[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

lol yanni, you didnt prove anything, in the archives we were supposed to be using stratas only, with no mines, and u were using the shotty. so up close u fire once and killed me.
and as for the nightclub, you can say you were domin me, but all of us know what its like to be the host, so call it what you want, but when you host you get the lag bad.

but thats the way it always went, even when we tried the bb farm, someone always screwed it up cause no one could ever seem to follow the guidelines.
Any of you guys still gonna be playing GE Wii once BF3,MW3, and GE:R are released? I've become less active now since those games are about to release and I bet some of you are too.
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Any of you guys still gonna be playing GE Wii once BF3,MW3, and GE:R are released? I've become less active now since those games are about to release and I bet some of you are too.

I'm probably gonna get GE:R, but I've never been a COD fan. Still, I know my bro's gonna get both games and never let me touch his XBOX...
I just want to let everyone know that I've been thinking of retiring from GE Wii and this week seems to be reasonable and perfect for me to retire. Most of the major games are being released this fall! It's a little sad for me how our [WC] Chat is lonely and the fact nobodys been posting daily on our thread and also not many people and [WC] members are on GE Wii that much. In fact most of my friend roster/list are usually (offline). TBH most members in [WC] haven't been on our Chat,Thread, or even our Social Group....I guess [WC] has become inactive :'(!!!!

I'll be playing mostly BF3, Uncharted 3 and hopefully GE:R on PS3. So I'm retiring from GE Wii this week or in general from the Wii. I'll be on PS3, so don't expect to see me that often on GE Wii but who cares since it has become deserted in [WC].

Have you managed to obtain [WC/FG]Legacy's FC# yet?
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I might get a PS3 or xbox which one is better in your opinions?
Xbox 360 if you're a big CoD fan since they get DLC packs early than PS3. X360 has slightly better graphics on third-party games but that's because the developers are lazy with PS3. You need to pay $60 a year if you want to play online on X360 :/.

PS3 has become more affordable than ever :biggrin: @ $249 with 160GB! The PS3 has the best graphics of any console for this generation :yesnod:! If you're getting BF3, get it on PS3 since DLC packs will be available for it early than X360. GE:R and BF3 is great on PS3 since you can play online for free with no cost! If you're good with the Wii Remote+Nunchuck on GE Wii, then you'll be happily @ home with the PS Move on GE:R. The PS3 is known for it's awesome exclusive-games, no charge for online play and Blu-Ray discs. I enjoy the great graphics on the PS3 that everyone's bragging about especially in the exclusive-games like the Uncharted series and KZ3.

If you do get a PS3 add me so we can play BF3,Uncharted 3, and hopefully GE:R :). I don't really use my Xbox 360 anymore because of the Xbox Live Gold $60 a year thing, so basically I just use it to play exclusive games like Halo and Forza but single player only cause I'm cheap like that :p and I see no point paying to play online, that's $60 I could use on some game or use it for dinner >:/, bills,gifts,groceries,etc. or DLC Packs :D!
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Actually, we've got a war coming up now. Which reminds me to do this...


We've got a war coming up! The Saturday after Halloween, 12 PST, we'll be fighting the E4 clan! Show up on the WC chat at that time if you wish to participate!

Godspeed to WC!

i quit GE why bother playing ge is gonna dieplus i suck now since i havent played in a while idk i might do the war for one last party fun

funny thing is ACE deleted me as a friend cuz he knows i can own him
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The war has been moved to 4PM PST. It's still on Saturday, just a time change.
Vol why bother warring GE is dead and after it completely dies i won't have meaning in the clan :( but i wanna stay
ugh it's driving me crazy not being able to play GE. I'd probably be in the 50s by now, and the release of Skyward Sword is getting closer as well.

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