What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

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  • #91
Because Hydreigon is 9020% as cool as Dragonite.
And also because Latios is 90,001 times moar cool than D-nite as well, eh Nick?

... Eh?!

EHHHH?!?! D:<
I'm more of a dark/fight pokémon. They're just cool to me. But I'm open for variety.
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  • #98
Nostalgia HATER? No no no; I like my nostalgia, but too much of it is bad.

Sorry if I offended anyone, but I'm just tired of the new generations being bashed without mercy, that's all. I'm a sensitive person.
No, you're right.

Most of us wear our nostalgia goggles too tight and think that our memories are immune to criticism. It's the specific pokemon themselves that should be liked, not the generation as a whole. Gen 1 is not perfect. Like Voltorb.
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  • #100
Indeed. I don't like all of generation one, but I do like a lot of it. Victreebel, Nidoking, Gengar, Slowbro, etc will always be favorites of mine.

The same goes with the newer generations.

(But I do give generation one credit for having so many poison types. POISON FTW.)
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  • #102
Ah, yes. This problem is nerfed in the newer generations thanks to the weakening of the Psychic type and the special Shadow Ball.

Still, playing through Blue was fun. My team was:

Blastoise (Hidro)
Wigglytuff (Zizzly)
Starmie (Aquastar)
Venomoth (Annomind)
Ditto (Dopple)
Magmar (Salaliva)

Ditto was a bit hard to use, but it helped still.
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  • #104
You would do that. xD

I need to use a Shedinja sometime, it sounds like a blast to use.
Agreed, stick with the classics man, thats wat i say..

If all Pokemon did was stick to the classics, the game wouldn't evolve... It really would be the case of "same ****, new look" that all the Poke-haters use as an excuse to hate the new versions.

I'm just tired of the new generations being bashed without mercy, that's all.


While I loved training my Gengar, it was pretty useless due to the psychic types.

Not that anyone played competitive Pokemon in the first damn Generation, but...

Although Gengar certainly does get torn a new asshole by any Psychic type, it's movepool and above average stats meant Gengar was still a great Poke. You just wouldn't switch it into an Alakazam any time soon. :lol:

Psychic types being nerfed since Gen 2 ftw.

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