What game would you most like to see on VC

I'd like to see Mario Tennis, Super Street Fighter II, and if possible, the MegaMan series. Everything else I want has already been mentioned.
duck hunt would be good on vc...
but thry should also put gb and gbc games on there too, and virtual boy
im still waiting for sonic 2, sonic and tails and alex the kid in wonderland *the on e that was built into the early Sega Master System 2, before the updated sonic one)
tight-ass shadow..

i really want ABE's odysee and ABE's exodus.. if anyone remembers them.. they are pretty much the best games for tha ps1.. in my opinion..
maybe some of the crah bandicoot's and all the zelda's..
Mario Kart , Donkey Kong Racing And SUPER MARIO 64 :yesnod: :yesnod: :lol:
Fdot said:
Mario Kart , Donkey Kong Racing And SUPER MARIO 64 :yesnod: :yesnod: :lol:
Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 are already on VC mate!
I would like to see Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong 64
Now that Streets of Rage 2 is out, i would like to see Streets of Rage 3.
Also, International Superstar Soccer Deluxe from the Mega Drive, what a game that was!!
Goldeneye for the N64 (not going to happen, owned by rare)
Vixen357 for the Genesis (not going to happen too obscure and only released in Japan)
The first six Fire Emblems* for the nes/snes (probably not going to happen as they were only relesed in Japan)
The First six Final Fantasy fot the nes/snes (probably not going to happen due to them releasing advanced remakes on the DS/GBA)

In the realms of possibility, I would like to see Earthbound and Tactics Ogre.

*Ok, technically FE 4 is on the VC... but I meant in Europe.
Maximum Carnage (Genesis)
Snowboard Kids 2 (N64)
Jet Force Gemini (N64)
Toejam and Earl: Planet on Funkatron (Genesis, I know its coming out)
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If arcade games get introduced to the virtual console, I would most like to see SegaSonic the hedgehog arcade available (3 player sonic game where you control your character using a trackball)
I would love to see Banjo Kazooie and Shadows of the Empire on the virtual console. The main game that I am waiting for is 007 Goldeneye, hopefully they can get the rights to do that game, its my fav N64 game and I was amazing at the multiplayer. I would love to see Turok and Moon Harvest too

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