What game would you most like to see on VC

Yes! Super Punch-Out would be awesome. I'd also like to SNES' ActRaiser since I don't own it and it's just another great and unique game. Magician Lord for Neo Geo (when those games come out).
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isnt super punch-out released ? or is that just punch out ?
I've said it many times and I'll say it again. I can't wait for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for the SNES.
Paper Mario 64!!! boy that was one of my most mario games on the N64aside from Super Mario 64. :smilewinkgrin:
Valley said:
I've said it many times and I'll say it again. I can't wait for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for the SNES.
Yea this is one of nintendos secrect gems
i would like to see chrono trigger, and vector man
I'm surprised nobody has said Earthbound. That game is a CLASSIC. It's a definite must for VC. The SNES cartridge alone is worth $120+ today.
Maximum Carnage
Jurassic Park Rampage edition
Super Metorid
Illusions of Gaia ( i want that game the most )
Castlevaina 2 and 3
Secret of Mana
TMNT IV Turtles in Time
Sunset Riders (snes version)
Star Fox
Majoras mask ( just to play again maybe it wont suck as bad this time )
Castlevaina 64 and legacy of darkness
Beatle Adventure Racing
World Championship Racer
and of course the Rare games Jet Force Gemini is so awesome i wish i could play it again.

oh yeah and Superman 64.......................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jet Force

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