[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

[WC]Zanapher. That was me MK BARAKA you just quit on in our station match. It is hard to take certain clans serious if they quit matches when they are taking a beating. Too bad you didn't stick around and witness me single handedly winning that match with a score of 44-3-4. Come on man just play the game win or lose.
Im sorry if me having other things come up in life caused you to think poorly of me, normally i do stay in matches even if im getting beaten to a bloody pulp. But i will say that you were certainly tough to fight and i hope to fight you again soon. on a side note im sure that you have had things come up where you had to quit in the middle of a match wether you were winning or loseing.
Coinsidence there was only a minute or so left and you just died and instantly quit? I know a rage quit when I see it. Whatever it's on you man, I ran into you again Good Game.
on a side note im sure that you have had things come up where you had to quit in the middle of a match wether you were winning or loseing.

Some people do live and die in a bedroom playing video games 24/7 Zan, and then some of us do turn off games for reasons they will never understand.
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Only one way to take care of them noobs...
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Alrighty WC members, we're having a war against the GH clan. Yanni, Unknown and I figured that me, Yanni, Zanapher and Patrick would be a good lineup, but we need to decide on a time and date. Does anyone have any specific days in which they can't do a war? Reply back as quickly as possible.
well um sure we already had the war we were close but we lost HQ in the war *takes hat off* poor poor john