What's your pokemon team?

Because for nine tales that 5 points of damage is the difference from a OHKO to a 2HKO after a sinle nasty plot. As for your other suggestions, I wil. I never paid attention to their abilities when posting this. Lol
Rocker J: lol

@ Nick: yea... I prefer it over flamethrower bc of the extra point boost. But I suppose if I'll drop 10 accuracy, might as well drop the 15 percent for the extra damage from fire blast.
Clear Body
Air Balloon
Evs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Agility
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch

Agility stat up sweeper. He is the lead. Not many lead 'Gross in today's meta game, may forsake agility for stealth rock support, but for now, he is a hole puncher and this set with the given evs allows him to easily punch said holes.

Evs: 252 atk, 144 hp, 112 def.
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Fake Out
- Bulk Up / Ice Punch

This guy... I love em. Excellent wall in today's meta game, and quite a vicious attacker. The given evs allow him to survive far longer than he should, factor in intimidate and bulk up makes him an excellent physical wall. Fake out is always fun just for some extra little bit of bite. It'll switch between him and meta gross for the lead as they can both force switches and attempt to sweep or, at the very least, punch massive holes. Today's metagame is filled with ghosts and fighters and dragons. This set can handle 2 out of the 3 quite easily.

Leichi Berry
Evs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail

Standard dd set with slight differences. Opted leichi over salad berry because after a dragon dance, gyara already outspeeds nearly all of today's metagame, so I figured the extra power is useful enough. Having intimidate over moxie allows him to be a sufficient check to the fighters running about the metagame. Dragon tail I put on as an aesthetic choice: surprise can come in handy, cuz noone would run a move that always goes last on a set that focuses on increasing speed: except for me.

Flash Fire
Evs: 200 atk, 100 spd, 208 hp
- Overheat
- Wild Charge
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat

I loves me some arcanine! Mixed attack variant, the evs give him quite a bit of longevity, as is what the metagame now seems to focus on over pure brute force, arcanine offers te best of both worlds. With the given evs, arcanine can outspeed and OHKO all but the most physically defensive variants of Hydreigon, a poke whom I cannot afford to let stay out. Prediction is key with feighning a choiced set by leading overheat, they'll predict a switch, and end up eating something they didn't expect.

Evs: 252 sp atk, 100 spd, 160 hp
- Hurricane
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Roost

Another stranger set, multiscale works well. A new stab in the form of Hurricane makes dragon it's more viable than others. His job is hit hard, hit strong, and get out. If he must stay in, however, he most definately can hold his own and surprise quite a few with this set.

Choice Band
Evs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash

Standard choiced set on mamoswine, a new STAB in the form of icicle crash makes Mamo even more deadly than before. Still a very viable threat and excellent revenge killer, Mamo serves a dual purpose not only to scare away anything I need it to, but can get a free switch in on electric moves aimed at gyarados.

Some of my choices on this team may seem pretty out there, but check it out. Full review much appreciated.
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Details, bro. What's the purpose of each team member? I need some summaries 'fore I can do a legit review (as legit as a non-competitive battler can get, anways...). Otherwise I'm shootin' blind and may critique improperly on synergy or your choices as a whole.

Clear Body
Air Balloon
Evs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Agility
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch

Agility stat up sweeper. He is the lead. Not many lead 'Gross in today's meta game, may forsake agility for stealth rock support, but for now, he is a hole puncher and this set with the given evs allows him to easily punch said holes.

Good ol' Agiligross. Never a fan of 'em myself but I damn-well know it's a nasty surprise for hyper-offense trainers such as myself. The only thing I'd want to mention, is that you might be wastin' some Speed EVs. You might be able to put a decent amount of your Spe EVs into HP without losing out on any outspeedings after your agility, so that's somethin' to consider. If you're a stickler for wasting EVs like me, give this a quick look-over.

Evs: 252 atk, 144 hp, 112 def.
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Fake Out
- Bulk Up / Ice Punch

This guy... I love em. Excellent wall in today's meta game, and quite a vicious attacker. The given evs allow him to survive far longer than he should, factor in intimidate and bulk up makes him an excellent physical wall. Fake out is always fun just for some extra little bit of bite. It'll switch between him and meta gross for the lead as they can both force switches and attempt to sweep or, at the very least, punch massive holes. Today's metagame is filled with ghosts and fighters and dragons. This set can handle 2 out of the 3 quite easily.

Not a fan of Fake Out on anythin' that ain't very strong, and since Bulk Up needs a turn, you'll never have a boosted Fake Out. Since you've got Mamoswine, that Bulk Up is much more important than Ice Punch, but you could slap Ice Punch on over Fake Out, of course. If you do go the route of SR on your Metagross, you could consider Dragon Tail over Fake Out too.

Actually, on the topic of entry hazards, both Gyarados and Scrafty having Dragon Tail could be real nasty if ya had a Pokemon to set up Spikes on top of SR. You obviously ain't running a stall team, but entry hazards are always helpful. Particularly for somethin' like Agiligross who doesn't have overwhelming attack power. If you find a member of your team being not-so-helpful in the future, if you can fill that void with a spiker, it might be a good idea.

You may also want to consider to invest heavily in only HP and Defense and make 'em a wall against both types of attackers. Your team is already pretty resilient to physical attacks (especially if ya give Arcanine Intimidate), so having somethin' to soak up special attackers would be a great idea. Being weak to opposing Fighting types means being the option of bein' specially bulky is better for it anyways.

Leichi Berry
Evs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail

Standard dd set with slight differences. Opted leichi over salad berry because after a dragon dance, gyara already outspeeds nearly all of today's metagame, so I figured the extra power is useful enough. Having intimidate over moxie allows him to be a sufficient check to the fighters running about the metagame. Dragon tail I put on as an aesthetic choice: surprise can come in handy, cuz noone would run a move that always goes last on a set that focuses on increasing speed: except for me.


Indeed, only you would put Dragon Tail on somethin' that has a move to increase it's speed. :p I'm sure if ya used Stone Edge instead, it'l just miss whenever you need it most anyways. Certainly does for me...

Flash Fire
Evs: 200 atk, 100 spd, 208 hp
- Overheat
- Wild Charge
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat

I loves me some arcanine! Mixed attack variant, the evs give him quite a bit of longevity, as is what the metagame now seems to focus on over pure brute force, arcanine offers te best of both worlds. With the given evs, arcanine can outspeed and OHKO all but the most physically defensive variants of Hydreigon, a poke whom I cannot afford to let stay out. Prediction is key with feighning a choiced set by leading overheat, they'll predict a switch, and end up eating something they didn't expect.

A bulky Arcanine without Intimidate is a poor idea... Even moreso with Close Combat. Fire ain't exactly useful typing for a bulky Poke either. You're better off focusing more on your speed and attack IMO. Also, having three Pokes on your team with Intimidate is really ****in' annoying. You really should do it. :p Intimidate > Flash Fire.

Also, a neutral nature EV-lacking Overheat from an Arcanine ain't really threatening to things that aren't a Skarmory. Anyone with a brain will probably notice how very little damage it'l do and at least be suspicious of it. In that regard, you might be better off running Fire Blast so that you can break physical walls attempting to stop it.

Evs: 252 sp atk, 100 spd, 160 hp
- Hurricane
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Roost

Another stranger set, multiscale works well. A new stab in the form of Hurricane makes dragon it's more viable than others. His job is hit hard, hit strong, and get out. If he must stay in, however, he most definately can hold his own and surprise quite a few with this set.

Strange set indeed... Hurricane and Fire Blast don't hit for much either way since D-nite ain't no Salamence. Surprise factor is all this set has going for it, really. Those special moves need to be physical, otherwise you're wastin' that huge attack stat it's got. Simple as that IMO.

Choice Band
Evs: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash

Standard choiced set on mamoswine, a new STAB in the form of icicle crash makes Mamo even more deadly than before. Still a very viable threat and excellent revenge killer, Mamo serves a dual purpose not only to scare away anything I need it to, but can get a free switch in on electric moves aimed at gyarados.

Ye olde Bandoswine. It has even more trouble gettin' in thanks to the prevalence of weather (boosted Rock moves from Sandstorm teams threaten it, STAB moves from either rain or sun obviously destroy it), but it's still one of the best Dragon revenge killers in the game. Your team clearly doesn't like physical or special dragon sweepers, so it's spot on your team is certainly valid.

... Damn you Mamoswine...

Some of my choices on this team may seem pretty out there, but check it out. Full review much appreciated.


Onto the full team review... First off, the typing.

Your team looks a lot of what I usually get; you've got some bad weaknesses to have (Fire, Fighting, Water), but they're bearable. However, ya do have three Pokes weak to Rock. It's almost tolerable if you're determined to not change your team, since between Multiscale and Roost, D-nite fears no Stone Edge, and you could have three Pokes with Intimidates on your team to make those Rock types do laughable damage to even Gyarados.

However, due to that weakness, Stealth Rock is probably this team's second biggest threat. Not having a spinner may very well be your doom; stall will slowly but surely rip you apart. One of those SR-weak Pokes need to be replaced with a special attacker (D-nite is too weak to count :p) or a wall breaker, unless you want every stall team you come across to have a huge advantage.

As for synergy, I'm not really seeing much of it. This is essentially a team of plain ol' goodstuff, but you could definitely find more synergy than what you have going on now. Aside from defensive switches based on typing, your sweepers don't really have any support, be it the form of Pokes designed to ruin their counters or increases their chances of a successful sweep (wall breakers, entry hazards pokes, etc.).

Finally, I mentioned SR being your second worst enemy; Rain teams are your first. Your team isn't fast at all except for your Metagross after an agility, and it obviously can't do **** to water types. Your team is laughably weak to rain, to the point that it's unbearable. How vulnerable your team is to an offensive rain team, even if they're without Swift Swim, is a very serious problem. Any other problems I've mentioned you can fix easily; this, I fear ain't fixable at all...

Overall, the team's very average IMO. Lack of synergy and some glaring weaknesses bring it far down from "good". You'll probably need to either go back to the drawing board, or do some serious overhauling if ya want this team to be a real winner.

... Though, do keep in mind I'm rusty, lacking in knowledge, and completely out of the loop. Take this "review" (if you can even call my lackluster thoughts as such...) with some salt. The entirety of Shoal Cave's salt.
Thank you sir. I miss your constructive criticism... Lol. I've already been refining a team that I've been working on for a loooooong time. Will post shortly.
Wow, it's been over a year since I last logged in here. And it's been a month since this thread has been posted on, so this is a little sudden, but I was thinking of a team for Pokemon Emerald designed solely for the Battle Frontier, yet only using Pokemon and moves that can be obtained in the game without trading or hacking. Here's what I got:
-Dragon Claw
-Fly (To make my life easier)
Nature: Any nature that lowers attack

-Meteor Mash
-Shadow Ball
Nature: Adamant

-Brick Break
-Thunder Wave
Nature: Any that lower defense

-Rock Slide (Rock Tomb/Ancientpower until I can get enough BP to teach Rock Slide)
-Giga Drain
Nature: Brave

-Blaze Kick
-Sky Uppercut
-Thunderpunch (Aerial Ace till yadda yadda)
Nature: Hasty

-Body Slam
-Ice Beam
Nature: Any that lower speed

*Cloning glitch will be used to obtain multiple Earthquake TMs

I also intend on having the team all at lv. 60 (Metagross will be kept as a Metang until lv.56.)

The problem with this team (that I can see, at least) is that it will be a Torchic solo run for the first 4-5 gyms.

Any thoughts?
A WiiChatter of Old
Welcome back

what are the items
Probably a soul dew on Latias if you have
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what are the items
Probably a soul dew on Latias if you have
I don't know what the items would be, I haven't started the run yet. They would probably just be random things I have in the bag.
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Well look who decided to show up. 'Ey there, Esp. =D

I'd be happy to give ya some team advice, but I gotta know the EV spreads first. :p Mind edittin' those in?

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