I'd really like to see super smash bros 64 on there! Also I'd like to give the classic metroid a shot.(never go a chance to play it, too young probably.)
I'd love to see Super Mario 2 and 3 as well as Final Fantasy I for the NES. My wife wants to download Tetris from the NES as soon as it's available as well. Has anyone heard any word on these games yet?
I could just play it on my N64, but that was a great game, easy but it was really fun, had cool music, and It looked awesome. Not alot people i know have played it except at my house. Thay would be cool to add.
i think it would be cool, and clever, if when you complete a certain part of brawl, maybe all the challenges and such, you unlock the original ssb for use on your virtual console!
I agree with Smashbros Golden eye and Kazooie because N64 are well knwn for those.
I disagree about stadium and Turok becaise they werent Close 1st or 2nd party games. Well kinda but they werent important to the console.
Tecmo Super Bowl
Skate or Die!
Duck Hunt
Metal Gear
Top Gun
Double Dragon
The Simpsons Bart versus the Aliens or whatever it was called
Final Fantasy games ( never played them )
Turtles in Time
Mario RPG
Demon's Crest
Final Fantasy games ( never played them either )
Super Mario World 2
Joe and Mac
Diddy Kong Racing
Pilotwings 64
Blast Corps