The Alternate Plot



"Thank you Tyre", Raine said. "There was no need to get the rest of us involved with such a weak Pokemon. It would just have been a waste of energy." He walked on. "We need to keep moving, one weak Nuzleaf shouldn't slow us down, especially you Tyre, a leader must always appear strong." He spoke the word "leader" with a certain amount of malice. It was not jealousy that fueled this, but resentment that someone who had not proven himself had obtained the title. Now lets keep going, the flying group should make time much quicker, so we can't afford another stop like this.



Samlin rushed to keep up with Requiem, who had recklessly began running, leaving the other two to play catch-up. He turned to Eterna. "Whats his problem, what if we couldn't keep up, requiem would be alone again." Samlin looked at Eterna again, I think we should stay at our own pace. Running recklessly will only make the journey more risky. Lets take our time, and Requiem will take the hint. Samlin was confident in the idea. Plus, neither of us is very old, or knows the terrain, getting lost of left behind is possible. Lets stay together, and take it one step at a time. Quickly, but lets not rush it to quickly.

Storm and Vladmir 1/7


Vladmir found no struggle with the weights of the pokemon on his back, standing proudl carrying the boatload of extra pokemon. Giving Tyre and the ground team a good days headstart, Vladmir decided it was time to depart. He thought it more productive to fly straight to Violet City, being an aerial creature it would be no problem to find a shortcut by air.

Vladmir stretched his leathery wings wide, and let the air flow under them. A soothing feeling he had not had in a very long time. The breeze felt great, and he welcomed it. As the wind crashed over his stony skin, his senses heightened and he became all to aware of his surroundings. The air carried with it the smells from whence it came.

Vladmir could smell a group of Pokemon near Ecruteak City, a Grovyle by the smell of it had been there awhile. Then he caught another smell not to far from the direction of the Ruins of Alph. It was definately a group of Pokemon, he could smell the ash in the air. A Cyndaquil. And, from the chill, damp, decaying darkness that accompanied it, best guess would be a Sneasel.

He even caught the stench of the Elekid, Absol, and Salamence that had attacked him previously. He snarled, but thought it best not to pursue his anger...for now. He needed to get stronger first, and thats just what he was planning to do with the Pokemon on his back.

With Vladmir's sinus's active and clear, he was ready to go. He leaned forward, and began running, slowly at first. He then started speeding up as they neared a small, lifeless hill. He kept his wings spread wide, letting the air flow under them and create some upward propulsion. He lowered his head more, streamlining his body to cut through the air with precise grace.

He was running at full speed now, the ground shaking under his rocky steps. He ranStraight up the hill, and right before the edge, he flapped his gigantic wings, shooting them all high into the sky. He continued flapping, building up a momentum, soaring higher and higher up into the clouds. The foamy white cloud air was crisp and cool, and he continued soaring upward at a 45 degree angle.

He shot out of the top of the cloud, and gazed upon the vast blanket of marshmellowy clouds. He smiled at its beauty, and peaked his flight above the clouds. Then, he stopped flapping. His body turned downward and quickly descended. The beauty faded as he shot like a torpedo down into the clouds. He came blazing out the other end, not needing to flap his wings anymore.

He was gliding on the air currents, and he could tell the Pokemon on his back were enjoying his acrobactics. He remained just inside the clouds, for he was somewhat camoflauged against them. He was still able to see all the way to the ground as clear as ever, due to his long hunts at this height and being a bird of prey, he developed excellent ocular sensors.

He peered into the forests, looking towards where his smells were coming from. His eye caught Tyre and the other's scouting through the forest. He decided against revealing his position to them. This way of staying incognito, after all he was being relied on to take these Pokemon to Violet City, and then to the Ruins of Alph.

Suddenly, his nostrils caught the familiar scent of burning ash. He followed his nose with his ocular vision, and zoomed in. Indeed, he did see a Cyndaquil, a Sneasel, and....and Evee. He did not think it too strange that he had not detected her scent, after all, being grouped with such strongly fumed Pokemon, one could easily hide in that pool of stench.

He flew very quietly over the group, deciding against fighting them. He was too tired for battle today. Funny... he thought, I am making alot of decisions today.... "How are you guys holding up back there?" Vladmir asked those on his back.

Storm grumbled and put his face in his fur. It seemed he did not have the best stomach for flying. Vladmir chuckled to himself, but kept mostly quiet, attempting to fly over the group below without attracting any attention.

Ooc: That should make up for the past couple days.

Takai & Kensei

The Manic gently landed in the clearing from before. Takai jumped down and looked around. "Nope, they aren't hiding. They just aren't here, Kensei. What do we do?" Kensei looked around. "Well we can't go back to Master yet. He'd be furious with us. We'll just have to find them." Takai was about to respond when a wounded Nuzleaf dropped from a tree. "My name is Asod. I'm a simple servent of Zigaram please help me." Kensei jumped down and stood next to the Nuzleaf. "Why should we?"

"Because I could lead you to the rebels." Takai gave him an Oran Berry. "That's reason enough for me." Asod greedily ate the berry. A few of his wounds healed in an instant. "I've been tracking these rebels for quite some time. I witnessed your battle against them yesterday and I believe that if you had at least one more warrior, it would have been victory." Kensei kicked Asod in the head, sending him down clutching a bruise. "If you were watching then why didn't you help! You said one more and we would've won, so why did you wait?" Asod considered his words carefully. "Because I am not strong enough. I recieved these wounds from attacvk the Ryhorn. If I cannot defeat one I have a type advantage over then what good am I?"

Takai had to kick Kensei back before a Thunderpunch struck the ground. "Kensei, watch your temper..." Kensei ignored him. "You still could have helped! Run a distraction, or attack from a distance! Anything would have worked! I should kill you now!" Takai stepped between the two. "But you won't. We need his help now and even you wouldn't risk angering Master." At this point Asod felt the need to speak. "I said I've been following them right? Well I overheard them speaking a few times. There headed to the Ruins of Alph. Right now!"

Takai quickly spun around to face him. "Idiot! You just lost your only barginning chip against him!" Asod looked confused, "What?" Takai barely moved away before a Flamethrower engulfed him. The flames ripped Asod apart, leaving only ash where he was. "Having the Manic kill him was a little much, don't you think?" The Salamence had a few flames lingering around his mouth before the wind blew them away. "The Ruins of Alph. We'll head 'em off there. We could possibely trap them inside." He's ignoring me...great. Takai jumped up after Kensei did. The Manic strecthed its wings and took off into the skies. "Now to wait for them at the ruins.

Jet grabbed onto Vladmir's back, excited about the possibility of flying. As they took off, Jet was pushed down into the flying pokemon. He strained to lift his head and look around, but the G force was too strong. After reaching the apex of their climb, Jet was able to open his eyes and scan the sky. They where flying up above the clouds, and Jet found his breathing coming in short unsatisfing gasps. Then the aerodyctal dove.

It was like nothing Jet had every felt before. He let his feet be pulled away from Vlad's body, his eyes were forced shut from the wind and he felt as though his shell was going to be pulled off. Jet experenced the weightless feeling of negative G's and heard the wind houl as they barrled toward the ground.

"How are you guys holding up back there?"

"That was awsome! Do some more dives!" Jet exclaimed.
"How are you guys holding up back there?"

Jet grabbed onto Vladmir's back, excited about the possibility of flying. As they took off, Jet was pushed down into the flying pokemon. He strained to lift his head and look around, but the G force was too strong. After reaching the apex of their climb, Jet was able to open his eyes and scan the sky. They where flying up above the clouds, and Jet found his breathing coming in short unsatisfing gasps. Then the aerodyctal dove.

It was like nothing Jet had every felt before. He let his feet be pulled away from Vlad's body, his eyes were forced shut from the wind and he felt as though his shell was going to be pulled off. Jet experenced the weightless feeling of negative G's and heard the wind houl as they barrled toward the ground.

"How are you guys holding up back there?"

"That was awsome! Do some more dives!" Jet exclaimed.
"How are you guys holding up back there?"

Storm and Vladmir 1/7


Storm was still feeling sick, and at Jet's question, he felt even worse.

Vladmir decided to humor the Squirtle, and he gave instructions. "Ok, but hang on tight!"

Vladmir changed his wing position and they turned sharply straight down, zooming at incredible speeds. He changed again, and they began spiraling down towards a small river. Faster and faster, they resembled a drill as they crashed into the water.

Vlad shifted his weight and they straightened some, heading deeper and deeper into the water. They hit the bottom, and Vladmir used his powerful legs and kicked off, rocketing them back up towards the surface. They shot out of the water like a bullet. Soaring higher and higher once more, he suddenly dived again, into the trees of a nearby forest.

The crisp air was intoxicating, and Vlad loved it. He rose out of the forest spinning like a top, and continued flying just above the tree tops. He heard Storm grumble behind him, and he figured that should be enough for now, after all, he just had his hide cleaned last week.

Vladmir kept a steady course after that, he knew they were nearing Violet City. He'd rather not get his passenger's to airsick before they got there. Vladmir chuckled to himself, "This is turning out to be more fun than I thought..."
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  • #230


Tyre looked at the group and gave Raine his usual look of disapproval-- it was more out of habit at this point, and spoke: "I think we're close to Mahogany-- the woods are thinning out, and I the smell of the forest is beginning to change into that of a town."

It was morning-- around 10:00 AM, and the sun was up, and Tyre, having recovered from his injuries of the previous fight, was in a relatively good mood. Though the plan was to avoid Mahogany, Tyre secretly wished they could go, but he didn't say anything about it-- though he felt that, with enough persuasion, he could convince the others to visit Mahogany, but he decided it wouldn't be good to distance Raine even further from the others.

Regardless, he soon emerged out of the forest, and found himself on a ledge near the foot of Mt. Mortar-- they had successfully bypassed Mahogany, and three rivers went down the mountain, leading straight to Violet, if Tyre's knowledge of Johto geography was correct. Maybe we should build a boat, he thought. That would be a quick way to get there. He planned to mention it to the others, but for the time being, he waited until they arrived.



Eterna slowed down, and instantly went red. "Okay, you guys! I get it! You're faster than me!" she ran after them, and the forest soon opened up onto Route 43-- the grass there was overgrown, and it was evident that it hadn't been walked on for a long while. There were several loud Nincada hiding in the grass, making their incessant noise, and the Morning Sun healed Eterna of any previous wounds. She noted that the attack was being used by nature, and it was healing any nearby Pokemon. After taking note of that, she decided against fighting.

Suddenly, Eterna turned around, and her fur stood up in surprise. An injured Sandshrew came running from the north and confronted her. "Hi...My name is...Rocky. I've been an Onix...and I need"

"What?" Eterna asked, panicking. "An Onix? Oh no..." she began wandering restlessly and worriedly in a radius of a few feet until she called for the leader of their group. "Requiem! Can you come over here, please? There's a Sandshrew and he's hurt and he says there's an Onix and I'm scared!"

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Hako stepped out next to Tyre. He had never seen a place like this before, as Cinnabar Island was so small.
"This is... this is amazing!"

Maxis came out to stand next to the others and was astonished by the beuity of the surrounding area. He was use to seeing mountain ranges not the forest and rivvers below.
"Wow, it's so amazing. Is this something you see all the time Tyre? How far are we from the destination?" Maxis pondered if the river would go to Violet, if it did then a raft would be a good idea since it'll get them there faster.

Samlin looked back, seeing Eterna slightly behind him, but he wanted to try and keep pace with Requiem, and sped up to try and catch him.
"Okay, you guys! I get it! You're faster than me!" He heard Eterna yell from behind. He would slow down in a second, he just wanted to try and catch Requiem, just to show the Sneasel he was capable. He heard another noise from behind. He was going to fat now to turn around, but he tried to quickly turn his head to see what it was. When his head was turned, he ran straight into the branch of a tree. Lying flat on his back Samlin was looking at the sky. The trees which were blocking out most of what he could see of the sky, cast shadows around the area, making it feel safe, protected.
"Requiem! Can you come over here, please? There's a Sandshrew and he's hurt and he says there's an Onix and I'm scared!"
Samlin sat up. It was Eterna's voice. He put his hands on the tree to pull himself up and began to jog towards the noise. As the pain began to die he sped up, running towards Eterna. He was a bit insulted that she had not called for him, but he would not jump to conclusions. He reached Eterna only to find she was with a Sandshrew. It looked pretty beat-up, and was struggling to stand.
"Did you say something about an Onix, Etera? Is it near us?" Samlin asked quickly, but before waiting for an answer, asked another. "Does he need anything, I have a ton of supplies in my pack!" Samlin said, slinging one of his two packs off of his back, waiting for Eterna to tell him what was going on, and waiting for Requiem to show up. "I hope Requiem heard you, but you were pretty loud, I'm sure he'll be here."

Tyre looked at the group and gave Raine his usual look of disapproval-- it was more out of habit at this point, and spoke: "I think we're close to Mahogany-- the woods are thinning out, and I the smell of the forest is beginning to change into that of a town."

It was morning-- around 10:00 AM, and the sun was up, and Tyre, having recovered from his injuries of the previous fight, was in a relatively good mood. Though the plan was to avoid Mahogany, Tyre secretly wished they could go, but he didn't say anything about it-- though he felt that, with enough persuasion, he could convince the others to visit Mahogany, but he decided it wouldn't be good to distance Raine even further from the others.

Regardless, he soon emerged out of the forest, and found himself on a ledge near the foot of Mt. Mortar-- they had successfully bypassed Mahogany, and three rivers went down the mountain, leading straight to Violet, if Tyre's knowledge of Johto geography was correct. Maybe we should build a boat, he thought. That would be a quick way to get there. He planned to mention it to the others, but for the time being, he waited until they arrived.
IC: 1/7


Forma glanced at Tyre, who had seemed to thought of something. He noticed that he was staring at the rives that lead down the mountain. The rivers themselves were paths that all lead directly into Violet City. Forma thought to himself for a moment, and turned to Tyre. "Do you have a plan on where we go from here?" he asked him.

Samlin looked back, seeing Eterna slightly behind him, but he wanted to try and keep pace with Requiem, and sped up to try and catch him.
"Okay, you guys! I get it! You're faster than me!" He heard Eterna yell from behind. He would slow down in a second, he just wanted to try and catch Requiem, just to show the Sneasel he was capable. He heard another noise from behind. He was going to fat now to turn around, but he tried to quickly turn his head to see what it was. When his head was turned, he ran straight into the branch of a tree. Lying flat on his back Samlin was looking at the sky. The trees which were blocking out most of what he could see of the sky, cast shadows around the area, making it feel safe, protected.
"Requiem! Can you come over here, please? There's a Sandshrew and he's hurt and he says there's an Onix and I'm scared!"
Samlin sat up. It was Eterna's voice. He put his hands on the tree to pull himself up and began to jog towards the noise. As the pain began to die he sped up, running towards Eterna. He was a bit insulted that she had not called for him, but he would not jump to conclusions. He reached Eterna only to find she was with a Sandshrew. It looked pretty beat-up, and was struggling to stand.
"Did you say something about an Onix, Etera? Is it near us?" Samlin asked quickly, but before waiting for an answer, asked another. "Does he need anything, I have a ton of supplies in my pack!" Samlin said, slinging one of his two packs off of his back, waiting for Eterna to tell him what was going on, and waiting for Requiem to show up. "I hope Requiem heard you, but you were pretty loud, I'm sure he'll be here."


Requiem continued to move onwards at his usual fast pace, even if he moved rather slowly when compared to his usual travel speed. He still wanted to move as quick as the others would allow him, after all.

"Okay, you guys! I get it! You're faster than me!"

Requiem's ears would catch Erenga's voice and he quickly deduced from what she said, that she was falling behind. The volume of her voice also gave clues that she had slowed to a crawl, or even stopped completely. The forest was dense and he didn't want to look away from his threshold of a passageway through the greenery, so he instead let out a yell, loud enough to be heard.

"Don't be so slothful child, speed up or be left behind! It appears Samlin can keep up, and you should be able to as well!"

Rather than garnering a response, he heard a loud noise, as if something hard impacted a tree. He heard a thump to the ground as well, and became rather confused by the noise. ..Hmm? What was that noise.. Ugh, don't tell me Samlin tripped and ran into something.. Bah! A bunch of slow annoyances these two are...

Requiem quickly strutted a single leg outwards, allowing himself to pivot backwards with a sharp spin. This threw his momentum into the ground, and allowed him to sharply stop. He noticed Samlin was flopped over on the ground a few yards back. He just stared blankly for a second, until he drew his claws to his face. He shook his head back and forth, as if disappointed. First Erenga couldn't keep up, now Samlin had fallen over for whatever reasons.

"Requiem! Can you come over here, please? There's a Sandshrew and he's hurt and he says there's an Onix and I'm scared!"

Requiem heard Erenga speak again, this time he took more notice on what she had said. ..An injured Sandshrew? Urgh, what a waste of time, I couldn't care less! I wouldn't doubt that these blithering fools won't continue on without helping it.. Humph. If I had simply retreated when Samlin came into the camp I could of avoided all this trouble... Ugh, no use complaining about it now.

Requiem noticed Samlin recover to his feet and walk back towards Erenga, so he decided to follow. Even with an injured pokemon in their hands, he didn't feel too compelled or rushed. He had already saved Samlin, and didn't feel like wasting another entire day saving another.

Eventually Erenga and the battered Sandshrew came into sight, and he saw how beaten it was. He casually walked into the scene as Samlin and Erenga spoke to eachother.

"Yes, I heard. Samlin, if you have healing supplies to spare, let's help this Sandshrew and get moving already.. We've no time to waste, I'm sure you havn't forgotten."

Requiem spoke rather emotionlessly about the possibly dire situation, it seemed he didn't care very much. This time around, he simply had no sympathy to spare. He didn't even bother to search his own backpack for items to help the Sandshrew, he thought Samlin would take care of it himself.

Meanwhile ... ... ...



The corridors of Zigaram's throne room slowly creeked open once more, Wynam gesturing for Kajishi to follow. And ofcourse, Kajishi followed the Weavile through the corridors and out of the throne room. As the exit had closed once more, Kajishi's occulars became very fixated on Wynam. He slowly approached him.

"You know, Wynam.. I once knew a Sneasel. The bastard was very strong and brave.."

Considering Wynam didn't care for Kajishi in any way, he just ignored him, and gave no response. He continued walking on ahead, he didn't notice Kajishi was directly behind him now.

Kajishi had suddenly slipped infront of Wynam, using both hands to grab the Weavile by the chest. Wynam let out a yell of both fear and suprisement immediatly. Kajishi rammed Wynam to a wall, glaring at him fiercely, eye to eye. Narrowing his occulars, an intense anger seemed to gleam from them. Wynam was already sweating bullets, shaking with fear.

"-- And that Sneasel has ten times the guts you do, weakling! And your his evolved form, do you know how putridly pathetic you are, maggot?!? Since nobody's around, I should roast you right here and now, I'll leave nothing but some charcoal and ASH!"

Wynam was literally paralyzed with fear at this point, he had nothing to say - and didn't want to say anything. He simply shook uncontrollably, the only person who should act this brazen would be Zigaram himself.

"If Zigaram wouldn't punish me, you'd be as good as dead! A little spit of black dust in this cruel world, got it?!"

As Kajishi finished speaking, he simply threw Wynam skidding across the wall, and landing head first into the ground. This sent him into a slight roll, although it barely injured him.

"You start **** like this, and I'll hate you even more. Keep those lowly glares to yourself, **** ****er. That, and grow a damn pair, will ya? Then one day I'll have to pleasure of ripping them off... Now show me to the transportation."

Wynam was still in shock from Kajishi's fiercesome assault, even if it was almost all verbal. He simply stared at the Monferno, as if he was surrounded by a steel frame and couldn't move.

"I SAID ****ING MOVE IT!", Kajishi exclaimed. Drawing his fist into the air, it began burning fiercely with brilliant flames - he was preparing the move fire punch if Wynam didn't do as he said.

"Ahhh! N-n-no stop, f-follow me!"

Wynam was still in shock, but he managed to loosely garner a response and hastily rose to his feet. He ran ahead, leading Kajishi outside the Sky Tower.

"Much better.. coward."

Even with Wynam still shaking fiercely, they eventually reached the edge of the sky tower. Awaiting them was a Dragonite, eyes glowing asunder with a red gleam. The Dragonite seemed to be waiting, specifically for them.

"Y-y-your transportation, K-Kajishi..!"

"Heheh, sweet. Talk about riding in style, a speedy Dragonite to get to citadark."

Kajishi hastily ran up to the Dragonite, nudging it's closest thigh to signal it to lower itself. The Dragonite did as predicted and leaned forward, allowing Kajishi to jump on it's back. The Dragonite immediatly rose up, and Kajishi held on tight.

"Remember my little Weavile friend, tell Zigaram and I'll kill ya before I'm the one killed. I'll take you down with me, pal! Seeya later."

Wynam flinched at the thought, he knew he'd be slaughtered by Kajishi nowadays. Kajishi now patted the Dragonite roughly on it's back, signaling it to take off. The Dragonite immediatly bellowed out a cry before dashing forward, running towards the edge of the sky tower. With a mighty jump it careened off, spreading it's small and unorthadox wings for flight.

It went into a speeding nose dive downwards, nearing the lowest entrance of the sky tower. Before impacting the terra firma below, it sharply pulled up and out of the nose dive, throwing all it's momentum into a sharp jet forward. Blasting off into the blue, the Dragonite quickly vanished into the horizon.

Wynam let out a sigh of half relief, half stress. He returned to the sky tower and do whatever business was next. He was still slightly shaking from his encounter with Kajishi, however.

Ooc: I'm back! :D ..But still relatively sick. -.-; Sorry if my post quality is good in one area, but deters in the other. Either way, biggest two-character post yet.. Not too hard to top if you've got two characters, though.
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  • #236


As Maxis and Hako surrounded him, Tyre decided to unveil his new plan, but not after a moment of tranquility. Tyre loved meditating, even though he was unable to use the technique in battle due to his lack of psychic powers.

After a few moments of silence, Tyre turned to his comrades and announced his plan. "These rivers lead straight to Violet City," he said, "so we should probably make a raft. The current will carry us there, and we shouldn't receive much enemy Pokemon interference." He paused to let the information sink in.

"When in Violet City, we should be very careful, as fit is for the most part a poor community, and there are many bad Pokemon... they deal drugs like Revives very commonly to non-fainted Pokemon, as it gives off a good feeling when taken, even if the Pokemon doesn't need it. If the drug is unnecessary, it's very unhealthy and addictive, and can cause violence. So all I'm saying is, be careful. Also, there are quite a few Zigaram followers there, so be careful."

He realized he had gotten off topic, so he shifted the topic back to what was at hand, albeit awkwardly: "So, should we start building the raft now? Any objections to the idea?"



"I think sounds acceptable" Raine said. "But I think I'd rather just swim alongside the raft, I need some time alone, for this group of children has been weighing on me." He sighed. "Now, because I'm not using the raft, I won't have to help build it, but we have to get moving, so you all better hurry up, I don't want to wait forever." With that, Raine lay down on a pile of leaves, his head on an eroded rock, and fell asleep, breathing heavily as if the walking had taken the life out of him.
Hako looked at Raine disapprovingly.
What's his problem?
Quickly turning his thoughts to the raft, Hako charged the nearest tree.
"Metal Claw!"
The tree fell to the ground, and Hako went about flattening it with some more Metal Claws. Within a minute, the tree had become a long flat board.
"Requiem! Can you come over here, please? There's a Sandshrew and he's hurt and he says there's an Onix and I'm scared!"
Samlin sat up. It was Eterna's voice. He put his hands on the tree to pull himself up and began to jog towards the noise. As the pain began to die he sped up, running towards Eterna. He was a bit insulted that she had not called for him, but he would not jump to conclusions. He reached Eterna only to find she was with a Sandshrew. It looked pretty beat-up, and was struggling to stand.
"Did you say something about an Onix, Etera? Is it near us?" Samlin asked quickly, but before waiting for an answer, asked another. "Does he need anything, I have a ton of supplies in my pack!" Samlin said, slinging one of his two packs off of his back, waiting for Eterna to tell him what was going on, and waiting for Requiem to show up. "I hope Requiem heard you, but you were pretty loud, I'm sure he'll be here."
Requiem heard Erenga speak again, this time he took more notice on what she had said. ..An injured Sandshrew? Urgh, what a waste of time, I couldn't care less! I wouldn't doubt that these blithering fools won't continue on without helping it.. Humph. If I had simply retreated when Samlin came into the camp I could of avoided all this trouble... Ugh, no use complaining about it now.

Requiem noticed Samlin recover to his feet and walk back towards Erenga, so he decided to follow. Even with an injured pokemon in their hands, he didn't feel too compelled or rushed. He had already saved Samlin, and didn't feel like wasting another entire day saving another.

Eventually Erenga and the battered Sandshrew came into sight, and he saw how beaten it was. He casually walked into the scene as Samlin and Erenga spoke to eachother.

"Yes, I heard. Samlin, if you have healing supplies to spare, let's help this Sandshrew and get moving already.. We've no time to waste, I'm sure you havn't forgotten."

Requiem spoke rather emotionlessly about the possibly dire situation, it seemed he didn't care very much. This time around, he simply had no sympathy to spare. He didn't even bother to search his own backpack for items to help the Sandshrew, he thought Samlin would take care of it


Rocky slowly rose to his feet. His bleary vision slowly returned to normal, and he tried to make sense of his suroundings. Next to him was an Eevee. She looked scared at his mentioning of the Onix which told him she was a bit naive and unexperenced. Next a Cyndiquil approached from his right. It too looked younger, but based on its questions he seemed more responsable and possibly the leader of the group.

Finally a Sneasel approached. It looked much older and battle hardened, it was definatly a wild pokemon, and a Sneasel suriviving in the wild had to be an expert in the field. However its speech was quick, and cold. He seemed to be in a hurry and based off of his orders Rocky now knew they had somewhere to go, quickly.

First Rocky answered the questions of his first responders, "Did you say something about an Onix, Etera? Is it near us?" Samlin asked quickly, but before waiting for an answer, asked another. "Does he need anything, I have a ton of supplies in my pack!"

"No we're safe--I lost him crossing over the lake over there." He looked over to the Eevee, hoping to reasure her they weren't in danger. He then turned to the Cyndiquil, "I'm good, I just need a lil' water."

Rocky hoped the Cyndiquil would have some, as he hadn't drank anything in weeks. Sandshrews were tough animals, who could survive situations many other pokemon couldn't. Although he looked battered, Rocky was still a few days hard march from exhustion. He became curoious hearing the Sneasel speak, "I saw a camp back their, it looked they left in a hurra. Was that urs? Where are you all headed?" Rocky tried his best to hide his drawl, as many mistook it for unintellegence and he didn't want these new pokemon to get the wrong impression.
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  • #240


Tyre's anger suddenly peaked at Raine. You have absolutely no reason to be here, you lazy, rude, little brat. You criticize everything our rebel group does, and you won't even help us out on something we want. You don't deserve to be here in the least. He looked the sleeping Pokemon and lowered his horn, clawed the ground, and nearly charged, but ended up thinking better of it. As much as I hate him, we're still working for the same cause. I mustn't hurt him unless we're in a practice battle.

"Horn Drill!" Tyre charged into a tree and cut it up with his horn. Like Hako did, he made his as flat as possible, trimming it with his spinning horn. He did this several times, until there were about ten long planks around him.

Then, he got stuck. "Does anyone know how to tie these together?" he wondered aloud. Suddenly, it hit him. "We need psychic powers to tie these together!"He turned to Forma instead of Raine, not wanting to bother the ornery Slowpoke. "Could you tie these together using the psychic powers of Psybeam?"

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