The Storm
Legendary Super Saiyan
- Mar 22, 2008
- 1,347
- 0
"Thank you Tyre", Raine said. "There was no need to get the rest of us involved with such a weak Pokemon. It would just have been a waste of energy." He walked on. "We need to keep moving, one weak Nuzleaf shouldn't slow us down, especially you Tyre, a leader must always appear strong." He spoke the word "leader" with a certain amount of malice. It was not jealousy that fueled this, but resentment that someone who had not proven himself had obtained the title. Now lets keep going, the flying group should make time much quicker, so we can't afford another stop like this.
Samlin rushed to keep up with Requiem, who had recklessly began running, leaving the other two to play catch-up. He turned to Eterna. "Whats his problem, what if we couldn't keep up, requiem would be alone again." Samlin looked at Eterna again, I think we should stay at our own pace. Running recklessly will only make the journey more risky. Lets take our time, and Requiem will take the hint. Samlin was confident in the idea. Plus, neither of us is very old, or knows the terrain, getting lost of left behind is possible. Lets stay together, and take it one step at a time. Quickly, but lets not rush it to quickly.
Storm and Vladmir 1/7

Vladmir found no struggle with the weights of the pokemon on his back, standing proudl carrying the boatload of extra pokemon. Giving Tyre and the ground team a good days headstart, Vladmir decided it was time to depart. He thought it more productive to fly straight to Violet City, being an aerial creature it would be no problem to find a shortcut by air.
Vladmir stretched his leathery wings wide, and let the air flow under them. A soothing feeling he had not had in a very long time. The breeze felt great, and he welcomed it. As the wind crashed over his stony skin, his senses heightened and he became all to aware of his surroundings. The air carried with it the smells from whence it came.
Vladmir could smell a group of Pokemon near Ecruteak City, a Grovyle by the smell of it had been there awhile. Then he caught another smell not to far from the direction of the Ruins of Alph. It was definately a group of Pokemon, he could smell the ash in the air. A Cyndaquil. And, from the chill, damp, decaying darkness that accompanied it, best guess would be a Sneasel.
He even caught the stench of the Elekid, Absol, and Salamence that had attacked him previously. He snarled, but thought it best not to pursue his anger...for now. He needed to get stronger first, and thats just what he was planning to do with the Pokemon on his back.
With Vladmir's sinus's active and clear, he was ready to go. He leaned forward, and began running, slowly at first. He then started speeding up as they neared a small, lifeless hill. He kept his wings spread wide, letting the air flow under them and create some upward propulsion. He lowered his head more, streamlining his body to cut through the air with precise grace.
He was running at full speed now, the ground shaking under his rocky steps. He ranStraight up the hill, and right before the edge, he flapped his gigantic wings, shooting them all high into the sky. He continued flapping, building up a momentum, soaring higher and higher up into the clouds. The foamy white cloud air was crisp and cool, and he continued soaring upward at a 45 degree angle.
He shot out of the top of the cloud, and gazed upon the vast blanket of marshmellowy clouds. He smiled at its beauty, and peaked his flight above the clouds. Then, he stopped flapping. His body turned downward and quickly descended. The beauty faded as he shot like a torpedo down into the clouds. He came blazing out the other end, not needing to flap his wings anymore.
He was gliding on the air currents, and he could tell the Pokemon on his back were enjoying his acrobactics. He remained just inside the clouds, for he was somewhat camoflauged against them. He was still able to see all the way to the ground as clear as ever, due to his long hunts at this height and being a bird of prey, he developed excellent ocular sensors.
He peered into the forests, looking towards where his smells were coming from. His eye caught Tyre and the other's scouting through the forest. He decided against revealing his position to them. This way of staying incognito, after all he was being relied on to take these Pokemon to Violet City, and then to the Ruins of Alph.
Suddenly, his nostrils caught the familiar scent of burning ash. He followed his nose with his ocular vision, and zoomed in. Indeed, he did see a Cyndaquil, a Sneasel, and....and Evee. He did not think it too strange that he had not detected her scent, after all, being grouped with such strongly fumed Pokemon, one could easily hide in that pool of stench.
He flew very quietly over the group, deciding against fighting them. He was too tired for battle today. Funny... he thought, I am making alot of decisions today.... "How are you guys holding up back there?" Vladmir asked those on his back.
Storm grumbled and put his face in his fur. It seemed he did not have the best stomach for flying. Vladmir chuckled to himself, but kept mostly quiet, attempting to fly over the group below without attracting any attention.
Ooc: That should make up for the past couple days.