[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

Haha Thanks chino :D and welcome back Yan, we need some more guys! I have a lvl 49er that says he might wanna join. I'll get him to contact Volc =)
And to all the WC guys, can you friend request me here, so that I can actually know who you are on Wiichat? Lol.

And to all the people that are too lazy to count, this makes 14 members (including Unknown and Cujo)! Nice job guise!
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i see how it is unknown u bastrard im sooooo happy u came back to WC i went to GH for that reason but since itrs not fair for me to leave GH ima stay in both GH and WC i can do that right?
lol im sure glad i didnt join another clan, just to quit on em, u guys are all bitches :) i should prolly get online and play, i havent even played in 4 days, a lot of stuff goin on.
You guys make me laugh. Leave GH Yan come to WC 100% we need you. Yeah I'm the only supportive one lmao
For all members I forgot to PM: Hey WC members or former/new/soon-to-be WC members,

Volcarona and I have agreed that it would be some fun to have an Inner Clan war practicing for our Clan wars, for we've dedicated MONDAY AUG 8 2PM EST, for a Inner-clan-practice war (Icpw). Now this Icpw (i really wanted to say that) is for every member of WC. I would highly recommend that you try to make this date. If this time/date doesnt work out for you PM me please.
So the rules are: 2 PM - Cayman Islands region (wii home -> settings -> region -> cayman island). Then head off to our chatzy where we will discuss more. If you plan to participate in a war in the future, now would be the time to show off your skills. Be ready at 2PM. I hope to get our first game underway by 2:15 so I hope we can all get there on time. We're not going to have a weapon cap for at least one game just to see, but please do be kind to some of the less advanced player. It's just unfair to be walking and then blown to pieces by a proxy or masty. :wink: So I hope to see at least 6 members there. This isnt a big strategy gathering, it's more of a place to see how good we really are against higher level players. If we don't have enough members come, i'll invite others =). We can do a few T.C.s or a few TLTKs, we'll choose at 2. This will also be a nice time to meet a new teammembers [WC]AI and [WC] MKFAN20! Lets all give them a happy warm welcome to WC on Monday :)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be there at 2 and PLEASE send me a PM back regarding if you can make it or not.

I hope to see you there!

P.S - If you are a higher level player (You know who you are) we're having another one dedicated to you later this week so be ready :p
I'm thinking we should have fun on Saturday/Sunday this week or next and do like a pistols only match/theme game (excluding:Kunara V).So basically any pistol that is Semi-Automatic will be allowed,that's right Wolfe.44 including!This pistol only match will be fun+it'll help with proficiencies.I know everyones been taking a short-cut and goin Full-Auto.We could learn a few things in this match and improve our trigger finger:lol:!It generally takes 6 bullets to KO an enemy with a pistol,2 bursts if you count Kunara V and 2-3 shots for Wolfe.44 (depending on range).We could have this match on TLTK or Heroes(pistols only).If you could rack up streaks with a pistol then you know you got skills.The pistols will be a great tool in improving our skills and making sure every shot counts,heck we could even improve our accurracy a bit:).So if you guys think this'll be fun post a reply about it or Like.If this idea is aggreed, then the match will be hosted on the weekend for sure:thumbsup:!I haven't thought of a schedule yet,but I know it's gonna be one where everyone can aggree on:yesnod:.This pistol-only match will be somewhat of an (Icpw):D.This match will help us use our pistols more in combat/improve our hand-eye coordination(like shooting your enemy first or focusing on aiming chest-up).IF YOUR GOOD USING A PISTOL, THEN YOU'LL BE GREAT WITH ANY PRIMARY WEAPON:smile5:!It'll be fun seeing who can pwn one another using just pistols.It'll be like Target-Practice except with moving targets everywhere.

*We'll use the [WC] Chatzy for communications.

Weapons Allowed:
1.Torka T3
3.Hawksman M5A
4.Wolfe .44

"If you any suggestions for this match,post a reply about it.":biggrin:
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Im in dual clans :D
Hanky said i could be in GH and WC, so i will see twice as much action. Yay!