What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

^ Made that joke so many ****ing times, now I have a picture for it. Winsauce of grandeur quality.
Ive been playing some Wifi NU recently and have gotten really attached to Ampharos, Floatzel, and Execguttor (I forget how to spell that three headed plants name ._.). Especially floatzel, base 115 speed is no laughing matter. How does a Choice Banded Ice Punch to the face feel Latios?? xD
Considering I've been running a 'Scarf Poke on every team since forever ago, in my case, hardly. :lol:

Not even sure if a Modest unboosted Draco would OHKO a 0/0 Floatzel anywho. I would hope so, though... >_>;
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Considering I've been running a 'Scarf Poke on every team since forever ago, in my case, hardly. :lol:

Not even sure if a Modest unboosted Draco would OHKO a 0/0 Floatzel anywho. I would hope so, though... >_>;
I do believe that I had a Victreebel in the past that OKHO'd an Ambipom with Leaf Storm. With no boosting item.
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... When the FUCK did I ever use an Ambipom? :lol: Some random doubles team that abused it's Fake Out, I'd imagine.

Err, since Ambipom has higher defenses than Floatzel, and Victreebel has lower Sp. Attack than Hydreigon.... >_>

That's not the point....
My Top Pokemon
1. Skarmory
2. Dragonite
3. Donphan
4. Ampharos
5. Arcanine
6. Lapras
7. Lucario
8. Heracross
9. Eevee
10. Scizor

There's my Top 10 List

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