What game would you most like to see on VC

agreed on goldeneye. my buddies and i played tourneys for about a year with that game. amazing replay factor and just all around fun. hope to see this title com up on the VC shopping channel.
I think they will add Conkers Bad Fur Day for 1 reason. Even though it is rated "M" they'll put it in the shop channel because nintendo included parental settings for the wii so that you can't play certain wii games depending on the rateing
Without a doubt I want to see blaster master and blaster master 2 on the VC. Blaster Master is easily one of the best games ever made and deserves to be on their. Still waiting on turtles 2 the arcade game although I know that will be out eventually. Also jackal and contra or super C needs to come out soon. Turtles in time would also be sweet or turtles 3 the manhattan project. For me getting zelda 2 on their was no big deal at all because I already have it for gamecube. Double dragon would be sweet too.
Great idea man!! I love that game and i palyed it like a week ago.

As for me i think they should have:
- AT least megaman 1 and 2
-Banjo kazooie and Banjo tooie
-Paper Mario
-Donkey Kong 64
-Space Station silicon valley
-Super mario RPG
-Lol Mario paint!
- cant think of mmore at the moment
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double dragon would be awesome :D
spent like 2 months playing that with my friend nick, we couldnt do the last lvl :p
yeh, paper mario and the banjo games.
the first game i ever played was banjo kazooie, at least from what i can rember. ah happy times, when i was amused by banjo having a gamboy, jumping on banjos bed. and pumeling carrots, good times
I would DEFINATELY love to see 3 things on the VC...</div>
Number 1: Harvest Moon​
Number 2: Super Smash Brothers​
Number 3: Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask​
<div align="left">What would be even greater is if they could get Gameboy games for download! I would definately ask for Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages.​
yes, im just playing oracle of seasons, its great.
i think earliar on in this thread i said about gb, gbc games on vc. it would be really great.
You have to wonder if they even will make an update so you can download GBC games... That would be totally awsome though:D I know I would download every Zelda game, and every Harvest Moon game!
yeh, it would be awsome. it would make game hunting so much more easy, i cant seem to find zelda dx links awakning
What's the point of having mega man on the vc with the megaman classic collection available? I would rather play that, get 8 games on 1 disc.
jesse1596 said:
What's the point of having mega man on the vc with the megaman classic collection available? I would rather play that, get 8 games on 1 disc.

Well I don't know Whats the point in all these games when they cost the same price for the cart? Basically conveince. It isn't a big deal to me i just thought it would make a great addition. One Thing i see in the VC is the opportunity For younger gamers to try these games they may never heard of. I don't know any little kids who can even say which megaman they liked best because most kids havent played these games. Most little kids haven't played Classics only a decade or so old from PS1 and N64. Which is sad because not as many quality classic games are being made today. the VC is a great way to get people to know there roots and enjoy some classics. ( I have heard a rumor that since Megaman is 3rd party [capcom] It might be released on PS3s download center)
i would love to see gb/gba games on vc. the original pokemon games on the big screen... glorious. *choir of angels singing*
they have ruined the franchise by adding so many more useless ones (in my opinion) so i would love to play red/blue again.

but i'd also like to see Dr Mario make a return. i absolutely loved that game when i was i kid. and super mario world 3. i grew up playing that game.

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