[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

jesus hoot. i thought you were over there leading the hooligans and looting all the stores. good to hear from ya, hope lil hoot is doing good. hes gettin to that spot where its starting to get a lot more fun.
Hoot! What's up all. Been a few for me too, have family from the rioting city of London staying with us, cya all soon
What's up [WC]??? You guys ready for a re-match anytime soon? We could do tomorrow (Sunday Aug 14th) if that's to soon then let me know. You can pick the weapons cap if you wish or no weapons cap :)
"Throsing Smoke" Deuces!!
Yeah Goldie that is why, thanks for the congrats bud. Sorry I spend so much time away from [RS] to level up BARAKA :( Trust me I was getting plenty sick of leveling up another account. Made it to 56 in 10days 4hours with a 2.91 KDR :) Just had to have that ivana for MK wars ya know. I will be mostly on my [RS] for here on out!!!

Well Unknown [RS] is ready when you guys are. I got your message so just send me another one when everything for [WC] is good to go....We only wanna battle you guys if you can bring your best players.
Yeah i know, im trying to recruit some 45's, but no dice on both gamefaqs and Wiichat :(
Im mainly with GH, but im also loyal to my home clan WC. DS was a bust, FG 21 made me rage and quit DS, seriously.
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  • #162
Alright, another serious post...

Back when we warred GH, we had a problem with all our members disappearing off the face of the Earth. We were practically saved by the skin of our teeth when HQ showed up on our chat and volunteered.
Now, we had a war with RS coming up, and same problem. No one showed up except me and Unknown. Again, we were seemingly saved by the skin of our teeth when RS accidentally prepped a war with GH on the same day.
The war is postponed for 8/15/2011 (which is tomorrow) at 8:00 EST.

I understand that life comes first, really. But it IS kinda bad to our rep when we show up with only 2 members and a fear that we'll have to postpone. So it'd be appreciated if more than just me and another member would show up for a war. Not pointing fingers, and again, I know life comes first, but it would still be good to try to clear up your schedule a little bit. People left because we weren't doing enough "clan" stuff, like wars and things, but how can we do clan stuff when no one shows up for them?

Again, the war with RS is tomorrow at 8:00 EST. Cayman Island region, and the cap is 56, although we may lower it if lower-leveled player wish to participate. Please figure out what time zone you are in and what time you'll need to be there, and also PM me if you are able to participate.
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alright, another serious post...

Back when we warred gh, we had a problem with all our members disappearing off the face of the earth. We were practically saved by the skin of our teeth when hq showed up on our chat and volunteered.
Now, we had a war with rs coming up, and same problem. No one showed up except me and unknown. Again, we were seemingly saved by the skin of our teeth when rs accidentally prepped a war with gh on the same day.
The war is postponed for 8/15/2011 (which is tomorrow) at 8:00 est.

I understand that life comes first, really. But it is kinda bad to our rep when we show up with only 2 members and a fear that we'll have to postpone. So it'd be appreciated if more than just me and another member would show up for a war. Not pointing fingers, and again, i know life comes first, but it would still be good to try to clear up your schedule a little bit. People left because we weren't doing enough "clan" stuff, like wars and things, but how can we do clan stuff when no one shows up for them?

Again, the war with rs is tomorrow at 8:00 est. Cayman island region, and the cap is 56, although we may lower it if lower-leveled player wish to participate. Please figure out what time zone you are in and what time you'll need to be there, and also pm me if you are able to participate.

ok volc. Like i said, i dont play at night, im busy. And is this war in am or pm?

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