What's your pokemon team?

Crobat with a impish nature and Inner Focus
-Cross Poison
-Steel Wing
-Shadow Ball (why???)
Based on my experience, I find that U-Turn is a great move for Crobat, so replace Shadow Ball with that. If you bother to breed it, definately get Brave Bird and Sludge Bomb as well.
crobat sux lulz replace it w/ lugia/dragonite
Well, you probably know better than me, but I found Crobat to be a very useful team member before I ditched it for Staraptor.
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Mah Teamz

Hello. I am a new member here at this forum. Espmaster forcefully dragged me onto this website against my own will, and now I'm trapped here forever. (Nah I'm just kidding. Esp and I are really good friends in real life.)

Anyways, now that I've introduced myself rather poorly, here's my team for Pokemon SoulSilver.


Their movesets are:
-Shadow Claw
-Solar Beam (To be replaced with Brick Break)
-Rollout (To be replaced with Earthquake)

-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot
-Morning Sun

-Ice Beam

Dragonite (I'm considering replacing her, I don't know what to replace her with though)
-Dragon Claw
-Thunder Punch

-Close Combat
-Aerial Ace

Snorlax (I'm considering breeding it and replacing it with a Snorlax with Immunity)
-Rollout (To be replaced with Earthquake)
-Rock Climb (Used it during main quest) (To be replaced with Brick Break)

While I'm at it, Pokemon Black:

Black 1.png

-Grass Knot
-Strength (To be replaced with Ice Beam)

-Shadow Ball
-Air Slash (To be replaced with Ice Beam)

-Signal Beam (To be replaced with Bug Buzz)
-X Scissor (To be replaced with Energy Ball)
-Slash (To be replaced with Thunder Wave)

-Power Whip
-Flash Cannon (To be replaced with Iron Head)
-Self Destruct (To be replaced with Explosion)
-Ingrain (To be replaced with Payback)

-Shadow Claw
-X Scissor
-Brick Break

-Shadow Ball
-Sunny Day (Could Possibly be replaced with Psychic)
-Will-o-Wisp (To be replaced with either Solar Beam or Energy Ball)
-Flameburst (To be replaced with Flamethrower)

So, those are my teams. What do you think?


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Your Pokemon suck. Replace all of them with Dunsparce.
-Signal Beam (To be replaced with Bug Buzz)
-X Scissor (To be replaced with Energy Ball)
-Slash (To be replaced with Thunder Wave)

-Power Whip
-Flash Cannon (To be replaced with Iron Head)
-Self Destruct (To be replaced with Explosion)
-Ingrain (To be replaced with Payback)
-Shadow Claw
-X Scissor
-Brick Break
-Shadow Claw AND X-Scissor is a little redundant. I would replace Shadow Claw with something. Except the only thing I can think of that would be useful is Aerial Ace, and I specifically told you to erase that move earlier. Hmm.

By the way, this is my 300th post. Yay.
needz moar magikrap

... I'll get 'round to givin' ya some team advice tomorrow, amigo. Don't be too hasty with them TMs. Also, welcome t' Wiichat.
Well honestly, I don't think much of these pokemon will ever make it to competetive play -_-. I've got a great move set for Excadrill.
Excadrill : Sand Rush
Earthquake / X - Scissor / Protect / Aerial Ace

Also, i'd like to battle someone here, who's up to it?
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Welcome to the forums :)

Anybody any good ideas for a troll set? I saw a really funny one on Pimpnites channel with entry hazards (Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes) and then Roar/Whirlwind everybody with a high speed Pokemon :D . Would be pretty cool to test some of your ideas out :)

My team is not ready yet, but if you still have a 4th gen team I would like to try some battles with the members here after my Pokemon are good to battle:)

I think it would be better for your Typhlosion to only stick with special attacks, or at least replace Flamethrower with Flare Blitz, if your higher attack stat is physical attack. Mixed sets usually don't work good and Typhlosions base special attack stat is significantly higher than its physical attack stat. Although it would only be possible by breeding or move tutors to get a good set, at least for my knowledge... Correct me if I'm wrong
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Roar has negative priority, you'll go last regardless of Speed.

Based on my experience, I find that U-Turn is a great move for Crobat, so replace Shadow Ball with that. If you bother to breed it, definately get Brave Bird and Sludge Bomb as well.

View attachment 11137
Well, you probably know better than me, but I found Crobat to be a very useful team member before I ditched it for Staraptor.

U-turn ain't incredibly useful outside'a competitive battlin' IMO. Well, unless the 'mon using it gets STAB/hits very hard (ohai Scizor).

Crobat's low in the ol' tiers. Poor stats 'sides Speed, poor typing offensively and defensively.

View attachment 11138

Their movesets are:
-Shadow Claw
-Solar Beam (To be replaced with Brick Break)
-Rollout (To be replaced with Earthquake)'

Ground and Fire have very redundant coverage t'gether (the only thing Earthquake would be good for is hittin' opposing Fire-types; you have a Dragonite/Snorlax with Thick Fat for a reason. More importantly, Typhlosion's Attack-stat is low. Wastin' TM26 on a Typhlosion is a very big mistake. Instead, Typhlosion should focus on raw damage output instead'a lackluster coverage.

Eruption will hit insanely hard once; twice if it one-shots 'em. Your entire team lacks Grass moves 'sides Grass Knot, so keepin' Solarbeam isn't the worst idea. On that note, teachin' Typhlosion Sunny Day instead'a Eruption (he has t' take a hit to set up Sunny Day, so the two moves don't work well on the same set) let's 'em hammer Water-types with Solarbeam. Morning Sun also gets boosted healing via harsh Sunlight. Lastly, ya could teach D-nite Fire Blast to further make use'a Sunny Day, but more on that later.

Finally, Typhlosion doesn't want Physical-moves. Period. Shadow Claw, Brick Break (Fighting is just as poor with Fire-moves as Ground) and Rollout/Earthquake need t' go.

-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot
-Morning Sun

Calm Mind > Mornin' Sun without Sunny Day.

-Ice Beam

Lapras shouldn't stay in on Fighting-types no matter what; it's not strong enough t' KO back; so Psychic should be replaced. 'Specially since you already have a strong Psychic-type... 'course, Lapras doesn't have the best moveset for casual 'mons. You could give it a Physical STAB move (Avalanche/Waterfall) so it can hit specially defensive Pokes unexpectedly hard, as Lapras has the exact same base Attack/Special Attack.

Dragonite (I'm considering replacing her, I don't know what to replace her with though)
-Dragon Claw
-Thunder Punch

Dragonite is beastly, replacin' it with anythin' but a better Dragon is madness. :lol: Speakin' of madness, Flying-STAB isn't very useful on Dragonite. 'Specially not Fly since the foe can just switch out. Dragonite also generally appreciates a Fire move moreso than an Electric one.

Anyways, Dragonite has plenty of options. More defensively oriented; Dragonite is surprisingly bulky, and Dragon-type is very good defensively; it has moves like Roost, Thunder Wave and Tailwind. Offensively oriented, it's got an incredible slew of moves t' choose from. Dragon Dance (Dragonite is the best sweeper on your team; I'd highly recommend it over Extremespeed), Outrage, Fire Punch/Blast, Earthquake (Dragon and Ground offer nearly the best coverage in the game) and Aqua Tail all have a place on this moveset. Personally, I'd recommend Dragon Dance and Earthquake over Fly and Extremespeed. Thunderpunch can be replaced with whatever ya want, be it a Fire move or Outrage.

-Close Combat
-Aerial Ace

Aerial Ace's low base power means it's literally useless. Even when super-effective against a target resisting Close Combat/Megahorn, it only has a measly 30 more power. Even when resisted Swarm-boosted Megahorn also does more. Ground with Fighting offers VERY bad coverage, but Rock and Fighting complement each other well. Give Heracross Rock Slide/Stone Edge t' hammer Flying-types.

As for an option t' replace Aerial Ace, Night Slash can be used to hit Ghost-types. Most notably ones which 4x Resist Megahorn (ohai Gengar).

Snorlax (I'm considering breeding it and replacing it with a Snorlax with Immunity)
-Rollout (To be replaced with Earthquake)
-Rock Climb (Used it during main quest) (To be replaced with Brick Break)

Immunity is ****in' awful lol, stick with Thick Fat. It's a fantastic ability, 'specially for Snorlax since his only resistance (or rather, immunity) is t' Ghost-types. Thick Fat gives 'em two more useful resistances.

As for the moveset, Snorlax is legendary for it's Special bulk and would be the go-to Specially bulky Normal-type if Blissey didn't exist. It's slow and has huge HP, so you should definitely consider some defensive or supportive moves on it. ResTalk is one'a the things Snorlax does best. STAB / Crunch or Earthquake / Rest / Sleep Talk is an old standard which is definitely effective. 'Til Snorlax eats a STAB Close Combat, ResTalk will keep it alive 'til the very end of a match, often deciding the match in your favor.

Snorlax is also one'a the best users of Curse in the game. That speed drop is completely irrelevant, it's HP and Special Defense are huge so that Defense boost is incredibly useful and lets it tank any Pokemon not a Fighting-type, and that Attack boost is obviously useful since it's Attack is quite good. Once Trollfreak gets around to givin' Snorlax Slack Off (... seriously, why the **** doesn't Snorlax know the move yet?), CurseLax may even return t' be used competitively. Also, if you're gonna use a really bulky Snorlax (ResTalk or Curse + Rest), consider usin' Body Slam over Return too. If Snorlax focuses on either surviving or bolstering it's attack with Curse, that small increase in power Return offers isn't necessary. Paralysis will benefit your entire team and can net ya free turns, so when ya intend for Snorlax to survive until the end'a the game, Body Slam is a better move in the long run.

Either way, don't use Brick Break. Irrelevant coverage with Earthquake, and EQ is always the better move on 'Lax.

While I'm at it, Pokemon Black:

View attachment 11142

-Grass Knot
-Strength (To be replaced with Ice Beam)

Moveset's fine.

-Shadow Ball
-Air Slash (To be replaced with Ice Beam)

Sigilyph's Attack stat is non-existant, Air Slash should be kept over Fly. Also, Ice Beam doesn't do all-that much for it coverage wise. Give is a support move, as that's Sigilyph's best qualities: it's support move arsenal is huge. Thunder Wave ('less Galvantula runs it), Tailwind, Light Screen/Reflect, Calm Mind and Roost (though Roost is an egg move and not really worth the effort unless ya wanna use Psychic/move/Roost/Calm Mind).

-Signal Beam (To be replaced with Bug Buzz)
-X Scissor (To be replaced with Energy Ball)
-Slash (To be replaced with Thunder Wave)

Consider usin' Thunderbolt or Volt Switch over Thunder. It lets Galvantula hit 'em relatively hard before switching out. Since Galvantula is fast, this usually means ya won't loss a turn by switching. Volt Switch and 'specially Thunderbolt will do more damage on average 'cause of Thunder's bad accuracy anyways. Not t' mention Thunder has even worse accuracy in harsh sunlight.

Also, Giga Drain > Energy Ball.

-Power Whip
-Flash Cannon (To be replaced with Iron Head)
-Self Destruct (To be replaced with Explosion)
-Ingrain (To be replaced with Payback)

Moveset's fine.

-Shadow Claw
-X Scissor
-Brick Break

Brick Break is horribly redundant with Ground moves, get rid'a it. X-Scissor should be removed as well 'cause Shadow Claw eliminates Psychic as well as Ghost-types. Rock Slide or Stone Edge are great replacements as Rock and Ground moves work t'gether quite well. As for the last moveslot... well, all Excadrill really has left is Swords Dance. Steel-type STAB is useless anyways, unless ya hate Ice-types with a passion.

-Shadow Ball
-Sunny Day (Could Possibly be replaced with Psychic)
-Will-o-Wisp (To be replaced with either Solar Beam or Energy Ball)
-Flameburst (To be replaced with Flamethrower)

Psychic doesn't do anythin' for Chandelure. Keep Sunny Day, as Chandelure's best quality is that it hits like a bloody Reshiram. Damage output is what it wants t' focus on. Sunny Day also lets it roast Water-types with Solarbeam.

Unlike with Thunder, Fire Blast has good enough accuracy. With the boost from sun, Fire Blast will be doin' a massive amount more damage than Flamethrower, so it's somethin' to be considered.

Excadrill : Sand Rush
Earthquake / X - Scissor / Protect / Aerial Ace

... Is that a joke? ._.;
It ain't your friend's idea, as the ol' FEAR Rattata has been 'round since the beginning of Generation 4. With a full team of 6, ya instantly lose t' anyone who has a strong priority move/Ghost-type/Sandstorm or Hail is up when their last Pokemon is immune.
Well honestly, I don't think much of these pokemon will ever make it to competetive play -_-. I've got a great move set for Excadrill.
Excadrill : Sand Rush
Earthquake / X - Scissor / Protect / Aerial Ace

Also, i'd like to battle someone here, who's up to it?
Welcome to the forums :)
The Quote button is there for a reason.

It ain't your friend's idea, as the ol' FEAR Rattata has been 'round since the beginning of Generation 4. With a full team of 6, ya instantly lose t' anyone who has a strong priority move/Ghost-type/Sandstorm or Hail is up when their last Pokemon is immune.
That's exactly what I said to him.

If it's been around that long, then I haven't heard of it. Not uncommon for me.
I doubt that this works against a lot of people, but I'll try as soon as I have six Focus Sash

It's a hilarious tactic against nubs, but truly a gimmick. Don't bother usin' a full team lol. Just include one and save it 'til the end so you can say "U GOT PWNT BY A LV 1 RATTATA LOL U SUCK". :lol:
It's a hilarious tactic against nubs, but truly a gimmick. Don't bother usin' a full team lol. Just include one and save it 'til the end so you can say "U GOT PWNT BY A LV 1 RATTATA LOL U SUCK". :lol:
Unless they more than 1 Pokemon at the time you're down to only 1.
I looked that entry hazards/Roar strat up again and the Riolu Pimpnite used had Prankster, so copycat which used the roar had priority.
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