What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

You already know my stance on that line of electric rodents.

... So, nope. Which is a shame, really.
i like raichu but im not a super fan but i think pikachu extremely super overrated in every way shape and form
^ Couldn't agree more. I'm a Raichu fan, and believe the same in regards to Pikachu. You're gettin' on this 'Karpmod's good side more 'n more, Riko. :lol:
^ I lol'd.

It's a damn shame Ash had to have a Pikachu on his shoulder instead of a Clefairy. Maybe then I wouldn't be so biased towards the overrated rodent.
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Wrote out a long list of my favorite Pokemon ever, 20 of them.



Sharpedo is my favorite Pokemon of all time. I love it's design so much. It's a torpedo shark, how is that not awesome?

The first Sharpedo I used (Jetspeed) I specifically trained so I could use it to battle my friend on Pokemon Battle Revolution. I only trained it because I thought it would do a good job, which it did. But Sharpedo grew on me a lot, to the point where it became my favorite Pokemon.

Competitively, I find Sharpedo to be a useful Pokemon. Speed Boost is an amazing ability, and Sharpedo can hit hard with both attacking stats quite well. Bulky Pokemon that haven't been weakened enough seem to pose a threat to it, of course. Also, it's very frail. But I still consider it to be a great Pokemon.



Sableye is my second favorite Pokemon. I love it's design a lot. It has jewel eyes, which is pretty awesome, plus it's goblin-like and inspired by an alien. Not only that, but I love its movements in 3D games. It sways its hips and grins a lot, which I find pretty cool. I was disappointed with it's B/W animated sprite, as I was hoping for hip swaying and/or grinning, but no, it just hops....

I kinda forget why I began to like Sableye, I just saw some other people that liked it, so I took an interest in it.

I think Sableye is a very useful Pokemon with Prankster. Sure, those stats are bad, but it doesn't have any weaknesses and has a great movepool. It can strike with priority Will-o-wisp, Trick, and more. Recover also has priority, which is awesome. It can also surprise it's opponents with attacks, like Foul Play and Sucker Punch.



Derp! I love Stunfisk, it's so derptastic. I find it cute as well as derpy, actually. It's the king of all derpy Pokemon.

Before B/W came out and I saw it's design, I didn't really care for it. I think it was the Sugimori art that made me more interested, and eventually this derpfish became one of my favorites.

I think Stunfisk has some potential competitively, as it's pretty bulky. It's one of those underrated NU Pokemon.



Totodile/Feraliagatr was my first Pokemon ever, so of course I have a liking towards it. I also like it's design, and I like alligators. But I admit it's mostly nostalgia.

I got Totodile in Gold, my first Pokemon game, because I thought it looked the coolest out of the three starters. To this day it's still my favorite out of them, as well as all the other starters.

I think it's a fairly strong Pokemon. It's got Dragon Dance, which is nice. It also has decent bulk and a good attack. Nothing spectacular, but it's pretty good.



Like Feraligatr, I like Crobat largely due to nostalgic reasons. Of course I'm also a fan of it's design, I think it looks cool. In the 3D games it has this weird tooth thing going on [See here] which I think looks cool for some reason.

I've used a lot of Crobat's on my in game teams. I've used one in Gold and/or Crystal (I forget), one in Leaf Green, one in Platinum, and one in Soul Silver. My high usage of it is a reason it's grown on me so much. In fact, I even like Golbat and Zubat for this reason, and most people find those two Pokemon really annoying.

With that lightning fast speed, it's no surprise Crobat can preform well. It can outright attack with Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Heat Wave, and more. It has Super Fang to break down bulky threats, and Hypnosis to put the opponent to sleep.

6. (No particular order from this point to #11)


Hydreigon is awesome. It's a dark, ruthless dragon with three heads, two of which replace it's hands. It has some neat looking wings, and I'm liking that red pattern it has. There's a lot of cool things about Hydreigon.

I think I trained one in Black because me and my friend both agreed it would be useful. After battling with it some, it grew on me a lot.

Being a pseudo legendary and all, it's a very good Pokemon. Sky high special attack, great movepool, decent bulk, good offensive typing....the only real downsides are the minor lack of speed, weakness to Fighting, and lack of a good stat boosting move. Regardless, whether it's donning a Choice Scarf or a Life Orb, this dragon means business.



My favorite first generation Pokemon, Victreebel. It has an awesome design. I mean, it's a poisonous man-eating pitcher plant. How cool can you get?

I kinda forget when I first started to like this Pokemon, really. I've been a fan for a while.

Despite most real life plant carnivores not absorbing much energy from the sun, Victreebel gets Chlorophyll. Despite my obvious annoyance with Game Freak demanding every Grass-type have Chlorophyll or some ability that is best in the sun, it's a great ability for Victreebel, allowing it to outrun almost every Pokemon under the sun. It has Growth and Swords Dance to boost stats, and it can fire off Power Whip, Solar Beam, Sludge Bomb, Weather Ball, and more. A great Pokemon for any sun team.



I hate most bugs in real life, but for some reason in Pokemon I love them. Galvantula is my favorite of all Pokemon bugs, mostly due to it's design. An electric tarantula? I approve.

I pretty much liked this Pokemon the first time I saw it.

Galvantula has some pretty slick speed, and cool typing. Compoundeyes makes Thunder have pretty nice accuracy, making it a must have for any Galvantula. Not a bad Pokemon at all.



Must I really explain why I love this thing? Really? It's a ****ing giant metal snake. That pretty much guarantees it a spot in here.

I've always liked Steelix, but when I used one in Soul Silver, I began to like it a lot more.

Steelix is a good Pokemon. Outstanding defense, good typing for the most part, and....um....well I admit that's mostly all it has going for it, but that's all it needs. That attack is usable, and Sturdy is good in case it gets hit with a strong special attack.



Oh, Z, you so crazy. You're illegal too, apparently. I just love Porygon-Z's eccentric design, it's pretty awesome. And the ability to hack cyberspace is amazing.

Again, one of those Pokemon where I forgot when/why I began to like it. I don't think I need to include a reason for every Pokemon....

My god, Porygon-Z has great special attacking power. It's a little slow, but this issue can be resolved. Download and Adaptability are awesome abilities which both raise it's attacking power, and the movepool is awesome too. Overall a good Pokemon that hits hard on the special side.



I'm not completely sure why I like Swalot as much as I do. It has a pretty funny design, which I like. I also like it's ability to devour anything in one gulp, that's awesome.

It has pretty nice bulk, and it learns some good supportive moves. I admit it's not a really good Pokemon, but it's okay. It can be a decent wall/tank.

12. (No particular order from this point on)


Squids are my favorite animal, and Omastar is the closest thing Pokemon has to a squid, so that's why I'm a fan of it. Lovin' that design.

Omastar got Shell Smash in 5th Generation, which is probably the best stat boosting move ever made. With this, as well as Swift Swim, it makes for a great special attacker. It can also function as a physical tank to an extent.



Wigglytuff is a cutie. It's bouncy and just really cute and stuff. I also like how it's a balloon.

I like this Pokemon for multiple reasons. I'm a fan of it's design, for one. Maining Jigglypuff in Super Smash Bros. has also made me like it and Wigglytuff a lot. Guildmaster Wigglytuff from Mystery Dungeon is also one of the best Pokemon characters ever.

Wigglytuff has an outstanding movepool and HP stat, but everything else is pretty....err....bad. Really low defensive stats, below average offensive stats, slow speed, unremarkable abilities....Clefable overshadows it so much it isn't even funny. Wigglytuff does have a few things over Clefable, such as a stronger Counter attack, Perish Song, and....uh...maybe a few more things. Goddamnitt, Wigglytuff deserves better than this. It's still an okay Pokemon, I guess.



Ah, Serperior....so elegant, so royal...so smug. A really cool design, my second favorite starter without a shadow of a doubt. The name is punny, too.

I chose Serperior as my starter in Black, since I liked it so much. He really did a good job, I must say.

Competitively, Serperior has good defensive stats, great Speed, but disappointing offensive stats. It also has a mostly shallow movepool, a curse many Grass-types suffer. But the future is bright for our royal serpent, as it's Dream World ability, Contrary, will likely be released sometime soon. This essentially doubles its Sp. Attack every time it uses Leaf Storm. Many people argue even with this awesome ability, the movepool is still too bad to make it any good. Well, not only does it have Hidden Power, but new move tutors in Black/White 2 will likely give it other very useful moves. Even currently it still has some use; for example, it can set up Light Screen and Reflect effectively.



Don't get me wrong, I'm a Gardevoir fan, but I prefer Gallade. Those sword elbows are just too cool, and I love how it's based on a gladiator. Awesome typing too.

The first Gallade I used, in Pearl, was transferred from my Emerald version. This made me like it a lot more than I already did.

Gallade has a great attack stat, and takes special hits pretty nicely. It's a tad on the slow side and is physically frail, but Bulk Up helps make it more bulky, as well as more powerful. Drain Punch is also a nice option, and it even gets Shadow Sneak, which is a little odd for something like Gallade to get, but you don't hear me complaining. Overall a good Pokemon that wishes it had some more speed.



Shuckle is a cute little mold snail turtle thing. I'm not even entirely sure what it is, but that's beside the point. I just love this little guy~

Shuckle is so underrated. Just because it has almost no attacking power (aside from the risky Power Trick), it doesn't mean it's a bad Pokemon. Although it could use some more HP, this Pokemon has super special awesome defenses, and can actually take hits pretty well. It could be better, yes, but it's by no means terrible. I'm hoping it gets some kind of defense lowering move in the future so it can take advantage of it's Dream World ability, Contrary.


Jellicent (Male)

Such a funny Pokemon. He looks like a king, which I like, along with having a humorous design. He's also a little mysterious, being a ghost and all....not only that, but he looks like the Pringles guy! [Compare: Jellicent ~ Pringles Guy]

The female Jellicent just looks okay in my opinion.

Jellicent is apparently really good in competitive battling. It can take hits nicely, and has good typing. Water Absorb is a great ability as well. It has a lot of things going for it.



Magcargo is a lava snail, it's pretty awesome. It also has a hint of derp, which I like. :3

Magcargo has awful defensive typing, which is no good. x4 weaknesses to Ground and Water, and x2 weaknesses to Fighting and Rock.....ouch. It's great offensive typing, but Magcargo is incredibly slow and has only average Sp. Attack. I've considered running Shell Smash alongside Weak Armor to boost it's speed and Sp. Attack to high levels, but I'm not sure yet. It would work better in the sun without a doubt.



Ledian is a pretty cool bug. It looks alienish, has four arms that look great for punching with, I just all around like it.

I used a Ledian on my first Pokemon Battle Revolution team (my first real competitive team, doubles). His job was to set up Screens, and also knew Swagger and Bug Buzz to mess with the opponent. He did an okay job for the most part, he was fairly fast and had good special bulk.

Despite Ledian kinda working on my doubles team, I sadly admit it's a very lacking Pokemon. First off, almost no offensive power. You'd think Ledian's movepool, design, and access to Iron Fist would suggest a good attack stat, but no, Ledian has a horrid physical attack. It can Baton Pass stat boosts and set up screens, but that's about it. It's a shame Ledian was hit badly with the "all early bugs prior to Generation 5 will suck" curse. I personally find it to be one of the more useful early bugs, not counting the 5th gen ones, but that's not much of an accomplishment.



I wanted at least one legendary when deciding my top 20 list, and although Rayquaza is nearly tied with Lugia, Jirachi, Regice, and Kyurem for my favorite legendary, it wins by a hair.

Anyway, what's not to like? It's a serpentine dragon covered in weird symbols. I also like it's movements in the 3D games for some reason.

It's incredibly obvious that Rayquaza is an outstanding Pokemon. It's a little slow, yes, but Dragon Dance takes care of that. It has sky high attack and special attack, so not only do you need to watch out for Outrage and Dragon Claw, but Draco Meteor as well.

That's all for my top 20 favorite Pokemon list! I hope you liked it.
You've certainly got some unique tastes in Pokes, Nicky. :lol:

Also, props for the ridiculously detailed post. Too lazy to do such detail for my top five, even. :p
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You know I hate following popular opinion, CK. I like underrated Pokemon more than overrated ones like Charizard. Of course, my list does have Rayquaza and some other popular Pokemon, but ah well.
Liking a Pokemon/hating one simply because of it being underrated/popular is the same as following the crowd's popular choice...

And the **** you've got against Charizard? D:<

... Not that I like it more than Charmeleon anyways.
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> Implying that I hate Pokemon just because they're popular, or like Pokemon just because they're unpopular.

I just tend to like unpopular Pokemon more. And I ain't got anything against Charizard, other then all the noobs that worship it.

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