn Ice Punch via Tutor t' absolutely destroy Dragons. Flash Cannon doesn't actually offer any coverage, you'll only ever use it against Poison-types or somethin' over Aura Sphere. Despite the Jolly nature, I'd recommend teachin' it Close Combat. Lucario isn't bulky as is, so those Defense drops (which are easily cured with a switch) aren't of too much consequence. Furthermore, havin' dual STAB; one Physical, one Special; lets ya plow through the opponent once you get rid'a whatever Pokes'a theirs resist Fighting. If ya don't like Close Combat, Lucario does have other options, albeit lesser ones. Stone Edge, Psychic and Dark Pulse are available. Regardless of what moves ya prefer, ya definitely want t' replace Flash Cannon and Dragon Pulse.

Hypnosis would be great t' use over Milotic's Hydro Pump (it's a Specially bulky 'mon, not an attacker, doesn't need those high BP, low PP moves), but that's an egg move... If ya teach Lucario Ice Punch, ya could drop Ice Beam and Hydro Pump for Toxic and Protect. Combine that with Leftovers and Milotic will stall out pretty much any Special attacker bar potent Electric-types. ToxiStall is a very undervalued tactic in casual battles.

crobat sux lulz replace it w/ lugia/dragonite

'Specially when he doesn't have access to Egg moves, it loses it's two biggest assets: STAB Brave Bird and it's fame as bein' the fastest user of Hypnosis in the game. If you're dead set on keepin' it, I'd really recommend breedin' one with a better nature (it's Physical Poison STAB is just too low base power, it needs Sludge Bomb) and at least Brave Bird. Otherwise it'l be the least useful member of your team by a long shot.

Thunder and 'specially Strength are relatively unwanted moves. Focus Blast is nice coverage, although Lucario's Aura Sphere still hits harder. Thunder Wave spreadin' Paralysis lets your slower members, 'specially Torterra and Amphy itself, get the jump on foes. Charge Beam is a meh option only 'cause Ampharos ain't got the largest movepool, as it's too slow t' make much use of that boost for too long. Alternatively, by using Sleep Talk and Rest, Ampharos can spread paralysis like crazy between Discharge and Thunder (both moves have a 30% chance of inflictin') while also dealin' some heavy damage. Milotic is arguably better at ResTalking since it's bulkier and has better typin', but it can't know Hypnosis and Scald isn't a Gen 4 move.

Dragon Rush sucks lol. If ya want power, use the (accurate) Outrage. If you hate Outrage for some reason, just use D-Claw. D-Rush is simply terrible and needs t' be replaced. Garchomp doesn't need t' hit Ghost-types, so Shadow Claw should be replaced. Garchomp is your strongest attacker and is even ya second fastest Poke. As such, Swords Dance would be a fantastic move for it. If your Ampharos spreads paralysis to the opposing team's faster Pokes, Garchomp will have an even easier time cleanin' up. Good synergy amongst the two movesets' strategies.
Thanks for the tips :) These movesets were good enough to own my friends with a single Pokemon (Torterra/Milotic with their Recovery moves :D), but it probably would have had problems online.
More than ya'd know lol. The only people still playin' Gen 4 games online are a small percentage of nubs, and a thoroughly high percentage of competitive battlers who prefer t' play 4th Gen.

If a multiplayer game has been out for awhile and has been replaced by a new installment in the series, you'll generally encounter very dedicated uberlegitMLGpro players rather often.

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