The Goldeneye Remake WILL Fail

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I can GUARANTEE PS3 and 360 loyalists have already bought a Wii ahead of time and it will only get worst come release day.<<< THERE YOU HAVE IT:yesnod:

Yes well, too bad a majority of them will most likely be disappointed.
I can GUARANTEE PS3 and 360 loyalists have already bought a Wii ahead of time and it will only get worst come release day.<<< THERE YOU HAVE IT:yesnod:

Yes well, too bad a majority of them will most likely be disappointed.

My point still stands whether you troll it or not and judging by your attempt to knock me down it proves you understood that my point is real and will work.

THIS HAS NOTHING to do with whether they will be disapointed or not, thanks for proving my point.
WOW! So many lame posts me don't know where to start.

Ok this one takes the cake:

Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.

Please take a business class sir!

The sales history of that sort of game on the Wii speaks for itself. Yes some have sold decently, but nowhere near the sales of those games on other consoles, especially when you consider how many more Wii consoles are out there than the others. With limited development resources, it's not worth it for most developers to spend the time, money, and effort to develop that sort of game for the Wii knowing that it's not going to sell as well as if they had spent that effort on the 360/PS3 instead.

That's EXACTLY why Nintendo decided to publish this game!
Nintendo saw an empty void and filled it,

It's being developed by Eurocom and published by Activision. Nintendo's not really involved.
WOW! So many lame posts me don't know where to start.

Ok this one takes the cake:

Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.

Please take a business class sir!

The sales history of that sort of game on the Wii speaks for itself. Yes some have sold decently, but nowhere near the sales of those games on other consoles, especially when you consider how many more Wii consoles are out there than the others. With limited development resources, it's not worth it for most developers to spend the time, money, and effort to develop that sort of game for the Wii knowing that it's not going to sell as well as if they had spent that effort on the 360/PS3 instead.
Read my first post. The point isn't so much to sell new software but moreso to sell new hardware. It will encourage the FPS crazed fans to buy a Wii. Now I'm not saying that all PS3/360 users will run to the store to buy a Wii, but with an FPS standard like Goldeneye coming exclusive to the console, there will be fans buying a Wii solely for this game.

That's EXACTLY why Nintendo decided to publish this game!
Nintendo saw an empty void and filled it,

It's being developed by Eurocom and published by Activision. Nintendo's not really involved.

Nintendo IS involved. They have exclusive rights to this game and I'm more than sure they will provide creative input. A 2nd/3rd party exclusive is never made without the first party being involved.
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I can GUARANTEE PS3 and 360 loyalists have already bought a Wii ahead of time and it will only get worst come release day.<<< THERE YOU HAVE IT:yesnod:

Yes well, too bad a majority of them will most likely be disappointed.

THIS HAS NOTHING to do with whether they will be disapointed or not, thanks for proving my point.

Actually you do have a somewhat valid point. There are some gamers who bought a Xbox360 right when Perfect Dark XBLA was announced. So I'm not too surprised when the same is happening here with Goldeneye.

They're not even including the original multiplayer maps. I honestly wish they'd just toss the whole game in the garbage and just get Rare to have 4J Studios finish porting Goldeneye007 to both consoles.
They're not even including the original multiplayer maps. I honestly wish they'd just toss the whole game in the garbage and just get Rare to have 4J Studios finish porting Goldeneye007 to both consoles.

Blame Microsoft. They could have stepped up and got this as an Xbox exclusive but obviously Nintendo beat them to the punch and made a better offer to Activision. It would have been really easy for them too as they could have provided the original source code.

While the levels won't be exactly the same I'd hope for some familiarity because they'll be based on the designs from the movie, just like the originals were.

Again, the hands on have been very positive so far and have said that the multiplayer feels a lot like the original (some actually thought it was too much like it). With all the positive feedback from people who have actually played the game (many who were Goldeneye fans) I don't understand why people ignore the praise it has received and insist on writing the game off.
I have to say I'm pretty damn excited over the new Goldeneye. **** off shady, youre ruining my moment :lol:
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  • #68
They're not even including the original multiplayer maps. I honestly wish they'd just toss the whole game in the garbage and just get Rare to have 4J Studios finish porting Goldeneye007 to both consoles.

Blame Microsoft. They could have stepped up and got this as an Xbox exclusive but obviously Nintendo beat them to the punch and made a better offer to Activision. It would have been really easy for them too as they could have provided the original source code.

I rather blame all three, Microsoft for reducing Rare to Kinect and Avatar making, Activision for being greedy and seeing where to make a quick buck, and Nintendo for allegedly not allowing the first GE007 deal to go through.
They're not even including the original multiplayer maps. I honestly wish they'd just toss the whole game in the garbage and just get Rare to have 4J Studios finish porting Goldeneye007 to both consoles.

Blame Microsoft. They could have stepped up and got this as an Xbox exclusive but obviously Nintendo beat them to the punch and made a better offer to Activision. It would have been really easy for them too as they could have provided the original source code.

While the levels won't be exactly the same I'd hope for some familiarity because they'll be based on the designs from the movie, just like the originals were.

Again, the hands on have been very positive so far and have said that the multiplayer feels a lot like the original (some actually thought it was too much like it). With all the positive feedback from people who have actually played the game (many who were Goldeneye fans) I don't understand why people ignore the praise it has received and insist on writing the game off.
HOW IGNORANT ARE YOU! Microsoft and Activision went to Nintendo for the direct port with hi-res textures of Goldeneye, the source code you speak of and Nintendo said no because their greedy. Give me a break. Blame Nintendo that this abomination of Goldeneye is coming out rather than Goldeneye XBLA.
HOW IGNORANT ARE YOU! Microsoft and Activision went to Nintendo for the direct port with hi-res textures of Goldeneye, the source code you speak of and Nintendo said no because their greedy. Give me a break. Blame Nintendo that this abomination of Goldeneye is coming out rather than Goldeneye XBLA.

Are you really crazy? Why would Activision go to Nintendo? Activision are the current license holders, so it would have been Nintendo going to them. Other than publishing the original game and doing product testing Nintendo has no other involvement in the original, so they couldn't have the final say, ultimately Activision would have (hence the new game being published by them). It is more likely that Nintendo went to Activision and blocked any Microsoft exclusive deal with a better offer. If Microsoft had really wanted the game then they could have gone to Activision and thrown a ton of money at them to give them an exclusive license and Nintendo couldn't have done anything to stop them (as they don't own the license). Microsoft throw money at big retail releases all the time, but obviously didn't think that Goldeneye was worth that kind of effort. You can point the finger at Nintendo or Activision being greedy but you cannot really blame companies for wanting to make money, they are after all businesses. So don't blame Nintendo for wanting a slice of a lucrative property, blame Microsoft for being tight-wads!

Anyway, crying over past legal issues is irrelevant now. It was all done and finished; no Goldeneye game would ever see the light of day. Accept it. Now rather than have nothing Nintendo/Activision give us the next best possible thing - a remake. With the choice being a remake or nothing I'll take the remake, if it sucks then I don't have to buy it and have lost nothing. All you need to do is totally ignore that the remake exists and then you are no different off than you were before it was announced. The existance of the remake is not going to magically corrupt your N64 cartridge or leave you with emotional scars that you'll never recover from. It's just a game, get over it and stop being such a drama queen.
Rare have gone ****. Look at there last few games.
Activision don't have access to the original games source code so have to rebuild it from the ground up.
Rare still own the rights to the N64 game
Even the most rabid Rare fanboy agrees to this, and I am saddened what they have become under Microsoft but they should just scrap this garbage and get both parties back to the negotiation table.
. . . I think even the new games are under rated. I'm not looking forward to their project working with Kinect, but I quite liked Nuts & Bolts and even Viva Pinata...which is strange because the premise for Viva Pinata is the gayest thing since homosexuality. But it's rather addicting. I also recently picked up Kameo which I heard was a great 360 launch title though I haven't gotten to play it yet.

At any rate, I really do think you need to wait for more footage before passing judgment. You never know, perhaps there will be a "Classic Mode" with no regenerating health etc.

I rather blame all three, Microsoft for reducing Rare to Kinect and Avatar making, Activision for being greedy and seeing where to make a quick buck, and Nintendo for allegedly not allowing the first GE007 deal to go through.
Now THAT is something I can agree with. I love Microsoft but really? Kinect Sports? F*** you...I want MY Rare back.
I also recently picked up Kameo which I heard was a great 360 launch title though I haven't gotten to play it yet.

At any rate, I really do think you need to wait for more footage before passing judgment. You never know, perhaps there will be a "Classic Mode" with no regenerating health etc.

I rather blame all three, Microsoft for reducing Rare to Kinect and Avatar making, Activision for being greedy and seeing where to make a quick buck, and Nintendo for allegedly not allowing the first GE007 deal to go through.

I bought Kameo when we got our 360. I really wasn't impressed, it's a fairly run of the mill platformer and it feels like it throws you into the game midway through the story. It was ok for $5 though.

There is still a way for Microsoft to release Goldeneye on the 360. All they would need to do is remove any signs of the James Bond name and change the character likeness; then they could release it under another name. The only stake that Nintendo could ever claim in the game is that they published it and that they paid for the Goldeneye license which Rare used on the N64. Rare own the actual level designs (which is why they are included in Perfect Dark), so if they made the changes I don't see any reason why they couldn't release it. I would have thought that they could have pushed for the entire game too, but it probably would have cost a lot, more than they would make in profit (PD got pretty poor sales on 360 despite people claiming it was where 'all the fans had gone'). Ergo, Microsoft didn't see enough $'s floating around to pursue it further. Not that they had too much interest to start with, as they did say that Goldeneye wasn't the type of game they wanted on Live back in 2006.

Must be great for Activision though. All they had to do was sit back and wait for the big N or MS to come calling with a big cheque and pow!, there's the exclusive Goldeneye remake.

If anyone is really distraught over the Goldeneye remake there is an easy quick fix for you. Go buy Perfect Dark on the 360, it features some of the multiplayer levels from Goldeneye, so you can get a taste of the original there (kind of).
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Go buy Perfect Dark on the 360, it features some of the multiplayer levels from Goldeneye, so you can get a taste of the original there (kind of).

If anything at all Perfect Dark Zero was utter crap and was pretty much the Goldeneye Rogue Agent type of fiasco.

PD XBLA is going to be the closest Goldeneye on the 360 will be for now since we have three classic maps and several classic GE007 weapons so it feels, looks, and plays EXACTLY how a remake should have been done for the game.

It'd be nice if MS and Rare pushed to include the rest of GE007 into the Xbox but given their focus on the whole Kinect garbage I'm not getting my hopes up.
If anything at all Perfect Dark Zero was utter crap and was pretty much the Goldeneye Rogue Agent type of fiasco.

PD XBLA is going to be the closest Goldeneye on the 360 will be for now since we have three classic maps and several classic GE007 weapons so it feels, looks, and plays EXACTLY how a remake should have been done for the game.

It'd be nice if MS and Rare pushed to include the rest of GE007 into the Xbox but given their focus on the whole Kinect garbage I'm not getting my hopes up.

Perfect Dark Zero wasn't that bad, not great but i've played worse games. I think it was about the best game that Rare have released for Microsoft, although I haven't played Banjo or Viva Pinata. It is sad how far the studio has fallen though, now reduced to working on crappy Wii Sports knock offs for Kinect.

The Perfect Dark XBLA port was obviously what I was talking about, but to be honest i'd be a little disapointed if Goldeneye had received the same treatment. The campaign is identical to the original and was great as ever but it was the multiplayer that fell short for me. I was really excited to start with, then got spawn killed 6 times before my character could even move and then the game ended. I thought 'well that sucked', but maybe it was just that match. So I tried again but the next game was not much different with me being spawn killed 4 times at the start, although I did get to move around and actually kill some people near the end. I played a few more times and the same thing happened to varying degress, a couple of games played out fine but the spawn killing kept rearing its ugly head. I rarely experienced the same kind of spawn killing in the original game, so I could only put it down to there being more players in the XBLA version and that they were camping out at the respawn points. That killed the multiplayer for me and I haven't touched it since. It certainly wasn't half as much fun as the N64 one was, but maybe I just had a bad experience and other peoples may have been more positive.

I think the only place we would have seen a perfect Goldeneye port would have been the Wii's VC. An XBLA Goldeneye wouldn't have been the same as the one I played on the N64, although I'd have bought it for the single player. As for the multiplayer, I really wouldn't have been any more excited for that than I am for this Wii remake, in fact I'm looking forward to Goldeneye Wii multiplayer more (even it had no resemblance to the original) just for the fact it supports both classic controllers and the remote.
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  • #75
I think the only place we would have seen a perfect Goldeneye port would have been the Wii's VC. An XBLA Goldeneye wouldn't have been the same as the one I played on the N64, although I'd have bought it for the single player.

Doubtful. PD XBLA plays and looks just fine, especially since it's in HD and runs faster than it ever did on the N64 (minus the explosions update to make it closer to the 64 version, the smoke seems to make it lag again).

I'd just buy GE007 XBLA for the single player as well, especially for the cheats to unlock. We all know PD and GE007 didn't have online in the first place, so it's not too surprising one would be spawnkilled often. The game is best played with friends in a room or with custom matches with a party.

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