The Seagulls Cry.
Tyre's anger suddenly peaked at Raine. You have absolutely no reason to be here, you lazy, rude, little brat. You criticize everything our rebel group does, and you won't even help us out on something we want. You don't deserve to be here in the least. He looked the sleeping Pokemon and lowered his horn, clawed the ground, and nearly charged, but ended up thinking better of it. As much as I hate him, we're still working for the same cause. I mustn't hurt him unless we're in a practice battle.
"Horn Drill!" Tyre charged into a tree and cut it up with his horn. Like Hako did, he made his as flat as possible, trimming it with his spinning horn. He did this several times, until there were about ten long planks around him.
Then, he got stuck. "Does anyone know how to tie these together?" he wondered aloud. Suddenly, it hit him. "We need psychic powers to tie these together!"He turned to Forma instead of Raine, not wanting to bother the ornery Slowpoke. "Could you tie these together using the psychic powers of Psybeam?"
Not anymore... the 7-posts-a-day rule is now officially void.

Forma looked at the river. The current seemed to be moving quickly, almost too fast. If Raine isn't careful, he'd be taken away from the group by the rushing waters. Just then, Forma heard a tree fall. He turned around and saw that Tyre had knocked down a good-sized tree and had cut it into ten pieces. Tyre then looked away from the resting Slowpoke and asked Forma, "Could you tie these together using the psychic powers of Psybeam?"
Forma nodded and turned to the planks. He closed his eyes, and started focusing a Psybeam. His blue, pointy nose had the rainbow aura around again. He opened his eyes quickly and used the Psybeam on the planks. Even though it took a lot of concentration, Forma moved the Psybeam around the planks until it tied them all together. Then, when it did, he let the beam go, as if it were a rope. It stayed on the planks, tying them together.