What game would you most like to see on VC

super mario all star (snes)
aero fighter (snes)
lufia (snes)
lufia 2 (snes)
secret of mana (snes)
final fantasy 2 (snes)
final fantasy 3 (snes)
final fantasy 5 (snes)
many more...

I'm new btw. :)
i highly doubt conkers will come to vc, or any rated m game, i would like to see doom on the wii, the one that was on 64 thou
Belmont knows where its at, Illusion of Gaia!!! -ahem-
I have both a question and my game list. First, the question. Rare games aren't being released, correct? Didn't rare develop Donkey Kong Country, which is on the VC? Or am I just confused?

Now the list
-The List-
Illusion of Gaia
Chrono Trigger
Terranigma, sequel to Illusion of Gaia (Only released in Europe, but we can pray that we will see it one day)
Secret of Mana
Tactics Ogre
Super Mario RPG
Anything Contra-esque
Super Mario (any and all, if you please)
Zelda (old school only, plz, if you work for Fierce Diety Mask in MM, Majora is too much of a push over, and I don't like having to run to a bank before I go back because time travel robbed me)p
Harvest Moon (a classic, through and through)
Sonic 1,2,3
Earthbound (the game that started the oddball rpg saga)
Wanderers from Ys III
and so many more. Also, in addition to these, I wouldn't mind seeing new developments underway for the VC, such as extended and added content. Who wouldn't love to blaze a new dungeon or explore a new plot line in an old favorite? Also, (and this has been a topic of discussion among game developers) new retro games. Say Konami wants to add to the Castlevania story, they could have a team develop a sequel to Castlevania IV for (enter console here) and simply release it on to the VC. Nintendo has many options open, I just hope they make the best of them.

P.S. 120+ dollars for Earthbound, you say, couch king? I think it might be time to dig out my old copy, hehe.
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Sombra said:
P.S. 120+ dollars for Earthbound, you say, couch king? I think it might be time to dig out my old copy, hehe.

ya i take that back its gone down. I remember when I sold mine in box with everything I got like $160 for it on ebay. This was like last year. I still have a used cartridge of it that I bought at some random video game store in the $1 bin. Thankfully the guy didnt know that value of it. If it comes out for VC I'll be buying it for sure. I know a few childhood friends who would go out and buy the wii for just to play earthbound on it. I know you're probably thinking "why?" because buying an SNES and finding earthbound in decent condition will cost half the price of a wii, why not just go all the way and have an awsome console.
I saw that a couple of you said that you wanted some more sonic games. It might be cheaper to get Sonic Mega Collection or Sonic Gems Collection for Gamecube instead of buying each game separately off of VC. As for my vote, I want Conker too. :)
3 games im hoping for are Earthbound, Final Fantasy 3, and Mega Man X series. All classics you can keep playing.
Sombra said:
Belmont knows where its at, Illusion of Gaia!!! -ahem-
I have both a question and my game list. First, the question. Rare games aren't being released, correct? Didn't rare develop Donkey Kong Country, which is on the VC? Or am I just confused?

ok first off i am glad someone remembers Illusion of Gaia. second Donkey Kong Country was made by Rare but since they are Nintendo Characters Nintendo got to keep the rights to them. Now as for Conkers Bad Furday we wont see that not cause its rated M but because it was made by Rare. I think eventually we will see some rated M games on the 64.
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Digitalldj said:
illusion of gaia, and earthbound

nuff said.

earthbound yes !

and its not really "nuff said"
so get a grammar book or dont use words if you dont know how
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Shadow20074 said:
earthbound yes !

and its not really "nuff said"
so get a grammer book or dont use words if you dont know how

wtf..give me a break

and it's actually "grammar" but thanks for coming out anyways.
Shadow20074 said:
earthbound yes !

and its not really "nuff said"
so get a grammer book or dont use words if you dont know how
Quality correction! Must be irony,surely? There is an online dictionary here

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