The Alternate Plot


Maxis looked at the others wondering why everyone was beening so violent about this. After hearing them continue he finally snaped and yelled at everyone.
"Listen everyone! We really need to get moving or we are going to be caught all over again, so lets shut up and get moving now! Vladmir get the others to Violet now! And the rest of us lets head out!" Maxis didn't mean to give the orders but they were arguing way too much and he didn't want to fight Zigaram's minnions again.

Zigaram was resting on his throne when Wynam the Weaville came scurrying in.
"My Lord, there is someone approaching the Sky Tower. Reports say it is a Monferno."
"Could it be... let him in, and bring him to me."
"Yes, sir."
Wynam hurried out.
"It's been a while, Kajishi."
OOC: 1/7

As the main corridors of the Sky Tower had crept open, a shadow of a pokemon stretched across the terra firma below. Within view was a muscular Monferno, his tail's flame burning brightly and passionatly. The pokemon stood tall and proudly in place until the corridor had fully swung open, the Monferno taking a step forward. He begun a prideful stride into the towering building.

His single left eye retained no sense of emotion or anger, even after the tyrant Zigaram had banished him, left for dead. It mattered not though, as he had returned alive, and evolved. The pokemon slowly approached the throne ahead, Zigaram ofcourse to be sitting apon it.

The Monferno kept his vision low, not daring to lay an eye apon the mighty ruler, he dared not show disrespect. As he approached Zigaram, he swept a hand forward, crossing past himself from right to left. He took a deep, respectful bow to his master without so much as a word, slowly descending apon one knee. Keeping his head at a lowered angle, he showed the utmost respect.

"It's been a while, Kajishi."

"Indeed it has, it is a pleasure, a true honor, to see you again, my liege.." Kajishi had spoke, his voice suttle and low, yet filled with confidence. It seemed as if he held no grudge what-so-ever at his malevolent ruler.

"After your highness had banished me, I had evolved and became far stronger, your decisions prove to always be correct. I had never doubted your wisdom... Before, I was brash and weak, but now I am strong and able! If you are to give me an order, I will follow it to beyond the ends of the earth and until death itself. What is your bidding, master?"

After such harsh ordeals, Kajishi traveled far to return to Zigaram, only to allow himself to be ordered around at an instant. It seemed he had no malice, no hatred, and no regret. Awaiting any orders, he silenced himself with haste.
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  • #214


"Enough arguing. Raine, Vladimir, everyone. Let's just move out for now-- the course we are taking has already been agreed upon." He turned to all of the Pokemon, Raine in particular. "Everyone, we've got to remain a cohesive group. We're never going to get anything done if we're only arguing." He was quiet and grim sounding, and he only hoped he got his point across.

He turned and began marching through the forest. it was slow, cold and monotonous-- the light didn't shine very much through the shield of the tree's canopies, and it acted almost as a rain forest, despite the fact that they were nowhere close to anywhere tropical. The ground was wet and muck-ridden-- every step was squishy and uncomfortable, and he came very close to crushing sleeping Caterpies several times.

"You're not being very intelligent in your course of action, you know. Zigaram will find you, and he will kill you."

Tyre's plates on his back stood up-- a Rhyhorn's equivalent to goosebumps. "What?" he asked. "Who said that?"

"Oh, no one in particular. "I spend my time in the shadows. I'm one of Zigaram's followers. He doesn't even know anything about me as far as I know, as I haven't risen very high in his ranks."

Tyre frantically looked around, but he couldn't find who the Pokemon who had spoken anywhere. "Show yourself!"

"Very well. Faint attack!" Instantly, Tyre was hit upside the jaw by a Nuzleaf's attack. He flinched for a moment, but instantly got his bearings.

"How long have you been following me for?" Tyre asked.

"Ever since you defeated Takei and Sensei. It was impressive that you and your friends defeated a Manic, but you're surely very weak now. And look, I've got a type advantage."

"You barely do..." Tyre retorted. He was well-educated in his youth, despite the neglect he received from his parents, and so he knew quite a lot about many species of Pokemon, especially those that grew up in the area where he did, which was in a semi-rural area to the northeast of Kanto. "You only know one Grass attack by leveling up."

"So, you know about me, eh?" the Nuzleaf replied. "Well, I suppose it's no harm using it on you anyways. Razor Leaf!" The Nuzleaf made a motion as if he was throwing a Frisbee, and incredibly sharp leaves flew like bullets right towards Tyre. Being the slow, inagile Pokemon he was, he was hit with the attack hard in the side. It hurt him quite a lot, but his defense outclassed the Nuzleaf's Attack, and he was able to suck the attack up.

"What's your name, Nuzleaf?" Tyre asked, spitting out the last word as it were a swear. However, without waiting, he began attacking. "I can play the same game that you can, you know. Your four times normal effectiveness with your Razor Leaf... I can counter that. Megahorn!" He charged forwards so fast, the Nuzleaf got hit straight on, nearly causing it to faint from the powerful blow.

"My name is Asod." He spoke no more after that short sentence, as he was growing weak, and didn't want to keep up the energy to comment on the battle. He stared at Tyre for a few seconds, then disappeared. Tyre looked around for a few moments, confused, but he was quickly hit in the side with another Faint Attack.

I had suspected Razor Leaf... Tyre's legs began weakening, and he felt as if they were going to buckle. Regardless, he kept battling on. A Fury Attack should do the trick for me right now. He charged forward, straight towards Asod, but as he suspected, the Nuzleaf had darted out of the way-- it was only natural to suspect a second Megahorn. However, Tyre swerved as well, for he was able to do so with the attack. He stabbed Asod in the thigh with his horn once, then doubled back and struck him in the chest twice.

After three times, Asod turned around using a makeshift Rapid Spin, cutting Tyre off. Both Pokemon were tired, but both refused to back down. Asod got up and began dashing from tree to tree like a Ninja, and then, suddenly, he disappeared.

However, Tyre was braced for it-- the attack had already been used on him twice. He began spinning his horn, using Horn Drill, and Asod appeared right in front of him. Before the Grass Pokemon could attack, Tyre charged forward a few inches, and the one-hit KO move did its job, and Asod was defeated. The fainted Pokemon lay on the ground-- it was bleeding in several places, though none large enough to cause death, even if untreated. Tyre looked at the Pokemon once more, and continued walking on through the night.

I wish I hadn't given my Sitrus berries away...



"Let's go, guys!" Eterna cried out, impatient as she was. "We've got to get to the Ruins of Alph before the Rebels leave!" She marched defiantly into the woods, without looking back at the other two Pokemon behind her. The sky was a mix of orange and gray-- the sun was only beginning to rise, and Requiem and Samlin were probably barely awake, but she was selfish, and wanted to go now!

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"Your just as stupid as the rest of them" Raine said calmly, starting back into the face of what he viewed as just another sheep, just bigger. "Your doing exactly what I've been saying the entire time. Fly to Violet City, and maybe next time, yell at the person whose disagreeing with the plan rather than the one who came up with it." He stared at the Aerodactyl. "Well, what are you waiting for, the faster you can get some of us there, the better, and next time, don't spit in my face when you talk." Raine was angry, granted he was usually angry, but he felt the need to take it out on someone. He was not treating the rest of the group with respect, for they had yet to earn it from him. They all accused him of starting problems and causing fights simply because many people spoke out against his ideas. While it might be illogical he was beginning to lose what little patience he had, and he was bad enough as it is.

Storm & Vladmir


Storm stood with his mouth open in shock. He had never known an Aerodactyl, especially Vladmir, to take such strong words without retalliating. He seemed to just stare at the Slowpoke, unmoving, and unwilling to give in to his demands after being talked to so rudely. Vlad bared his teeth more, and looked as though he was holding back every ounce of rage to stop from pummeling Raine.

Storm jumped and got inbetween them, "Look, calm down Vlad. Raine's plan was a good one, we should follow it for now, ok?"

Vladmir looked as though he was cooling down. It seemed the only reason he did not attack was because they had nursed him back to health. His glare cooled, and he relaxed his jaws. His teeth slowly retracted themselves back into his gums. He then layed his back flat and spread his wings, waiting for any others who wished to ride.

Storm quickly jumped back on with Jet, scratching the Aerodactyl's back where earlier he had been burned. His skin was no longer charred, and the only sign of the burn was a dark red scar. Storm felt angry, mainly at himself for being unable to do anything during the battle. His anger was swelling, and his colors even seemed to change a bit.

All of a sudden, he glowed a bright white color, and light shown from him. But it was only for a moment, and it left as soon as it came. The light dimmed back down, and Storm remained himself. Somehow though...His anger seemed to have vanished.

Vladmir shouted, "Anyone who needs a ride, get on now!"
WMBQ said:

"Let's go, guys!" Eterna cried out, impatient as she was. "We've got to get to the Ruins of Alph before the Rebels leave!" She marched defiantly into the woods, without looking back at the other two Pokemon behind her. The sky was a mix of orange and gray-- the sun was only beginning to rise, and Requiem and Samlin were probably barely awake, but she was selfish, and wanted to go now!


Such an impatient child.. thought Requiem, he never delt with children, nor did he want to, he was easily annoyed by them. Worse yet, as the sun had just barely began to break over the horizon, a mere hour or two of sleep within days had him completely exhausted. He had never been with so little energy since his younger days when he was abandoned from his tribe.

Even if this child is rather hasty, that is good as we must begin our trek immediatly.. As long as that Cyndaquil Samlin is as motivated as Eterna, we may make favorable progress. Deciding that immediate movement was for the best, Requiem let out a sigh of exhaustion before stepping forward. He gave a small glance over to Samlin, as if beckoning him to start moving onwards.

Requiem jolted forward in a mild paced jog, passing ahead of Eterna after a moment. This was a good movement speed, but perhaps not even half of his maximum for a fast Sneasel like himself. Even as he went to the head of the group, he didn't slow down - he kept his speed the same. Turning his head back during his dash ahead, he called to the other two pokemon.

"We need travel quickly to catch up with the rebels, so keep up with me or be left behind. Make haste!"

Requiem only hoped the others were atleast agile enough to keep up with this slow speed. Even if they were, going faster wasn't much of an option - his stamina would drain insanely quickly with his current state. With this, he began his descent down Route 43.

"You speak well, Kajishi. I have an important task for you as your first mission since leaving us. You will go to Citadark Isle, where our Manic Pokemon are kept, and oversee the completion of our latest project. Wynam will show you how to get there. Wynam?"
The Weaville hurried in and bowed deeply, casting a look of intense dislike toward Kajishi.
"Yes, my Lord?"
"Take Kajishi to Citadark Isle, immediately."
"My Lord..." Wynam paused for a moment, but went on.
"Surely you could send a more... capable Pokemon to oversee this project. Kajishi has barely had five minutes since his return from exile!"
Wynam trembled and fell silent.
"Kajishi is far more capable than you now. I can feel his power... it dwarfs yours considerably, Wynam. Now do as I say! The next time you talk back, you lose an eye!"
"Y-yes, my L-Lord."
Wynam stiffly beckoned for Kajishi to follow him.

Hako watched in awe as Tyre took out the Nuzleaf.
"That was great! He had a type advantage and you still beat him!"
OOC: 2/7

Citadark Isle, where the manics are housed..? Damn, I didn't expect a sweet mission like this that soon, heh! Kajishi thought to himself silently on the mission he was assigned, more than willing to give a smirk of self satisfaction - being in the pressence of Zigaram, he easily resisted however.

"I am truly honored to be blessed with such an important mission, your greatness.. I will complete it hastily and effeciently."

Kajishi still had not risen from his kneeling position, he simply listened to Wynam bicker with Zigaram, on the inside, he was rather amused. The detesting look he had received however, had struck a nerve - Kajishi was not the type to let small things go so easily. Even with his annoyance towards the insolent Weavile, he began to rise from his position and make his way towards Wynam. Before he was to leave however, he slowly turned to Zigaram, he still made no eye contact, however.

"My liege.. I am truly insolent in when I say then, but if I may be blessed with a question for your wisdom.. Requiem the Sneasel, I have not seen him in the Sky Tower. Where might he be stationed now, if I may ask?"

Being locked away from the outside world, he had not known that Requiem had betrayed Zigaram and his rule, Kajishi knew nothing about what had happened over the past year. It was quite apparent he was blind to the situation.
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"Enough arguing. Raine, Vladimir, everyone. Let's just move out for now-- the course we are taking has already been agreed upon." He turned to all of the Pokemon, Raine in particular. "Everyone, we've got to remain a cohesive group. We're never going to get anything done if we're only arguing." He was quiet and grim sounding, and he only hoped he got his point across.

He turned and began marching through the forest. it was slow, cold and monotonous-- the light didn't shine very much through the shield of the tree's canopies, and it acted almost as a rain forest, despite the fact that they were nowhere close to anywhere tropical. The ground was wet and muck-ridden-- every step was squishy and uncomfortable, and he came very close to crushing sleeping Caterpies several times.

"You're not being very intelligent in your course of action, you know. Zigaram will find you, and he will kill you."

Tyre's plates on his back stood up-- a Rhyhorn's equivalent to goosebumps. "What?" he asked. "Who said that?"

"Oh, no one in particular. "I spend my time in the shadows. I'm one of Zigaram's followers. He doesn't even know anything about me as far as I know, as I haven't risen very high in his ranks."

Tyre frantically looked around, but he couldn't find who the Pokemon who had spoken anywhere. "Show yourself!"

"Very well. Faint attack!" Instantly, Tyre was hit upside the jaw by a Nuzleaf's attack. He flinched for a moment, but instantly got his bearings.

"How long have you been following me for?" Tyre asked.

"Ever since you defeated Takei and Sensei. It was impressive that you and your friends defeated a Manic, but you're surely very weak now. And look, I've got a type advantage."

"You barely do..." Tyre retorted. He was well-educated in his youth, despite the neglect he received from his parents, and so he knew quite a lot about many species of Pokemon, especially those that grew up in the area where he did, which was in a semi-rural area to the northeast of Kanto. "You only know one Grass attack by leveling up."

"So, you know about me, eh?" the Nuzleaf replied. "Well, I suppose it's no harm using it on you anyways. Razor Leaf!" The Nuzleaf made a motion as if he was throwing a Frisbee, and incredibly sharp leaves flew like bullets right towards Tyre. Being the slow, inagile Pokemon he was, he was hit with the attack hard in the side. It hurt him quite a lot, but his defense outclassed the Nuzleaf's Attack, and he was able to suck the attack up.

"What's your name, Nuzleaf?" Tyre asked, spitting out the last word as it were a swear. However, without waiting, he began attacking. "I can play the same game that you can, you know. Your four times normal effectiveness with your Razor Leaf... I can counter that. Megahorn!" He charged forwards so fast, the Nuzleaf got hit straight on, nearly causing it to faint from the powerful blow.

"My name is Asod." He spoke no more after that short sentence, as he was growing weak, and didn't want to keep up the energy to comment on the battle. He stared at Tyre for a few seconds, then disappeared. Tyre looked around for a few moments, confused, but he was quickly hit in the side with another Faint Attack.

I had suspected Razor Leaf... Tyre's legs began weakening, and he felt as if they were going to buckle. Regardless, he kept battling on. A Fury Attack should do the trick for me right now. He charged forward, straight towards Asod, but as he suspected, the Nuzleaf had darted out of the way-- it was only natural to suspect a second Megahorn. However, Tyre swerved as well, for he was able to do so with the attack. He stabbed Asod in the thigh with his horn once, then doubled back and struck him in the chest twice.

After three times, Asod turned around using a makeshift Rapid Spin, cutting Tyre off. Both Pokemon were tired, but both refused to back down. Asod got up and began dashing from tree to tree like a Ninja, and then, suddenly, he disappeared.

However, Tyre was braced for it-- the attack had already been used on him twice. He began spinning his horn, using Horn Drill, and Asod appeared right in front of him. Before the Grass Pokemon could attack, Tyre charged forward a few inches, and the one-hit KO move did its job, and Asod was defeated. The fainted Pokemon lay on the ground-- it was bleeding in several places, though none large enough to cause death, even if untreated. Tyre looked at the Pokemon once more, and continued walking on through the night.

I wish I hadn't given my Sitrus berries away...
IC: 1/7

Forma looked at Tyre. Still so rash, he thought, You could've asked for help... He hovered over to Tyre, checking to see if he was okay. He took one big look at him. There were plenty of scrapes and cuts where the Razor Leaves hit, but other than that, he seemed okay.

Forma looked around himself. The sun had completely set now, causing the path to become darker. There were few stars and the moon was cresent shaped. The small trees waved slightly in the wind. The atmosphere gave off a chilling feel, like something odd was about to happen. Forma ignored this thought and continued to follow Tyre.

"Requiem... ah, yes. That traitor betrayed us and left our forces. I have heard little of him since. If you see him, kill him. He had his chance."


"Thank you Tyre", Raine said. "There was no need to get the rest of us involved with such a weak Pokemon. It would just have been a waste of energy." He walked on. "We need to keep moving, one weak Nuzleaf shouldn't slow us down, especially you Tyre, a leader must always appear strong." He spoke the word "leader" with a certain amount of malice. It was not jealousy that fueled this, but resentment that someone who had not proven himself had obtained the title. Now lets keep going, the flying group should make time much quicker, so we can't afford another stop like this.



Samlin rushed to keep up with Requiem, who had recklessly began running, leaving the other two to play catch-up. He turned to Eterna. "Whats his problem, what if we couldn't keep up, requiem would be alone again." Samlin looked at Eterna again, I think we should stay at our own pace. Running recklessly will only make the journey more risky. Lets take our time, and Requiem will take the hint. Samlin was confident in the idea. Plus, neither of us is very old, or knows the terrain, getting lost of left behind is possible. Lets stay together, and take it one step at a time. Quickly, but lets not rush it to quickly.

"Requiem... ah, yes. That traitor betrayed us and left our forces. I have heard little of him since. If you see him, kill him. He had his chance."


As Zigaram spoke of their betrayer, Kajishi seemed to flinch somewhat when the word "betrayed" was spoken. His occulars would slowly narrow as Zigaram finished his sentence, something seemed to be going on inside his mind. Taking one last bow, he deeply leaned forward to pay his respects to Zigaram.

"I cannot thank you enough for answering my question, your greatness.. Farewell."

As he finished speaking, he began to turn towards the chamber's exit, slowly heading his way out. Once his back was turned, an absolutely diabolical grin came across Kajishi's face, only viewable to Wynam at the moment. Such a smile hinted insanity, even.

Heheh.. Hahahahahah!! This is perfect! That idiot left his only protection, Zigaram! It'l come back to haunt him.. I planned to assassinate him if he was still with us and make it look like an accident, but now I'll show no mercy! I'll rip the flesh from his bones and scald the muscle from his body with the flames of revenge!! The more he thought about Requiem's scene of death, the wider his grin became, and the more sinister it began to look.

Revenge is sweet.. if I find that dumbass, he's in for a hell a beating to death. Heheheheheh! I need to get this mission done and start looking for that bastard..

WMBQ said:


Samlin rushed to keep up with Requiem, who had recklessly began running, leaving the other two to play catch-up. He turned to Eterna. "Whats his problem, what if we couldn't keep up, requiem would be alone again." Samlin looked at Eterna again, I think we should stay at our own pace. Running recklessly will only make the journey more risky. Lets take our time, and Requiem will take the hint. Samlin was confident in the idea. Plus, neither of us is very old, or knows the terrain, getting lost of left behind is possible. Lets stay together, and take it one step at a time. Quickly, but lets not rush it to quickly.


Requiem continued to storm forward ahead of the others, occasionally looking back to see if they'd keep up. Rather, he continued to gain on them - he would soon disappear off the horizon. Slowly, his annoyance began to build up as he realised something.

Bah! I should of known, these children weren't tempered in such rough conditions that were presented to me.. Even if they can't go faster, they might have no will to. Urk.. going so slow, especially if they do so purposely.. Blithering idiots. Traveling in a group was never so inefficient until now..

Letting out a grunt of displeasure, Requiem began to slow his dash onwards, eventually his speed deminishing to a stop. No matter how annoyed he was with their crawl of a speed, or atleast compared to his own, he couldn't simply abandon them. Every member added to the rebel group would help, and he knew it well. He silently waited for them to catch up, and that point, he began to move onwards - this time at their own speed.
OOC: Just pointing out that Wynam (Zigaram's Weaville servant) is a side character, and can be controlled by anyone.

Rocky had been digging through the night, his digits ached from all of the clawing and moving of earth. He could no longer hear the Onix, which had either stopped or fallen behind. Either way it could close fast, and Rocky didn't want to be caught standing still.

He poked the top of his head through the wet sand to get a view his surroundings. It rained last night, that Onix is keeping away from the surface to avoid the damp ground. Rocky's head, now being used as a periscope, moved left to right, scanning the desert. At first he saw just sand, the only terrain he had ever known. But a second look revealed a drastic change in environment.

Rocky quickly calculated the distance and continued digging even faster now, knowing he was almost there. A few more minutes went by and an all too familiar rumbling shook the earth around him. Rocky immediately stopped and pushed his head above ground again. He could now clearly see the marshes and he could even smell the vegetation, but a quick look behind him erased his newfound sense of accomplishment.

Like a dolphin skimming the water in the ocean, the Onix moved quickly along the surface. It would jump high into the air, and then plummet deep under ground. Then it would change it's course upwards and build up moment, enough to trudge through the wet sand on top before angling downward again. It was picking up speed, leaping higher and farther with each jump.

Rocky quickly realized he couldn't out run the massive pokemon, and dove headlong into the mushy earth, he dug deep and cut left at a right angle to escape the path of his nemesis. The Onix crashed through the earth where Rocky had previously been, and sensed the change in direction from the Sandshrew. It banked hard left trying to cut Rocky off before he could reach the marshes, now so close.

Rocky turned right, straight into the path of the Onix. He angled down, picking speed and then push down hard with his tail. The move drastically altered his direction, causing Rocky to fly up out of the ground aimed right at the oncoming Onix. He curled up into a ball by using defense curl, his armored skin protecting his body.

The Onix jumped at the seemingly defenseless Sandslash, attempting a skull bash. That is when Rocky sprang into action, his body began to spin faster picking up speed as he yelled, "Rollout!" His body dropped, avoiding the Onix's Skull Bash and aimed right at its underbelly. The move didn't cause much damage, but the Onix's skull bash carried it straight into the soft ground while Rocky kept moving forward, rolling in his tuck position. As he slowed to a stop just on the edge of the marsh, he noticed the marshes weren't very big at all and on the other side of them was a large lake. Rocky couldn't swim.

The statement wasn't entirly true. Rocky had never swam before, but he had heard stories of Sandshrews and Sandslashes swiming in more aqutic envornments. He looked across the lake, attempting to shorten its length with his focused glare. The Sandshrew tried to gage the shortest distance across, before taking a few steps back to farther analyze the situation.

He couldn't go around the lake, marshes streached as far as his eyes could see and the threat of quicksand or posionous pokemon where too risky. His only choice was to swim through the seemingly peaceful waters straight ahead. Rocky began sprinting forward, running on his toes to build up speed before pushing off hard with his short, sturdy legs. He pulled himself into a tuck to farther his leap before plunging into the cold water below.

Rocky's arms and legs kicked hard, tearing and pulling at the water. His head bobbed above the surface, long enough to grab a breath of air before his armored body drug him back under. He continued to fight, his arms flailling, strugling to keep afloat. He couldn't keep this up much longer and decieded to try a different technique. He grabbed another breath of air and kicked hard to the side, letting himself sink. His body slowly glided towards the bottom while moving towards the shore. Upon reaching to lake floor he used to firm footing to lanuch himself towards the surface to suck in fresh air, before gently floating back down.

After a few minutes of this unorthdox method of swiming, Rocky reached his destination. He hosted himself onto the back rubbing the water out of his eyes, hugging the ground, happy it was once again beneath his feet. However Rocky was tired, and hungry. His enconcter with the Onix had starved him for a few days and all of the labor intensive digging also took its toll. In the light from the moon, Rocky saw the outline of a road ahead of him. He looked closer, his eyes adjusting to the dark. Using his excellent night vision he was able to see the outlines of three pokemon. Maybe they can help me.

Rocky stumbled onto the road aproaching the largest of the three and slowly spoke, trying to catch his breath, "Hi...My name is...Rocky. I've been an Onix...and I need" Rocky tried to peice together the endless days of running and hidding from the huge Pokemon. He despritly tried to remember just how many days it had been, but couldn't.


Siesis was able to go and explore the city, and after a few hours he knew the layout like the back of his hand. He was happy for once that he was able to relax though he did practice his Bullet Seed in the woods to make sure he had it down. The Chansey was letting him stay at the center till he wanted to leave, and he was gratful for that. He decided to head up the sprout tower tomorrow.
"This city is nice and I would love to see the view for up there but I better head back to help Chansey with the center." He headed back to help, she said he didn't have to help but he felt since he was staying there that he should help.