The Goldeneye Remake WILL Fail

No man is EVER justified in twisting the words of another. Second, since wtf is nintendo "corrupt"!?!?! Also, Idc if they are, a good game is a good game, and this remake seems it will be just that, so GOOD DAY SIR!!
No man is EVER justified in twisting the words of another. Second, since wtf is nintendo "corrupt"!?!?! Also, Idc if they are, a good game is a good game, and this remake seems it will be just that, so GOOD DAY SIR!!

LOL thanks for proving my point, you don't know **** about whether a game will be good or not, so you have no credibility in this say so.

Sigh... IF only I can actually find people on here that are actually good arguers, but then again, what is there to argue for? ****? You're arguing for ****? Ok then, let's argue about ****... :D

I'm against ****, your're for ****.

LOL I also like how you don't even know what goldeneye source is, look it up, it's a source mod that's 10x better than this ****, and what's sad is it's a ****ing mod, but it outperforms this in everything including graphics...
Nothing beats nostalgia. Nothing. Not even objectively better games.

I'm sorry, but objectively, goldeneye just wouldn't stand up to other shooters out there. It would live solely on nostalgia. You need to get over it in order to accept that Goldeneye was great by N64 standards but today it is a very crappy, repetitive game.

Also, stop bitching about aiming down the sights. If you don't remember correctly, in the original due to the crappy controls you had to hold a shoulder button to aim manually, this zoomed in slightly and improved accuracy.

Shooters have now adopted constant free-aim with sights as an option for greater accuracy. Know why? Because it doesn't suck. Having the same game with better visuals would be awful, they need to enhance it and modernize it or it'll be nothing compared to big shooters like Bad Company 2. Besides, what would be the point of having it Wii-only if they don't take full advantage of the new controls? What would be the point of re-making it if they're not gonna add anything or re-do the parts that sucked?

I understand where the OP is coming from, but c'mon. Nostalgia is the reason Disney gets stuck with crappy rides like Pirates of the Carribean and can't update it at all to make it more entertaining without causing a shitstorm of complaints. They just barely added two or three new scenes and this still caused an uproar. You want goldeneye to have the same fate as Pirates of the Carribean?
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Nothing beats nostalgia. Nothing. Not even objectively better games.

I'm sorry, but objectively, goldeneye just wouldn't stand up to other shooters out there. It would live solely on nostalgia. You need to get over it in order to accept that Goldeneye was great by N64 standards but today it is a very crappy, repetitive game.

Also, stop bitching about aiming down the sights. If you don't remember correctly, in the original due to the crappy controls you had to hold a shoulder button to aim manually, this zoomed in slightly and improved accuracy.

Shooters have now adopted constant free-aim with sights as an option for greater accuracy. Know why? Because it doesn't suck. Having the same game with better visuals would be awful, they need to enhance it and modernize it or it'll be nothing compared to big shooters like Bad Company 2. Besides, what would be the point of having it Wii-only if they don't take full advantage of the new controls? What would be the point of re-making it if they're not gonna add anything or re-do the parts that sucked?

yeppers :3
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Nothing beats nostalgia. Nothing. Not even objectively better games.

I'm sorry, but objectively, goldeneye just wouldn't stand up to other shooters out there. It would live solely on nostalgia. You need to get over it in order to accept that Goldeneye was great by N64 standards but today it is a very crappy, repetitive game.

Also, stop bitching about aiming down the sights. If you don't remember correctly, in the original due to the crappy controls you had to hold a shoulder button to aim manually, this zoomed in slightly and improved accuracy.

I disagree. Goldeneye would do just fine. Perfect Dark XBLA released with its unchanged mechanics and aiming options. It sold decently and still has a rabid cult fanbase of followers. It didn't introduce anything new except for online play and updated graphics, exactly how the Goldeneye007 title here should have been treated.

As for the Call of Duty style aiming down sights, yes, I would not complain about this if it were another shooter that does not have the 'Goldeneye' label on it. But this one does, and I personally think the aiming mechanics in GE and PD were fine.

If Nintendo and Microsoft just released Goldeneye 64 updated on both of their systems I would not care about this re-make. Sadly Nintendo thinks they can just butcher their best selling FPS franchise on their consoles ever.

Edit: And SatanicJay, I find it hilarious you got all butthurt about me changing one of your posts in a quote. It's a standard forum arguing technique. Learn2internetdebate.
You misunderstand, what he meant is most people that want the actual goldeneye port or a remade one are on the 360 or ps3, not wii.

I would have thought that most people who owned an N64 and Goldeneye would have originally been Nintendo fans, so they would most likely have bought a Wii if only for all the VC games. I can't say that I see any connection between Goldeneye and 360/PS3 other than those systems being saturated with FPS; although I guess there could have been a few people that only bought the N64 for Goldeneye.

Whether Goldeneye will be a success or not remains to be seen. I don't understand why anyone would write the game off before it's finished though. The hands on previews have been quite positive, saying that it does a good job of blending the new and nostalgia. The only negative thing I've seen posted was that the multiplayer was perhaps too much like the N64 version; which would actually be a positive for most people.
If Nintendo and Microsoft just released Goldeneye 64 updated on both of their systems I would not care about this re-make. Sadly Nintendo thinks they can just butcher their best selling FPS franchise on their consoles ever.

Slight error there
Nintendo aren't the ones that are making it
Activision are
I can't say that I see any connection between Goldeneye and 360/PS3 other than those systems being saturated with FPS; although I guess there could have been a few people that only bought the N64 for Goldeneye.
Uhhhh the connection between the 360 and Goldeneye is Rare you idiot. The developers that made the great game. Wow please tell me you are not a fan of Goldeneye.
I can't say that I see any connection between Goldeneye and 360/PS3 other than those systems being saturated with FPS; although I guess there could have been a few people that only bought the N64 for Goldeneye.
Uhhhh the connection between the 360 and Goldeneye is Rare you idiot. The developers that made the great game. Wow please tell me you are not a fan of Goldeneye.

Jeez, are there any fanboys without a high horse??
I can't say that I see any connection between Goldeneye and 360/PS3 other than those systems being saturated with FPS; although I guess there could have been a few people that only bought the N64 for Goldeneye.
Uhhhh the connection between the 360 and Goldeneye is Rare you idiot. The developers that made the great game. Wow please tell me you are not a fan of Goldeneye.

What you mean the people that had all left Rare before Nintendo sold off their shares to Microsoft? The ones that went and formed Free Radical and now work for Crytek UK?

Microsoft's Rare had NOTHING to do with making Goldeneye. So what is the connection again? If you didn't know that Microsoft's Rare had no involvement in the game then please tell me that you are not claiming to be a Goldeneye fan.

Rare would be the worst possible studio to work on a Goldeneye game, their best efforts of late have been the 360's avatars and Game Room (they didn't even do the port of Perfect Dark). My first choice would have been Retro Studios but Eurocom should be ok as they did a pretty good job on Dead Space Extraction.

Honestly if you have no clue what you are talking about then you shouldn't bother saying anything. I wouldn't call you an 'idiot' though, as that would probably be a disservice to all the other idiots out there. A clueless moron perhaps?
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Microsoft's Rare had NOTHING to do with making Goldeneye. So what is the connection again? If you didn't know that Microsoft's Rare had no involvement in the game then please tell me that you are not claiming to be a Goldeneye fan.

Rare would be the worst possible studio to work on a Goldeneye game, their best efforts of late have been the 360's avatars and Game Room (they didn't even do the port of Perfect Dark). My first choice would have been Retro Studios but Eurocom should be ok as they did a pretty good job on Dead Space Extraction.

Naturally Rare themselves can't be trusted to work on any of their old franchises. You are correct, they did not do the port of PD XBLA, that was the work of 4J Studios. And in my book, 4J Studios did a fine job and earned my trust in regards to taking care of Rare's past properties (online implementation aside though).

So as far as I'm concerned, if Rare ever gets the green light to finish porting Goldeneye XBLA over to the 360 then 4J Studios can complete their work and it'll be a great success, better or at least equal to how well PD XBLA sold.
WOW! So many lame posts me don't know where to start.

Ok this one takes the cake:

Out of all this, no one's mentioned the REAL reason why GoldenEye will fail on the Wii: that sort of game just does not sell well on the Wii. The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3.

Please take a business class sir!

The players who want that sort of experience play those games on the 360 or PS3

That's EXACTLY why Nintendo decided to publish this game!

This game is more about selling CONSOLES that actual Goldeneye software, although the strategy will work hand in hand think of all the Wii sales this announcement alone is creating.

Nintendo saw an empty void and filled it, just like MS and Sony are trying to do with their overhaul of casual games (although a wii bit too late).

I can GARUANTEE PS3 and 360 loyalists have already bought a Wii ahead of time and it will only get worst come release day.<<< THERE YOU HAVE IT:yesnod:

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