[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

ok Joe ima add u and help u level up but cuz i want our clan to have good members and the way u discribe it u sound good but yeah what Ace/riordan said u have to be higher
we have enough members that are right around the criteria, we need to get more lvl 50+ players that are non hacked. for wars currently, and as the rest of our members can tell you, they dont get in the war cause of lvl weapons cap. we have our inner wars which are fun, like i said im not tryin to be a dick or anything, its just what we need right now
we have enough members that are right around the criteria, we need to get more lvl 50+ players that are non hacked. for wars currently, and as the rest of our members can tell you, they dont get in the war cause of lvl weapons cap. we have our inner wars which are fun, like i said im not tryin to be a dick or anything, its just what we need right now

LoL then you were a dick and ya left us. Just joking dude. Hope all is well dude.
guys realy bad news John/HQ left now there is no more WC clan for all members of WC clan who r shocked messaged me and well plan something out cuz i dont want to lose u guys maybe we can all go to one clan
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  • #53
I've got an idea.

As we all know, John011, or HQ on Goldeneye, has left the clan. This has led people to believe that the clan has been disbanded. However, I refuse to accept that. I've made a lot of friends here and you all have made Goldeneye too fun for me to give it up.

If you have already joined another clan, or wish to no longer be a part of the clan, you are free to go. No one is stopping you.

However, if you, like me, want to continue the WC legacy, then I'd like all remaining members to meet me on the chat room on Wednesday at 7:00 PM CST. I've got a simple solution that may save the clan.
Volcarona i know u dont want WC to end but lets face it we dont have clan wars, inner clan wars, and mostly no one knows about WC and if we do manage to keep the WC legaacy going its going to be too small and people r gonna leave unknown left John left ace left whats left i dont wanna leave and i dont wanna start a new clan anymore because its gonna be hard making a website ive seen the GH clan they have a website and everything we dont if u wanna keep going with WC fine ill stay as well but Volcarona if this clan doesnt manage we can always have evey member join one clan to be togetherif i join a clan i want to be in the same clan as u vol, andy, pat, zan., and the other members so think about it Vol im sooo sad about John leaving i cant bare to play GE anymore not alone yesterday i quit every game because i tried to get in the mood but i just couldn't well think about it vol ok?

I agree with Yanni ;)

Vol, think about it, you could be a legend in other clans that are more known buddy. For example, GH Mr.HAnky thinks your a beast while others dont even know who you are when i tell them, volcarona is a beast, they are like, whos he, im like hes a legend. :D
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  • #56
1) A lot of clans know about us. People HAVE come onto our thread praising members or groups on how well we kicked their asses.
2) I'D enjoy having clan wars. What the f**K are you talkin about.
3) So then we'll just have to recruit more members.
4) This is the WC clan. the WII CHAT clan. The WII CHAT site IS our website, dummy.
5) Even if we DO make a new clan, what's the point? Like, let's put it this way. If we start a new clan, we'll all be in a group, hold clan wars, play together often, and do clan-ish stuff. If we stay with this clan, we'll all be in a group, hold clan wars, play together often, and do clan-ish stuff. See, either way the result is the same, only difference is that I like this clan :D.
6) Wow, if you can't even PLAY because John left, you must depress very easily. When I got home yesterday, I got online and slaughtered everyone in sight proudly wearing that clan tag.
7) Not here to be a legend, bud. Just here to kick ass and take names :wink:.
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vol but we only had one inner clan war (while i was playing) and so far no clan wars i wanna sty an i will but come on if WC falls u have to join a clan
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  • #58
We've had clan wars before. We had one with the DS clan and we're settin one up with the WB.
We've also had a few inner clan wars before you got here, but we'd always do stuff like snipers only, noob toob only, shotguns only, etc.
vol i see what your point is, but you have to admit, things have fallen off the cliff as of late, all we have been doing is teaming up for heroes, (usually with some other clans members) or BB farming. we havent done any of the special matches with snipers shotties, handguns, in a long time.
the newer members we have recruited are never on, (cerberus, cujo, hoot,) and some are on rarely. for the wars we have, all we used were me, u, unknown, and john. we have had to reschedule with wb 2 times cause we cant get the same people on at the same time.
and no offense to some members, but their lvl is too low for a lot of other clans to want to participate with a low lvl cap. we have a lot of low 40's members.

we have absolutely no team orientation when we play, instead of 4 of us killing 4, its everyone running around, not covering areas and covering our backs. and that is frustrating as all hell.

we dont have the proper communication when it comes to playing, i mean, how many times have we set up a "strategy" and someone screws it up. with BB farming we play and someone takes the box to the wrong spot, holds it too long, or picks it up and finishes the game early, or destroys it with 4 mins left.
also the last time we played with all shotties, ppl were running around with snipers shooting hip fire, or something in their custom loadout.

but my absolute biggest pet peeve is letting non members into our private chat. isnt that the whole reason we had a password protected chat, so people wouldnt come on and do whatever. i was under the assumption that this chat was for WC members only, at least thats what it says in the upper left corner.
if another clan wanted to set something up, thats what our thread is about.
all of this is what led me to not want to be a part of the clan. it has just fallen apart from its inception, it was really fun in the beginning, now i find it a lot less fun.
i love teaming up with you vol, and john, and some of the others, but when im in a game and concentrating i dont want 40 mins straight of invites from one person while im in a game.

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