[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

The gun theif challenge is old, but its fun, i did it a few days back.

Known, the war will be at 8 or 9 est.
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  • #140
Ok, I'm gonna say this now, and I'm not going to go back on it.


That thing is the laggiest piece of s**t I've ever had the displeasure to deal with. It regularly takes me 5 tries to send a 4-character message. Not only that, but as of late people haven't been able to meet up with each other on it. Last time I went on there there was a massive wall of "mkfan20 joined the chat. macz joined the chat. A C E joined the chat. etc etc." waiting for me, with no actual conversation in between.

That's why I am now making it MANDATORY that all WC members make a Skype account. It is possible to make chat rooms on there, and they are way less laggy. Plus it'll alert you once someone has posted something.

Once you have made your account, or if you already have one, please tell me the username you made so that I can add you to the room.
Ok, I'm gonna say this now, and I'm not going to go back on it.


That thing is the laggiest piece of s**t I've ever had the displeasure to deal with. It regularly takes me 5 tries to send a 4-character message. Not only that, but as of late people haven't been able to meet up with each other on it. Last time I went on there there was a massive wall of "mkfan20 joined the chat.

Remember how I sent that post that said it took me for to send last post? Well that post took me three lol. Maybe MK Fan just likes seeing his name, a lot of youngins are like that.
GGs to Known,zanapher & MKfan today. Did post in after game thread but maybe you missed it :(

Also saw ACE on today and I was partied up, sorry bud i would have shot you an invite otherwise.

Always fun playing with you guys :)
Those were some good games today Goldie we were actually doing pretty well in the games before we fought you but what can you expect from a group of random people thrown on a team. It's only until you meet a team that's played together when we can really test how far we've come and we still have a ways to go, but we'll catch up eventually, hope to play RS again soon.
I am going through GE withdrawl. I am moving on Saturday (13th) I haven't been on in a week I think?.... Don't worry guys I am not going anywhere I am still in the WC... Just on hiatus for another week or two.
hey goldie, no worries buddy, we will get some games in soon. bad news is on monday im doin 2nd shift so my night time play thru the week will be non existant. il have some mornings or after 10 pm. hope to get some games with ya all soon.
i cant play GE for 2 weeks because im over my cousins hjouse and im enjoying myself ok ill be on simetimes but for 2 weeeks im literally busy
Im back- been a hectic few weeks and i haven't been on much (been away and baby stuff), should be on more, like HQ im having withdrawls. Im still on the WC chat and looking to add you guys on skype too. Sending big Aussie hugs to you all. :)

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