What's your pokemon team?

you might consider stone edge, I found out the hard way that stone edge can hit opponents that use fly (poor staraptor, never knew what hit him) Damn you lucian!!!
Night Slash? Really?

Close Combat is really good because not only does it have 120 base power, but with STAB, that's boosted to 180. Such a number makes Night Slash's base power of 70 seem meek in comparison.

I do understand the draw of high Critical Hit ratio, especially with Scope Lens. However, he sort of already gets that from Psycho Cut, which has added STAB.

Night Slash covers:

Close Combat covers:

So yeah, Close Combat has better coverage. Additionally, because its power is more than twice that of Night Slash, it would actually do more damage regularly than a Critical Hit from Night Slash would (Night Slash CH: power 140; Close Combat without a CH: power 180).

I guess it all comes down to personal preference in the end, but it still seems to me like Psycho Cut has the same gimmick as Night Slash, and with STAB, it's generally a better choice.

However, Night Slash covers Gallade's weakness to Ghost, which might be worth considering. I still prefer Close Combat, though.

Mine knows Psychic, Close Combat, Leaf Blade, & Swords Dance. He's the attacker in my group. Is this something to consider?

That's pretty good, but you might want to consider switching Psychic for Psycho Cut. While Psychic does have a base power of 90 and Psycho Cut has a base power of 70, Psychic is a special attack. Psycho Cut is a physical attack. Gallade, whose base physical attack stat is 125, will be able to do much more damage with Psycho Cut. To compare, his special attack stat is about half that--65.

So yeah, Psycho Cut is much better than Psychic. Also, if you're using Swords Dance, then Psycho Cut will benefit; Psychic won't.

As for my Gallade, I've been looking at X-Scissor as a replacement for Leaf Blade, but I'm not sure yet.

ehh... i say keep leaf blade. X-scissor is great, but close combat already covers most things that does major damage to, and that leaf blade is essential to prevent yourself getting walled out against swampert, carracosta, and some others. Youd really only gain a single benefit from X-Scissor, where with Leaf Blade your type coverage is FAR greater.
Mine knows Psychic, Close Combat, Leaf Blade, & Swords Dance. He's the attacker in my group. Is this something to consider?

That's pretty good, but you might want to consider switching Psychic for Psycho Cut. While Psychic does have a base power of 90 and Psycho Cut has a base power of 70, Psychic is a special attack. Psycho Cut is a physical attack. Gallade, whose base physical attack stat is 125, will be able to do much more damage with Psycho Cut. To compare, his special attack stat is about half that--65.

So yeah, Psycho Cut is much better than Psychic. Also, if you're using Swords Dance, then Psycho Cut will benefit; Psychic won't.

As for my Gallade, I've been looking at X-Scissor as a replacement for Leaf Blade, but I'm not sure yet.

ehh... i say keep leaf blade. X-scissor is great, but close combat already covers most things that does major damage to, and that leaf blade is essential to prevent yourself getting walled out against swampert, carracosta, and some others. Youd really only gain a single benefit from X-Scissor, where with Leaf Blade your type coverage is FAR greater.

True true. Thanks for the C&C :D

What do you think of the rest of my team?
you could try zen headbut or hammer arm for metagross and give it a quickclaw it works wonders for my Garchomp.
too bad chandelure cant learn nasty plot though you could try teaching it calm mind.
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you could try zen headbut or hammer arm for metagross and give it a quickclaw it works wonders for my Garchomp.

I was considering that...

However, in the end, I decided that I wanted Meteor Mash. Despite inferior coverage, it has a lot of power, and the 30% chance of Attack boost is quite nice.

Quick Claw is essentially ousted by the presence of Bullet Punch.

Basically, I go in, set up Stealth Rock, take a hit or two, and Explode. Standard Suicide Lead stuff, I guess.

Switching out Zen Headbutt for Meteor Mash might be something to consider, actually... thanks :)
I put in the quick claw in case you wanted something other than bullet punch, i'd be willing to bet that a sudden hammer arm or zen headbutt would really irk someone's strategy. also you could breed your hydreigon with a gible or one of its evolutions and the Deino should know earth power upon hatching though that would mean training it from square one again, but thats what i did for my lv 88 salamence and garchomp and they just destroy the battle frontier on platinum(except when garchomp went up against a mamoswine and got hit with an avalanche)
also instead of a soft sand for your Gyarados you could give it an earth plate or a muscle band.
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What's the difference between Soft Sand and Earth Plate?

However, Muscle Band sounds like a really good idea.
soft sand ups the power of ground type moves and the plate boosts them.
boosting the power of a move is better than uping it.(not sure how much a boost is though)
Havent done an actual full on review in awhile... Should be fun. lol.

Alright so I made my first real team ever:


METAGROSS (Lead) @ Wide Lens
Adamant/Clear Body
252 Attack, 252 HP, 4 Speed
Bullet Punch
Meteor Mash
Stealth Rock

Excellent. But why Meteor Mash AND Bullet Punch? I read someone recommend a Zen Headbutt... Nahhh, too low accuracy for my taste and Psychic attacks have crappy coverage anyways. Any Steel type Lead (like Forretress for example) will laugh at this simply bc Meta wont be able to do a thing while Tress sets up their 3 layers of Spikes to truly damage ur team. This doesnt help a ton against forretress, but to aide you from getting walled by steels, ya might wanna consider EQ (which is fantastic anyways and covers most of what Bullet Punch doesnt, right???) And dont gotta worry about Flying leads, Aerodactyl being the most common whereas EQ stands no effect but BP will murder him in one hit.

HYDREIGON (Sweeper) @ Leftovers
252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse

Hydreigon! I love this thing! Coincidentally, I run the same moveset with mine. Tis great. Surf + Dragon Pulse gives you perfect coverage, then flamethrower to screw the steelys and Dark Pulse for some serious STAB with that beastly Sp.Atk. good thought with leftovers... But for his lack of pure speed being outsped by most dragons (EV trained for speed or not) you might wanna consider whatever berry it is that boosts speed... i forgot the name. lol

STARMIE (Revenge Killer) @ Choice Specs
Modest/Natural Cure
252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense
Ice Beam

F&*K YEA RK Starmie! lol. Only change is take out TBolt for Grass Knot, cant let yourself get walled by those damned Perts, Quags, Carracosta and the other water/rock/ground vermin of pokemon... lol. And personally... I dont like Choice Items. Why not Life Orb? Provides a much better chance of doing a straight sweep of the team without having to switch on resistance right?

GYARADOS (Sweeper) @ Soft Sand
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

Ah... Standard DD Gyarados... What a beast... I hate these things. lol. Only change would beee.... Soft Sand? Might ask why? Perheps Leichi berry to raise attack that extra bit after 2 DD's for a succesful sweep? Dono. Ur choice. You could also make this Gyara a wall for your team, since your obviously set with plenty of sweepers. Gyara actually acts as a good wall, Intimidate crippling many leads, an to throw another wrench on it like I would, put Thunder Wave on him, just to piss ppl off. They wont expect it, and you can cripple their teams this way.

CHANDELURE (Sweeper) @ BrightPowder
Modest/Flame Body
252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball

I like it. Somewhat superfluous for Psychic and SB to be on the same set tho.... Swap out for better coverage? Grass Knot?(not sure if he can learn it, but maybe)

GALLADE (Clean Up) @ TwistedSpoon
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Psycho Cut
Close Combat
Swords Dance
Leaf Blade

Already gave my opinion on this one.


I'm keeping Gallade because he's shiny and Adamant and I love him.

There ya go. Overall... Its good. Just make sure you dont let your opponent set up a sweeper on you, or theyll rip right through unopposed.
and to your question, both items boost moves by 20%. The plate is just their to change Arceus' type.
In the end, you're right. Earthquake > Meteor Mash. STAB is just soo attractive xD
Getting EQ would free me up to get another item, too :O Yeah, I think I'll do that.

I don't think I'm terribly worried about speed... he'll outspeed what he outspeeds, and he'll take a hit when he can. His defenses are decent and the Leftovers provide a nice little boost. I like him :D

I guess I just think Choice Items are cute. I don't like the recoil from Life Orb Dx
I guess for Starmie, though, Life Orb makes sense. It's still crippling in that I take recoil damage, but you have a good point about the sweeping potential.

I LOVE the sound of Thunder Wave! But what should I sub out? Ice Fang?
Anyway, I think I'm gonna go with Zanapher's suggestion and give him a Muscle Band instead of Soft Sand.

You're right about the Psychic thing... but why would I put Grass Knot on him when he already has Energy Ball?
Maybe I should give him Will-O-Wisp. What's your opinion there?



Thanks a ton! :D
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lol i forgot chandelure had the energy ball overlooked it lmao XP

and yea, TWave pisses ppl off anyways, but especially coming from a Gyarados (whom when you switch out you KNOW they will go for their best wall/sweeper crippler lol) and honestly, to really screw with ppl, id make that gyarados a tank. Swap ur EVs on Atk and Speed to Def and Sp Def, swap out Ice Fang for Avalanche, swap DD for TWave, Give em Leftovers and you have one meanass wall on your hands that can put out punishment when it needs to, take a crapload with his already great special defense (and intimidate makes up the other side of the spectrum) plus the EV spread I said, ull cripple/knock out their best pokes quite easily, and with surprise, bc EVERYONE and their mother wants to run Gyarados as DD sweeper.
lol i forgot chandelure had the energy ball overlooked it lmao XP

and yea, TWave pisses ppl off anyways, but especially coming from a Gyarados (whom when you switch out you KNOW they will go for their best wall/sweeper crippler lol) and honestly, to really screw with ppl, id make that gyarados a tank. Swap ur EVs on Atk and Speed to Def and Sp Def, swap out Ice Fang for Avalanche, swap DD for TWave, Give em Leftovers and you have one meanass wall on your hands that can put out punishment when it needs to, take a crapload with his already great special defense (and intimidate makes up the other side of the spectrum) plus the EV spread I said, ull cripple/knock out their best pokes quite easily, and with surprise, bc EVERYONE and their mother wants to run Gyarados as DD sweeper.

Dahhh but I already EV-trained it ;-;

It's true that my team already has sweepers, though. Perhaps I'll get another one... it might be tedious, but I'm not in a rush or anything.
lol. well, thats just my take on it. i used Gyara as such before, and let me tell you... He was a pain in the ass for all that thought they could just come in and sweep with Mence or Garchomp, even Scizor couldnt do nothin... Hes like a sweeper killer.
Well, I still haven't decided if I want to get a new Gyarados, because that would be kind of annoying... xD

At the VERY least, though, I'm gonna give him Thunder Wave.

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