The Alternate Plot


"True Raine you did say that but Mahagony Town is closer, so we should get the basic supplies there, just enough to last to Violet City, then we supply with the good items." Maxis looked from Tyre to Raine wondering how this might work out if they started to argue again.

Short but i'm out of good post ideas used them up.

"Maxis has a good idea. If we go to Mahogany, we can get a few supplies that will last us until we get to Violet, where we can get much more. Agreed?"
Hako was eager to break up the fighting between Raine and Tyre, both of whom he respected.
OOC: 2/7
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Tyre sighed, and lowered his head to the ground. "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you bring that topic up, and you're right. We should head to Violet City." He turned to Vladimir and those riding them. "Head for Violet City, Vladimir, okay?"

I think my brain is taking a poop. I just can't think of much to say right now... :/

"Maxis has a good idea. If we go to Mahogany, we can get a few supplies that will last us until we get to Violet, where we can get much more. Agreed?"
Hako was eager to break up the fighting between Raine and Tyre, both of whom he respected.
OOC: 2/7


It was obvious to Raine that none of these people knew geography. "Guys, think for one second. Why would we stock up to go to the city we plan to stock up at! We only need to go to Mahogany or Violet, and Violet allows for quicker access to the Ruins!" Raine sighed angrily "Please stop making things more difficult by making suggestions that don't make sense" Raine was ready to just walk the other way, and leave the rest behind. Its not as if they were doing anything but providing aesthetic protection. He knew that was important however, and stayed put. He looked to Tyre once more, for what he hoped would be recognition.

"I'm sorry, Raine, I didn't know. I've lived most of my life on Cinnabar, I've never been to Johto before. If you say that Violet is the best choice, we should go there."
Hako shot Tyre a pleading look, knowing that he would be more willing to back down then Raine.
OOC: 3/7

He thought about what Raine had said and decided that was the best way.
"Sorry Raine I don't know the Johto region either, so I didn't know the best route. Tyre we should go with Raine on this topic." He hoped that him and Hako could keep these 2 from fighting along the way.
OoC: Finally done catching up. ;D

IC: 1/7

Forma thought to himself for a second. Judgin by how faint the light was, he too comfirmed that Mahogany was about 5 hours away. Violet City was about two more hours south from there. However, it had better supplies. Forma couldn't decide which to go with. The quicker way with less items, or the the longer way with better shops?

He looked back up at the rest of the group, wondering which they would choose. So far, thanks to Raine's arguements, it looked like they were going to head towards Violet. Forma continued watching them, waiting for an answer.


Tyre sighed, and lowered his head to the ground. "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you bring that topic up, and you're right. We should head to Violet City." He turned to Vladimir and those riding them. "Head for Violet City, Vladimir, okay?"

I think my brain is taking a poop. I just can't think of much to say right now... :/

-Vladmir- 2/7? Ooc: i dont remember :lol:


"As you say Tyre," Vladmir responded. He seemed to respect Tyre's apparent strength and his strong will to not be bullied by this Slowpoke.

"Everyone who needs a ride, hop on!" Vladmir said excitedly, he had not given anyone a ride in awhile.



Storm happily jumped up onto the Aerodactyls back, following Jet. "Come on guys, he wont bite!"


..."I hope..."

"Well if we want to get to the Ruins of Alph" "we need to either go through Ecruteak or Mahogany town. That is assuming we want to stay on the path. We could cut across to Violet City". "You don't travel in groups much, do you?"

"I think we should go to Violet City too," "I think that's south of here, but Mahogany is south too. Should we go there first or just go around it?"

Requiem was none too happy with the responses he had garnered, he was rather unsure as to what to do. He knew from his experience with Zigaram, violet city was filled with many goons and minions, and being such an odd looking Sneasel he'd surely be recognized.

If he took the longer path by cutting over Route 43 and 42 to Ecruteak, they may not catch up to the rebels - certainly not if Requiem couldn't travel full throttle. He truly dispised traveling in a group, and became slightly annoyed apon hearing Samlin's small joke, being such a serious pokemon he found comments like that to be more annoying than relieving. Closing his eyelids shut, he crossed his arms across his chest, and began to think carefully.

If I'm noticed in Violet City, we're as good as done for if reinforcements find us, none the less one of the few manics.. If we take the long route, these young ones may not be able to keep up, and we'll definatly loose track of the rebels.. Urgh! This is a rediculous predicament!

For the few moments Requiem thought to himself, his face began to look more and more irritated, he was becoming rather frustrated. He was going over many different scenarious in his head all at once, he might confuse himself if he didn't focus. Lightly grinding his teeth, he was quickly becoming very annoyed with the situation.

Baaaah... This is no good. We need catch up to the rebels at all costs, we must risk Violet city.. Humph, it's a 2 against 1 vote anyways. As long as we meet up with the rebels, we should be able to fend off any attackers..... I hope. J

ust as quickly as his frustration appeared, he returned to his usual calm, and emotionless demeanor. He finally spoke a response.

"Yes, Violet city is the best route. We have no idea how far ahead the rebels are, so the quickest path is necesarry. Even if we are choosing the fastest path, we still need make haste - they may take the same path as well. ... However, keep a low profile in Violet City, no matter what. Speak to noone and keep out of sight unless necesarry. We should also stock up on supplies the very instant we are going to leave."

Turning from the two, he began to walk away from the group at a mild pace, looking beyond the threshold of trees around him. Near immediatly, he saw route 43, their easiest route to take.

"We need take Route 43, traveling the side roads will take longer and a higher toll on us. From there, while Mahogany is not very highly stocked with goods, we'll buy what supplies we can and cross over to Violet. From there, it's a very quick path towards the Ruins of Alph. This plan is satisfactory, no?"

After his long and thoughtful speech, he waited for a response, hoping this was what the others had planned. Even as he finished speaking, he still thought deeply on the plans he just said, hoping he didn't miss anything important. Even if he traveled alone nearly all of his life, he was a good traveler because of that.


Jet was beginning to get angry, no one was taking charge and they were just sitting wear they were the previous night. He knew that Absol and his friends would be back, they said themselves they would, and the rebels had barly moved a few hundred feet. Jet stood up on Vlad's back using it was a podium, "Listen up! Right now we're just a few miles off of Route 43. That is the Route we took to get away from the lake."

Jet picked up a pick and began to draw a map in the dirt, "Now that Route leads South to Mahogany Town. From there he have to take a huge detor on Route 42 all the way to Ecruteak City before he can go south on 37 and east on 36 to get to Violet.

The fastest way to get from here to Violet is to take a straight shot though Mahogany and into the heavy woods. Tyre and Vlad, you guys can plow us a path though the heavy forest, and Hako can burn us through if things get too thick. It won't be as easy traveling, but it is much, much shorter and will keep us hidden from spys. It's foolish to pass though Mahogany and not grab some things real quick, but we should save most of our money for Violet like Raine says. To do this, Vlad your going to have to drop down to the forest to relieve Tyre if he gets tired, which means we'll lose our eyes for part of the trip but that is the fastest way."

Jet wasn't sure if the ohters would agree, but he did know a little about the terrian of Johto and wanted to help out. He just hoped the forest wasn't too thick.

IC: 1/7

Forma looked at Jet and thought about his idea. "I don't think we should have the forest torn down. The residents of Mahogany would be very upset. Who knows what they might do. Plus, it would attract attention, and more of Zigaram's minions would be able to find us," He said to the Squirtle, and at the same time trying to get his words across the whole group.

"Are you an idiot?" Raine looked at Jet. "We already know where we are going! If you haven't noticed, we split into two groups. We're going North, around towards Ecruteak, then cutting though the forest to Violet City. I better not have to say that again" Raine sighed. Where has he been the past few hours?, Raine thought to himself, shaking his head at Tyre, for being the shepherd, he was responsible for all of the sheep.
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Jet first turned to Forma, "I'm not saying we should tear it down, We can walk though most of it. However if he encounter any areas that are too thick, we can get though it using Tyre. We will attract just as much attention traveling on the main road." Jet's tone was calm with Forma even a little defensive, but it rose quickly once he layed eyes on Raine.

Jet had hit the breaking point, "What the hell are you talking about? The fastest Route to Violet City is cutting though the forest from where we are right now. To make a straight line we will be passing though Mahogony Town, so we miswell grab some food so we don't all starve to death on the way. Ecruteak is due west of us right now, why would we go west and then have to cut back east to get to violet, when we can take a straight route to Violet though the forest?" Jet was ready to leave the others and start towards Mahongony, Raine was causing so many problems already.



Jet first turned to Forma, "I'm not saying we should tear it down, We can walk though most of it. However if he encounter any areas that are too thick, we can get though it using Tyre. We will attract just as much attention traveling on the main road." Jet's tone was calm with Forma even a little defensive, but it rose quickly once he layed eyes on Raine.

Jet had hit the breaking point, "What the hell are you talking about? The fastest Route to Violet City is cutting though the forest from where we are right now. To make a straight line we will be passing though Mahogony Town, so we miswell grab some food so we don't all starve to death on the way. Ecruteak is due west of us right now, why would we go west and then have to cut back east to get to violet, when we can take a straight route to Violet though the forest?" Jet was ready to leave the others and start towards Mahongony, Raine was causing so many problems already.


Storm & Vladmir 2/7


Vladmir was getting frustrated with the constant bickering between the lilipution Pokemon. He rolled his eyes, and decided to end the fight now.

He bared his fangs and got into Raine's face. "Look, you pathetic excuse for an appetizer, I am going to fly these Pokemon to Violet City, which means we will get there nearly twice as fast as you! If you don't like it, then deal with me! Otherwise, shut up and go with the FLOW!!!"

Vladmir just stared hungrily into the Slowpokes dull eyes. He would not move until Raine made a decision.

"Your just as stupid as the rest of them" Raine said calmly, starting back into the face of what he viewed as just another sheep, just bigger. "Your doing exactly what I've been saying the entire time. Fly to Violet City, and maybe next time, yell at the person whose disagreeing with the plan rather than the one who came up with it." He stared at the Aerodactyl. "Well, what are you waiting for, the faster you can get some of us there, the better, and next time, don't spit in my face when you talk." Raine was angry, granted he was usually angry, but he felt the need to take it out on someone. He was not treating the rest of the group with respect, for they had yet to earn it from him. They all accused him of starting problems and causing fights simply because many people spoke out against his ideas. While it might be illogical he was beginning to lose what little patience he had, and he was bad enough as it is.

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