What game would you most like to see on VC

yes but theirs more involved in buying the cartridge for a 64 game or a snes game etc. At least with the megaman collection you only have to buy the disc as the wii allows gamecube games.
XwiimasturX said:
the original pokemon games on the big screen... glorious. *choir of angels singing*
they have ruined the franchise by adding so many more useless ones (in my opinion) so i would love to play red/blue again.
You are right, they were pushing the boundaries with the amount by Pokemon Crystal which is when I thought they had just enough, but there are way too many now it's ridiculus.
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i really want sonic 2, 3, sonic and knuckles :D, if anyone remembers you could slot sonic 1,2 or 3 into S&K and you could unlock mini games and game modes...and wonder if these game come out how will they do that ?
this will probably sound abit stupid but can anyone on this web site do anything to influence nintendo into puting gb/gbc games onto vc. im just saying, but there should be a wiichat campaing or somthing. or an online partiton, if a partition is what im thinking of.
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that would be cool, im sure alot of people would sign it!...i have never heared any partitions against nintendo though...i dont think they give in to such things :S
not a partition against nintendo. a partition to nintendo... if that makes even the slightest droplet of sense im happy. but just to tell them to put gb/gbc games on vc... and compodude encoraged it.
+what would be considered of a vc gb thread
yeh but what about the partition thread idea, i need to know whether wiichat members will find it stupid. anyone. just tell me what you think.
Shadow20074 said:
i really want sonic 2, 3, sonic and knuckles :D, if anyone remembers you could slot sonic 1,2 or 3 into S&K and you could unlock mini games and game modes...and wonder if these game come out how will they do that ?
Yeah the Sega Megadrive Sonics were the first games I played! They rocked the house!!!:crazy:
is anyone going to tell me what they think about starting a vc gb partition thread
compodude said:
yeh but what about the partition thread idea, i need to know whether wiichat members will find it stupid. anyone. just tell me what you think.
Researchers at game componies do go on forums to pick up on things the user wants, what you should do is go on many forums and make many threads, somebody at Nintendo may pick up the idea.
ive started up my thread now. i just need everyone in the world to look at it.

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