The Goldeneye Remake WILL Fail

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  • #32
Wow, can you fanboys do anything but ***** and moan!?!?!?

Nah, gamers love to complain. I'm just a longtime Rare fan angry, like many others, at the direction our beloved Goldeneye is going in.

Am I jealous the Wii is getting it exclusively? Not at all. I'm glad this remake garbage is going on there. Now if you all were getting Goldeneye64 classic with just updated graphics and online play yes, I would be jealous.

But that's not what you're getting, not even close. Thus, I'm just here to watch this disaster unfold.
So how does

Daniel Craig
regenerating health
iron sights
dedicated melee button
dedicated grenade button
spawning with gun
one hit melee kills
perks like call of duty
third person tank driving
destructable environments

have anything to do with Goldeneye 007 the videogame? absolutely nothing at all. they only have the story in common. so why call it Goldeneye if not to rape the clout that comes with the name Goldeneye. And you think all that **** sounds better. have fun. it sounds like call of duty to me.
You're right, we're getting something BETTER than the classic, jackass...

Lol better? The goldeneye source mod looks 10x better of a remake then this crap!!! Also whats even more sad is its even got better graphics than this crap. A modding community beats a corporate developer in almost everything with the remake, how sad...

One advice Nintendo, dont let Activision corrupt your name...
So how does

Daniel Craig
regenerating health
iron sights
dedicated melee button
dedicated grenade button
spawning with gun
one hit melee kills
perks like call of duty
third person tank driving
destructable environments

have anything to do with Goldeneye 007 the videogame? absolutely nothing at all. they only have the story in common. so why call it Goldeneye if not to rape the clout that comes with the name Goldeneye. And you think all that **** sounds better. have fun. it sounds like call of duty to me.

Er, those things sounds like they just make the gameplay better..... so WTF ARE YOU MOANING ABOUT!?!?!?
Pefect Dark has made a bit more than 2 million dollars and hardly anyone knows that game compared to Goldeneye's popularity.

Also, look at these images below. My word do they look 1000x better than this Wii garbage.

so its sold 200,000 copies... i dont think it will reach 1million
in other words..weak..
goldeneye will do better on wii

also.. about how goldeneye would have looked on 360...
next gen visuals but last gen controls... on wii would be last gen visual next gen controls...
i prefer wii :lovewii:
  • Thread Starter
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  • #41
So how does

Daniel Craig
regenerating health
iron sights
dedicated melee button
dedicated grenade button
spawning with gun
one hit melee kills
perks like call of duty
third person tank driving
destructable environments

have anything to do with Goldeneye 007 the videogame? absolutely nothing at all. they only have the story in common. so why call it Goldeneye if not to rape the clout that comes with the name Goldeneye. And you think all that **** sounds better. have fun. it sounds like call of duty to me.

Er, those things sounds like they just make the gameplay generic and stale.

Fixed. This game is going to tank hard. It's not improving upon the original classic. It is raping and destroying everything that made it great.
So how does

Daniel Craig
regenerating health
iron sights
dedicated melee button
dedicated grenade button
spawning with gun
one hit melee kills
perks like call of duty
third person tank driving
destructable environments

have anything to do with Goldeneye 007 the videogame? absolutely nothing at all. they only have the story in common. so why call it Goldeneye if not to rape the clout that comes with the name Goldeneye. And you think all that **** sounds better. have fun. it sounds like call of duty to me.

Er, those things sounds like they just make the gameplay generic and stale.

Fixed. This game is going to tank hard. It's not improving upon the original classic. It is raping and destroying everything that made it great.

Um... First off, I said "better", not "generic and stale". Also, **** you! What kinda twat takes someone else's words and quotes them as the exact opposite!?!?!? You're a prick....
IT WILL FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yesnod:
Er, those things sounds like they just make the gameplay generic and stale.

Fixed. This game is going to tank hard. It's not improving upon the original classic. It is raping and destroying everything that made it great.

Um... First off, I said "better", not "generic and stale". Also, **** you! What kinda twat takes someone else's words and quotes them as the exact opposite!?!?!? You're a prick....

Lol in your case it's justified, because, despite everything this has shown, you just cannot see the destruction of the classic game, at least show some respect for Pierce Brosnan and bash on Daniel Craig... He himself would do it too, had he known all this was happening.

But of course almost no one here has respect for both the classic goldeneye, or old Nintendo. You all just like corrupt Nintendo to give you what you want.

I am glad at least some people here can tell the difference from a greatly developed game, to one made just for profits.

"But but but... it was just, 60 SECONDS!!! Don't Judge!!! WAHHH!!! snifs"

Oh cmon, compare this to goldeneye source and you will gladly find my point in that comparison. Sales don't mean **** in qualities of games, look at modern warfare 2, this is the very symbol of why it is so.

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