What's your pokemon team?

Thread revival!!!!!!!!!

I need to discuss fundamentals of today's black and white methane because apparently it is extremely different than platinums.
He's talkin' 'bout how Garbodor is designed worse than any Pokemon from previous generations, Nick. Are ya blind?
Lol. For this gen, I have developed a quite nasty an strange mixed attacking dragon it's that works wonders late game.

Inner focus
Ev: 252 hp, 126 atk, 126 sp atk, 10 spd
- waterfall
- dragon claw
- extreme speed
- hurricane

I have found hurricane as an extremely viable asset to today's meta game. The ev spread has hurricane OHKO every fighting type without sturdy. Everything else is for coverage, and extremespeed picks off stragglers and helps against would be threats. Preferring leftovers for longevity, with the given hp Evs he is very sturdy.
before my friend saw garbodor,he liked pokemon


I blame him not.

Lol. For this gen, I have developed a quite nasty an strange mixed attacking dragon it's that works wonders late game.

Inner focus
Ev: 252 hp, 126 atk, 126 sp atk, 10 spd
- waterfall
- dragon claw
- extreme speed
- hurricane

I have found hurricane as an extremely viable asset to today's meta game. The ev spread has hurricane OHKO every fighting type without sturdy. Everything else is for coverage, and extremespeed picks off stragglers and helps against would be threats. Preferring leftovers for longevity, with the given hp Evs he is very sturdy.


Multi-scale is a must, bro. Taking half damage from the first hit you take is essential for a defensive D-nite. I don't like the fact that you don't have roost on the set ('specially with all that EV investment in HP), but Multiscale is awesome even if you can only get a use out of it once. You definitely won't be gettin' a use out of Inner Focus every other match, that's for sure.

Speaking of Roost, I'd say throw it on over E-speed, whether you'll use Multiscale or not. It ain't like a neutral nature Dragonite with 126 Atk EVs is gonna hit hard with an 80 Base power move that's never super effective. That bulk needs to be capitalized on. The only excuse you have to run E-speed over Roost is if Latios scares your entire team shitless IMO. You should run damage calcs too, since I'm not even sure if a D-nite with such low Atk investments would 2HKO a full health 0/0 Latios, none the less a bulky Latias.

Also, lol @ Serious, simply 'cause I don't recall the last time I've seen anyone besides you runnin' neutral natures... It's just bloody weird to see. :lol: I can see why you're runnin' it here, 'course.

... Oh, and your EVs are wrong. 10 Spe means you've got a total of 514. :p
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Ughll... I always count wrong on something. Lol. Actually I was thinking of changing the ev investment slightly. Ur prolly right, and I I take out Extremespeed, then to hell with any evs in atk at all. I'll run the set like this then.

Evs 252 hp 252 spatk 6 spd
- roost
- surf
- Draco meteor
- hurricane

Bah humbug to those who hate on dnight being more versatile than most dragons... Humbug I say!!! Lol

Edit: wow I feel stupid for not thinking of multiscale before... Jesus and oh the humanity...
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