What's your pokemon team?

Don't matter, stop with that nonsense. T'is an in-game team not a competitive one. I wouldn't ***** 'bout it if ya only made a few posts, but you've made a bloody million of 'em.
My new team is great! And it is a stratagy not yet being used in competetive play! But once people see it being used, I hope it won't catch on?
Oh, ok then! But if anyone want to use it, please give me credit.

Item : Ground Gem
Ability : Anger Point
W52 Attack evs 252 speed evs
Nature : Jolly ( + Speed - Special Attack )
Earthquake / Rock Slide / Body Slam / Protect

Item : Choice scarf
Ability : Levitate
I think 252 Defence evs and 252 Speed evs
Nature : Jolly
Frost Breath / Confuse Ray / Flash Cannon / Signal Beam

First turn : Frost Breath on Tauros ( about 3/8 of it's HP ) instant crit to maxed attack because of anger point, and with a great base speed of 110 earthquake with hit hard with the ground gem to help finish of the first two. Then attack will miss your partner because of levitate! Any flying types ( and most levitating pokemon ) can be taken with the Frost Breath or Rock Slide and body slam is also there for a little STAB bonus!

And that's just the first 2! ;D

Created on the 14 / 02 / 2013 by HK.
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Oh, ok then! But if anyone want to use it, please give me credit.TaurosItem : Ground GemAbility : Anger Point252 Attack evs 252 speed evsNature : Jolly ( + Speed - Special Attack )Earthquake / Rock Slide / Body Slam / ProtectCryogonalItem : Choice scarfAbility : LevitateI think 252 Defence evs and 252 Speed evsNature : JollyFrost Breath / Confuse Ray / Flash Cannon / Signal BeamFirst turn : Frost Breath on Tauros ( about 3/8 of it's HP ) instant crit to maxed attack because of anger point, and with a great base speed of 110 earthquake with hit hard with the ground gem to help finish of the first two. Then attack will miss your partner because of levitate! Any flying types can be taken with the Frost Breath, and body slam is also there for a little STAB bonus!Created on the 14 / 02 / 2013 by HK.

That looks like a big ****ing wall of text tbh, nobody's gonna keep interest in that.
Yeah, I have to edit text that I post if there's a enter space in it :p cuz my laptop is gay.


Fake Out leads devour this strategy hard... Other Pokes with Levitate/bulkier Flying types like Zapdos can eat a Frost Breath and simply attack back. Definitely gotta worry 'bout Pokes faster than Tauros too since it doesn't have the Scarf.

lolwut no

Dates are written in that format overseas. :p


Fake Out leads devour this strategy hard... Other Pokes with Levitate/bulkier Flying types like Zapdos can eat a Frost Breath and simply attack back. Definitely gotta worry 'bout Pokes faster than Tauros too since it doesn't have the Scarf.Dates are written in that format overseas. :p

My laptop's enter button is fine, but when I post, it remove the spaces :(

Yes date's are written differently over seas.

And my full team has miefo / Jolteon / Breloom / Scizor. But I can't remeber what their moves or stats are!

Also, I run these two under the bases that there aren't any fake out of faster poke, which is quite often the case.

Who here has entered the winter tournament over wi-if?
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A double post is better than a useless post.

And my full team has miefo / Jolteon / Breloom / Scizor. But I can't remeber what their moves or stats are!

I'm assumin' ya meant Mienshao? Last I checked Mienfoo doesn't get Endeavor.

... Why is it ya can never remember most, if not all'a your teams' details?
NU singles

Cradily (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Suction Cups
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Sassy Nature
- Rock Slide
- Seed Bomb
- Recover
- Curse

This Cradily has high special bulk, and after a few Curses, great physical bulk too. The idea is to take hits while either setting up or straight out attacking. Recover is useful for recovery. Suction Cups prevents it from being forced out by moves like Roar and Dragon Tail.. Overall pretty useful.

Swalot (M) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd
Bold Nature
- Amnesia
- Sludge Bomb
- Counter
- Pain Split

I'm honestly rather proud of this set. While it's by no means the best Pokemon on the team, for a Swalot, it's pretty good. Most Swalot just try to force switches with Yawn and Encore, but this Swalot has a totally different approach. When it's sent out (fairly easy due to its good defense), it sets up an Amnesia, doubling its special defense, allowing it to take on special attackers. If it's up against a physical Pokemon, it takes the hit and uses Counter to destroy them. Defensive Pokemon can't do a lot to it, especially since it can't be poisoned due to its typing. Against these, and some other things, it can use Sludge Bomb to damage them and likely poison them too. Pain Split is there due to the lack of recovery Swalot has.

Walrein (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 56 SDef / 4 Spd
Bold Nature
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

A bulky Walrein that uses the RestTalk strategy. It's pretty bulky and has somewhat reliable recovery, and hits fairly hard for a defensive Pokemon. It struggles against fighting and electric types, as well as Pokemon with good recovery moves. I would say it struggles against water types, but generally water types can't touch it in the first place.

Stunfisk (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Static
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 100 SDef
Sassy Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Discharge
- Earth Power
- Scald

Used largely for Stealth Rock. It often kills at least one opposing Pokemon thanks to its decent offensive power. The opponent is often paralyzed too, due to Discharge and Static. Scald is on there mainly for burn, but it's unreliable, so I may replace it with Toxic or Foul Play.

Kangaskhan (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Return

One of the most valuable members. Absolutely eats most fast frail Pokemon with a combination of Fake Out and Sucker Punch. Return used to be Double Edge, but the recoil killed Kangaskhan a bit quicker then I would like, so I replaced it. I hope the small decrease in power doesn't hurt it.

Murkrow (M) @ Eviolite
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 156 SDef
Calm Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Roost
- FeatherDance
- Calm Mind

I still find it hilarious that Murkrow can tank with those defenses. Anyway, it can be pretty decent under the right conditions. If it's up against a physical attacker, it can use Featherdance to halve their attack. Calm Mind is basically used against special attackers, and it also boosts the power of dark pulse. Murkrow may not be super fast with those EV's, but it's still fast enough to outspeed quite a bit.

It tends to have issues with being 2HKO'd by things if it doesn't use Featherdance/Calm Mind enough. Criticals are also a huge problem, and most critical hits will end it, although it's capable of taking one from a Pokemon that lacks offensive power. I'm still in the opinion that this is the best Murkrow set (based on experiance), so if this set goes Murkrow as a whole goes too.

I made this team yesterday. It's had quite a bit of success, but some failures as well. It probably needs some tweaking.
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