[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

Ok just for now- *hats off to Volc* hero's game with him..he got 67-1-14. Nice job bro!

For tommorrow, we have Yanni,Volc,MK,Unknown, Myself. Please come guys!
sorry guys i wont be able to make it tomorrow some things suddenly came up that i need to take care of. Hope to play with you all in the next one.
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  • #125
Ok, I've got a random idea, and I have nowhere else to put it...

What if 4 of us were to name ourselves after Heroes. Like 4 people would be called Bond, Zukovsky, Trevelyan, and Ourumov respectively. Then we'd take their respective loadouts from Heroes mode and go kick ass. We'd all use Heavy Hitter and Bio Boost to simulate the health/damage boost Heroes get, and use whatever explosives the Heroes use.
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Ok, I've got a random idea, and I have nowhere else to put it...What if 4 of us were to name ourselves after Heroes. Like 4 people would be called Bond, Zukovsky, Trevelyan, and Ourumov respectively. Then we'd take their respective loadouts from Heroes mode and go kick ass. We'd all use Heavy Hitter and Bio Boost to simulate the health/damage boost Heroes get, and use whatever explosives the Heroes use.
Superb idea Vol!:yesnod:I'll definitely be Trevelyan,it'll be a good way to contribute to the clan+the fact @ my current Lvl,I barely have the Anova DP3.Only 3 more Lvls left:D and I'll be ready to participate in wars!So with that said,Trevelyan's Loadout will consist of a Vargen FH-7/Laser,Hawksman M5A,RTMs,HH, and BB.I hope I put up good fight and effort against some members.
Hey all, I am pretty much done with GE, I will be on from time to time and would still love some team ups when I am, I dropped the tag a few days back, so I am just plain old Patrick now. Cheers all
I am planning a war with WB, when is best for you guys, volcarona,yanni, and especially HQ, tell me when your available.
I'd like to participate if possible...Any day,Any time =)
Did anyone else try that switching gun thing? Mr. Hank and I did it - He got first I got second

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