What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

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  • #183
sableye,haxorus, weavile,lucario,ninetales and peliper
This is dead but I'll post on it anyways.
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  • #187
CK is a n00b that doesn't realize how cool and badass Ferrothorn is. :/
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  • #191


HP: 75
Attack: 45
Defense: 230
Sp. Attack: 45
Sp. Defense: 230
Speed: 110

Type: Grass/Rock

Notable moves:
-Cotton Guard
-Leech Seed
-Sleep Powder
-Shell Smash
-Stealth Rock

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Gluttony, Infiltrator

Now to genetically engineer them....Ferrothorn is old news now~
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  • #194
If you're implying that it wouldn't be good (I dunno what you're trying to say), that's totally hilarious, as with those stats and movepool it'd be OU or possibly Uber for sure.

@Mr. MR; lol maybe. xD

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