The Goldeneye Remake WILL Fail

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Interesting responses Prinny. You ask 'why be different?' from all the other shooters out there?

Because Goldeneye was different. It set the standard for FPSs for consoles. Now granted, those standards have been raised and surpassed in recent years, but Goldeneye still chimes with those gamers from the 90s as being one of the most memorable FPSs.

Nostalgia goggles be damned, this remake is destroying everything that made Goldeneye 'Goldeneye'. There's not going to be any uniqueness to it now. I doubt I'm judging too soon from the trailer but I've already seen enough to know and fear the worst.

I'm not going to hold my breath for the GE007 port for VC and XBLA to be released anytime soon. I just wish Nintendo and Microsoft realized that gamers on both sides are willing to pay money for them. This remake is just Nintendo's idea of skirting around the issue. It won't work.
Because Goldeneye was different. It set the standard for FPSs for consoles. Now granted, those standards have been raised and surpassed in recent years, but Goldeneye still chimes with those gamers from the 90s as being one of the most memorable FPSs.
Note usage of the word "was" now all the stuff it has done has become the norm.
Nostalgia goggles be damned, this remake is destroying everything that made Goldeneye 'Goldeneye'. There's not going to be any uniqueness to it now. I doubt I'm judging too soon from the trailer but I've already seen enough to know and fear the worst.
Remember that "Cash-In" I keep mentioning?
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Remember that "Cash-In" I keep mentioning?

Yeah, I guess that's all this game is then. I honestly hope it fails and Nintendo realizes their mistake. Just give us Rare's game and leave us in peace.
Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.
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Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.

This is the solid truth and Nintendo refuses to acknowledge it.
Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.

This is the solid truth and Nintendo refuses to acknowledge it.

as long as i enjoy my copy, i dont give a **** what nintendo thinks.
Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.

This is the solid truth and Nintendo refuses to acknowledge it.

as long as i enjoy my copy, i dont give a **** what nintendo thinks.

Ins't that the basis of all games?

As long as they are fun, they are good
Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.

Both COD: WAW and COD: MW Reflex sold over a million on the Wii. That is hardly a fail. Even the rather poor Quantum of Solace sold over 500k. All of those were multiplatform and most people would have bought the 360/PS3 versions instead of the Wii's, so being exclusive could take Goldeneye's sales above those.

People seem to think that unless a game sells like COD:MW or GTA4 on the 360 that it's a failure. Hardly any games sell in those kind of quantities though. If we was to use Mario Kart, Wii Fit etc as the yardstick instead then pretty much every game on the 360, PS3 or Wii could be called a failure as not even the biggest hits on the other consoles match up to the Wii's big sellers.
People seem to think that unless a game sells like COD:MW or GTA4 on the 360 that it's a failure. Hardly any games sell in those kind of quantities though. If we was to use Mario Kart, Wii Fit etc as the yardstick instead then pretty much every game on the 360, PS3 or Wii could be called a failure as not even the biggest hits on the other consoles match up to the Wii's big sellers.

Amen to that, sister!
Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.

Both COD: WAW and COD: MW Reflex sold over a million on the Wii. That is hardly a fail. Even the rather poor Quantum of Solace sold over 500k. All of those were multiplatform and most people would have bought the 360/PS3 versions instead of the Wii's, so being exclusive could take Goldeneye's sales above those.

People seem to think that unless a game sells like COD:MW or GTA4 on the 360 that it's a failure. Hardly any games sell in those kind of quantities though. If we was to use Mario Kart, Wii Fit etc as the yardstick instead then pretty much every game on the 360, PS3 or Wii could be called a failure as not even the biggest hits on the other consoles match up to the Wii's big sellers.
You misunderstand, what he meant is most people that want the actual goldeneye port or a remade one are on the 360 or ps3, not wii. So in this case this is why its sales will perform less than what activision could've gotten if both nintendo and xbox got a port. Also, don't reply to me saying "oh nintendo would get the original while xbox gets a polished one', nintendo could've done the same **** they did with goldeneye and xbox gets their polished version as well.

Also, sales don't mean **** in the quality of games, want to know why all the call of duties get more than a million sales? Because of it's name. :p

I also would like to point out the DrPrinny or whatever your name is, if your actually a moderator, that is just totally sad, as a moderator you should know better to see both sides instead of siding to one. Your performance as a moderator is quite dissapointing, but I guess this is why this thread is still a mess even after another page is added, you have nobody to blame but yourself for trying to defend something, you should've found a resolution instead of arguing. But I guess your not a real moderator, hmph, I however have first-hand experience in several different forums, all of them modding forums.
You misunderstand, what he meant is most people that want the actual goldeneye port or a remade one are on the 360 or ps3, not wii. So in this case this is why its sales will perform less than what activision could've gotten if both nintendo and xbox got a port.

really? how much has perfect dark sold on xbox live? 1Million?
i bet goldeneye will sell more on wii.
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You misunderstand, what he meant is most people that want the actual goldeneye port or a remade one are on the 360 or ps3, not wii. So in this case this is why its sales will perform less than what activision could've gotten if both nintendo and xbox got a port.

really? how much has perfect dark sold on xbox live? 1Million?
i bet goldeneye will sell more on wii.

2 million, and I will not be surprised if Goldeneye sells better.

But at this point, they might as well call it Goldeneye of Duty because that's what it's shaping up to be.

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