The Goldeneye Remake WILL Fail

Doubtful. PD XBLA plays and looks just fine, especially since it's in HD and runs faster than it ever did on the N64 (minus the explosions update to make it closer to the 64 version, the smoke seems to make it lag again).

I'd just buy GE007 XBLA for the single player as well, especially for the cheats to unlock. We all know PD and GE007 didn't have online in the first place, so it's not too surprising one would be spawnkilled often. The game is best played with friends in a room or with custom matches with a party.

I haven't played local multiplayer on PD yet, partly due to only owning 1 controller. If it does play as well as the original in local then I'd almost think about buying some more, as the single player campaign was great. It was just the online that left me cold, so I'd imagined that a Goldeneye port would be the same online (hence playing online being a different experience to the original).

I wish that they'd made some changes to the online for PD, like changed the levels or something to help accomodate the increased player numbers. Then again if it had been Goldeneye and they did that then it would be the same as it being the Wii remake; so I guess it would be impossible to satisfy everyone.
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Lo and behold I actually have something relevant to this thread topic:

Article here

I'm really digging that last part in the interview, "the console it's supposed to be on".

As far as I'm concerned they practically stated why shooters don't do well on the Wii so why bother with this one? Prinny was right on this, definintly in it to make a quick buck just on the name alone.
I am 100% positive that once it releases, there will be those that wished they had just taken Rare's Goldeneye007 game and just updated the graphics. That's what we all wanted in the first place when it was in development for both consoles before shutting down, that's what we still want today.

This remake is an utter atrocity. It's a slap in the face to Rare and Nintendo should be ashamed at how it even looks. Aiming Down Sights? Auto-Regen health? No, that is not Goldeneye. They're just Call of Dutifying their best selling FPS since Perfect Dark.

Look at Perfect Dark XBLA. That is how you release a decade old game, that had reasonable success and sales (some $2 million dollars in sales in two months is not shabby).

You update the graphics, add online functionality, and that is it. You touch NOTHING else.

Rare's Goldeneye 007 will always reign supreme. I'll bet there won't even be cheats or speed runs in this one. Enjoy your re-made shooter that will rape your childhood folks!

I have to disagree with you. Perfect dark for the N64 was much better than 360's perfect dark zero. I hated perfect dark zero, there was nothing fun about it. And you can't talk bad about a game that didn't even come out yet. just becuase a game got alot of sales doesn't mean it's good lol. There could have been alot of people buying it, then when they take it home they realize how lame it is and take it back. I think the game looks good.
They're not even including the original multiplayer maps. I honestly wish they'd just toss the whole game in the garbage and just get Rare to have 4J Studios finish porting Goldeneye007 to both consoles.

Blame Microsoft. They could have stepped up and got this as an Xbox exclusive but obviously Nintendo beat them to the punch and made a better offer to Activision. It would have been really easy for them too as they could have provided the original source code.

I rather blame all three, Microsoft for reducing Rare to Kinect and Avatar making, Activision for being greedy and seeing where to make a quick buck, and Nintendo for allegedly not allowing the first GE007 deal to go through.
I just blame microsoft for being retarted, they can't even make good software for computers let alone trash consoles. why can't bill gates just drop dead already, that would make my day. Why would you blame nintendo, they had the game way before the box came out. you sound like a 360 fanboy to me.
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I have to disagree with you. Perfect dark for the N64 was much better than 360's perfect dark zero. I hated perfect dark zero, there was nothing fun about it. And you can't talk bad about a game that didn't even come out yet. just becuase a game got alot of sales doesn't mean it's good lol. There could have been alot of people buying it, then when they take it home they realize how lame it is and take it back. I think the game looks good.

...Not disagreeing with what you said at all. Perhaps if you read more you'd note I absolutely hated PD: Zero as well and like to deny it even existed. Of course the N64 version is superior, anyone could have seen that. MS rushed Rare to complete it (was supposed to be out on the Gamecube as I recall) and Rare made a ton of stupid design decisions.

And no, not exactly a 360 fanboy. I don't have a Wii, I'm just here to say how much this re-make is going to fail because it's not Rare's Goldeneye007. Microsoft didn't really have any part in the failure to port the original over to the 360 and Wii. Most sources point to Nintendo for that. Get your facts straight.

I don't care that it's going to be Wii exclusive, I wouldn't want any part of this to be on the 360 anyway. I'm just angry how it's destroying the original GE007 and everything that made it great.
I have to disagree with you. Perfect dark for the N64 was much better than 360's perfect dark zero. I hated perfect dark zero, there was nothing fun about it. And you can't talk bad about a game that didn't even come out yet. just becuase a game got alot of sales doesn't mean it's good lol. There could have been alot of people buying it, then when they take it home they realize how lame it is and take it back. I think the game looks good.

...Not disagreeing with what you said at all. Perhaps if you read more you'd note I absolutely hated PD: Zero as well and like to deny it even existed. Of course the N64 version is superior, anyone could have seen that. MS rushed Rare to complete it (was supposed to be out on the Gamecube as I recall) and Rare made a ton of stupid design decisions.

And no, not exactly a 360 fanboy. I don't have a Wii, I'm just here to say how much this re-make is going to fail because it's not Rare's Goldeneye007. Microsoft didn't really have any part in the failure to port the original over to the 360 and Wii. Most sources point to Nintendo for that. Get your facts straight.

I don't care that it's going to be Wii exclusive, I wouldn't want any part of this to be on the 360 anyway. I'm just angry how it's destroying the original GE007 and everything that made it great.
Well I can agree that it won't even come close to as good as the original. But I hope it's good. I was loooking forward to this game. and I hope it's good. rare dissapoints me, they should have stayed with nintendo. I'm not a fanboy either; in fact, I used to have a ps3 and 360, but I sold both because I wasn't crazy about the exclusives. sony's exclusives died. and microsoft I can just get on pc, well most anyway. What ever happened to the good old days of gaming? Today it's all about graphics etc. Thats why I love nintendo, they care about the game, not the graphics.
I'm just angry how it's destroying the original GE007 and everything that made it great.

What? The new Wii version will have some sort of code in it that will destroy N64 cartridges, will they start melting? Oh wait you're just being over melodramatic. It won't actually do anything to the original version and your N64 cart will not be effected in any way whatsoever. So all you have to do is ignore the new version and you'll be fine.

Anyway all hands on previews have been very favorable (from people who have actually played it). The only negative comments I've seen are by people on here who haven't played it and will never play it. Therfore it has no impact on them at all, so I don't really get what they are so worked up about.
Im still questioning whether the game will be good or not. It will obviously not be as good as the original (which still kicks ass). I hope it has all the levels in it. They seem to be keeping true to the multiplayer, still using some of the characters and gamemodes. The problem is that its an Activision game and that from what I see, just looks like a James Bond theme of Call of Duty and Im not a COD fan.

As of now, its a game to be rented
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Totally called it. Nintendo needs to man up and let Rare port over their N64 version and let the Xbox have it too. That way both companies win and so do the gamers.
The thing is, it has came out around the same time as COD Black Ops, which I think is hard to compete with. In my experience, GoldenEye seems like a good game, but I expected it to be better.
The new version is a reimaging of the orginal and I believe it's way better. I mean can you really say the N64 version is better? Put them side by side and play both and then say which is better. I myself love the N64 version but after playing the new version I'm starting to like that better. The story has been refashion to fit to todays issues just as the orginal was during 1995.
The remake is a Flop. I took my copy back to Wal-Mart I did NOT like it.
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The remake is a Flop. I took my copy back to Wal-Mart I did like it.
someone with some smarts. the N64 version is way better and the XBLA version would be way better if Nintendo let it be released. but instead they are going to let their shitty version be the only thing for us to play. dont buy it. show them we want better!
What's your explanation and reasons as to why the new Goldeneye sucks compare to the N64 version? All reviews are in the high 8 and 9 yet I don't see why you hate it so much. I have the game and have finish it and I can say it's great if not one of the best 007 games. Hell it's even better then the Bloodstone game for PS3 and 360 and that's just not me saying as other game reviewers are too. I mean if you think it sucks that pierce brosnan is not in the game then talk to him. Remember that when a game is made depending the licnese his linkness can or can't be used. Then again does that really warrent a bad game? The N64 version you could barely see his face anyhow.

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