What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

I have never really played past second generation, and I don't really like many of the pokés after crystal anyway, but I'll have to say that my favourite pokemon, in order, would be:

Yes, they're pretty noob, but I kinda like how awesome they all are. And anyway, I haven't really had much experience with using any other pokemon, I'm kinda limited in my experience haha!

P.S. First post :D :D

Yes, they're pretty noob

"Pretty noob"? If favorite pokes can be described as that, I'd say they're hardly. :lol: ... Except for that ****in' Gyarados, anyways. Love the Magikarp, or else.

I certainly approve of Articuno. :thumbsup:
I mean they are pretty noob in the sense that they are all incredibly powerful and likely to be many people's favourites. And I have tried to love the 'Karp, it doesn't go well for me though. Gyarados or nothing for me, I'm afraid.
Actually, the only one of those Pokes that are notably powerful these days is Mewtwo. Magikarp jokes aside, Gyarados also contends as being pretty strong, but definitely not to the point of being scrubbish. If ya like the Pokes because of their aesthetics and whatnot, it ain't n00bish just because they're coincidentally strong IMO.

And I have tried to love the 'Karp, it doesn't go well for me though.

Then try HARDER!

last night i typed out a top ten list but then my internet went out and i couldnt post it:frown5:
I highly approve of all the Articuno love in this thread.

... It really is a shame that it's the worst bird out of the trio. =/ Ice type never got any love. Ever.

last night i typed out a top ten list but then my internet went out and i couldnt post it:frown5:

You must remember at least some of that list. :p
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Articuno is my favorite legendary bird too, not counting Lugia.
In competitive battling, Ice is a terrible type. All it's truly good for on the offense is destroying dragon/flying types. On the defensive spectrum, it only resist itself, and has a really bad weakness in Fighting. Having a weakness to Fighting was only tolerable in the first Generation when Psychic types were way too dominant for the rather weak and few in number Fighting types to want to show up in battle. Every generation, fighting types have gotten better though. Both in getting better moves, and better Pokes joining the roster of the type.

Articuno was sort of useful in Gen 1 competitive thanks to it's high special; every generation afterwards, special was split. It had high special defense, but it wasn't enough to sponge special attacks without a recovery move. It's Special Attack took a hit, and it no longer hit hard enough to match Moltres or Zapdos' power. The other two birds have always had better typing too. Electric/Flying is surprisingly decent defensively, although not amazingly so. Fire is a much better offensive type than Ice.

As generations went by, Rock types became more common, which hurt Zapdos', and especially Moltres' & Articuno's usability. Come Generation 4, the move Stealth Rock showed up on almost every team, be it a stalling team, an offensive team, or a balanced team.

Since Articuno's stats are geared towards being a defensive Pokemon, having very few resistances and such a huge (and more importantly, common) weakness made it unable to fulfill a defensive role reliably. If a Pokemon can't perform well reliably, then it ain't good. While Moltres isn't much better, at least it can still do massive damage thanks to Sunny Day boosting the power of Fire moves. Zapdos is no longer the best all-around Electric type anymore come Generation 5, but it's still a bit better than the other two.

... Yep, Articuno got the short end of the stick.
But he is number one!
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^ Huh... What made ya think that, I wonder?

In competitive battling

Outside of the srs 'mons, Articuno is still a sub-par Poke. Even without it's weaknesses not guaranteed to be around the corner and Stealth Rock never appearing in casual play, it's typing is still piss-poor, and it's stat distribution just isn't good. It's an average Poke, and relatively bad for a legendary at that. Usable, but still poor.

Not that such would ever dissuade my liking of the frozen bird... It'l just dissuade me from using it in OU or Ubers. :lol:

But he is number one!

Spongebob in a Pokemon thread?! ... My good sir, you are free to leave at any time.

And by any time, I mean any time right now.

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